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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I don't know if it qualifies for discussion here, but I just read this story about two girls who were inspired by a figure named Slender Man to stab their friend 19 times. Slender Man is a fictional creation, but these girls claim they were on their way to meet him. The article refers to him as a 'phantom' and a 'boogeyman', and I wonder if the fact he's an online construct draws parallels with things like Spring-Heeled Jack or other characters who took on a life of their own in the real world. Is this the modern equivalent of that kind of paranormal mythmaking?

I read that they're being tried as adults, which is pretty crazy in my opinion.

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The Marble Hornets boys were heavily involved in the latest Blue Isle game of Slender (The arrival). The writing was handed over to them and I think they did a good job, just a shame the game was so short but there's more coming soon.


I love Slender. The first time I played it I became addicted, and Dyllan caught me playing it once. Was he scared? Nope, just burst out laughing behind me making me jump 6ft in the air. Then he started playing it and for a 3 year old he amazed my friends, his pages record stands at 6 for the original game and 4 for The Arrival. I was hesitant to let him play at the start obviously, but seeing how much enjoyment he got from it (he never made it anywhere near the gory bit in The Arrival) I couldn't keep it from him. He loves Slender so much, he has requested many times to go as Slenderman to fancy dress parties, something that now after this story I think is a really really bad idea :/


I didn't want to believe this story when it first surfaced. If you know the word creppypasta, you know what it is right? I thought it sounded like perfect viral marketing for a new patch or something :(


ETA: The

with them scare the shit out of me. People actually think it's real.


Edited by Kookoocachu
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Slenderman was created on the somethingawful forums in a thread where they tried to create a paranormal entity that people would eventually believe to be true. Looks like after about 5 years, they finally got their wish. There's nothing Fortean about it or it's origins, it's simply an internet meme that's finally been taken too seriously.


It was in that thread (which I think you can still view, it's archived somewhere) a few days after the first Slenderman picture was made that the MarbleHornets chaps posted a link to their first video, from there, everyone jumped on the ARG bandwagon.


Slenderman was cool for about a year when Marble Hornets and EverymanHybrid were starting out as ARGs. But it soon descended into a horrible mess of amateurs making shit youtube series thinking they were on the cutting edge of media. MarbleHornets remarkably is still going (up to Entry 85 now) and is such a confused boring mess of a series that I can't be bothered to find out how it all ends.


The knowyourmeme page on Slenderman lays out the origins pretty well if you're interested at all.




Also, here's an interview from 2011 with the guy who created the first few images of Slenderman in that somethingawful thread




As far as I know, he's still trying to claim copyright on Slenderman.

Edited by Chilly McFreeze
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Victor was also involved in The Arrival. I'm wondering if this is giving Slendy enough airtime for someone from Hollywood to rub their hands together. There's a lot of fan films about, we've thrown the idea around for a while but our idea ended up being the huge plot twist in The Arrival :angry:

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There is a Marble Hornets film in the works as far as I know, but that isn't officially Slenderman as they call him The Operator and claim their own copyright on their version of him. (To be fair, they created most of the tropes that surround Slenderman as they were first to the post in the ARG world with him, including the concept of 'proxies' that those girls claimed to want to be.)


Kook - have you ever done your own Slenderman series/blog then? I lurk on the unfiction forums occasionally to stay up to date with Marble Hornets and a couple of others.

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Kook - have you ever done your own Slenderman series/blog then? I lurk on the unfiction forums occasionally to stay up to date with Marble Hornets and a couple of others.


(not me in the trailer) But most of the time
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What do you do on the project?

We all chip in with everything really. From the "writing" to filming, acting and generally wetting myself with laughter. There's 5 of us who started this in high school but then we all grew up (mostly) and we wouldn't do it much, then Nick and Joe came up with Bushmaster Pictures and that was where it all started. The night long filming in the most ridiculous locations during storms, swallowing so much fake blood I was sick everywhere, practically living in the army surplus, all our spare cash going on props etc, and we love it.

The height of randomness must've peaked last night. 4 of us at my house painting yorkshire puddings blue at 1am. Oh and a Rolf Harris mask. It will all make sense soon.

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The height of randomness must've peaked last night. 4 of us at my house painting yorkshire puddings blue at 1am. Oh and a Rolf Harris mask. It will all make sense soon.


Proper random.


I had a lot of spare time on my hands between emigrating and getting a job, and spent most of it fucking around online. Get very into /x/, and creepypasta, and Slenderman. That ship has sailed, though - I was having a discussion with a mate just yesterday about how people confuse creepypasta with something wildly groundbreaking, when it's really just an expansion of the medium being the message. Shit stories written online aren't any different from shit stories on paper, and shit videos online (which Marble Hornet gradually descended into) are no better than shit films about that subject. In fact, given the lack of cost restrictions, and time restrictions, they're much worse. Slenderman stepped over a big shark with his lanky legs a long time ago, and I think it's time to give him his $20 and send him on his way.

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I do like Marble Hornets but it drags and could've been so much more.


At the risk of spoiling The Arrival, our idea was that SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the main character ends up turning out to be Slenderman.



We'd still like to do it but it would have to be a pretty amazing idea to warrant it. After this one's finished (final scenes taking ages but we've finally found a caravan to set fire to) a freaky one is on the cards. We just don't know what yet :/


And yes last night was odd. For yet another unrelated project Joe had the idea for 2 days ago.

Edited by Kookoocachu
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