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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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This sounds great. Must remember to give it a watch.




Edit: obviously, a lot of what he says is crap, particularly the 9/11 stuff. It's a pity that conspiracy theorists get so het up on 9/11, as it's one of the weakest theories to support.

Edited by Loki
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The big difference for me with Ventura is when asked what really happened, he says "I don't know, that's why I'm asking" instead of some cherry picked cock and bull yarn.


EDIT - they duplicated my post, as well as my DNA and fingerprints, probably.

Edited by Keith Houchen
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Yeah I watched this last night & found it to be really interesting. My natural tendency is to be highly cynical towards anything like this but as David rightly pointed out, Ventura has actually been inside the US Government which instantly gives him far more credibility than your average 'tin foiler'.

With regards to the 9/11 stuff, this is always the bit that I have the biggest problem with yet given the events that followed & the people who profited the most from the invasion & subsequent rebuilding of Iraq it's hard to ignore the fact that a lot of people very close to those in positions of power surrounding it did very well out of it (The Carlisle Group, Bucky Bush etc). As far as controlled explosions etc are concerned, who knows?

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obviously, a lot of what he says is crap, particularly the 9/11 stuff. It's a pity that conspiracy theorists get so het up on 9/11, as it's one of the weakest theories to support.

I may have taken him wrong on this, but isn't his theory on 9/11 more to do with the US Government having the intelligence that shit was about to go down, and basically turn their heads the other way because they knew it would benefit them in the long run as far as Iraq & Afghanistan went? I'm sure I've heard him question the ways the buildings went down as well though, so I'll need to look into his opinion on that a bit more.


The big difference for me with Ventura is when asked what really happened, he says "I don't know, that's why I'm asking" instead of some cherry picked cock and bull yarn.

The FOX News guys storming off the set when he realised that Ventura wasn't going to get flustered by his typical patriotic American drivel was fantastic. As you say, he was simply asking the question, and making the valid point that the US Government have form when it comes to creating or manipulating situations in their favour in the past.


I'm listening right now, Ventura is fantastic. Hugely well read, a great orator, opinionated without being obnoxious, can back up his arguments and deal with counter arguments intelligently.

It also doesn't hurt that he always has that air about him of someone who could leap over the desk, break your neck 80's action movie style and escape the building through the air conditioning system before the police even knew what the fuck was going on.

Edited by David
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I'm seriously thinking about getting Jesse's book and I usually don't read that kind of thing but to be honest DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government! is an astonishingly awful name.

He chose that name because the media, during elections, refer to states in the US as being either red or blue, which is the colour of the gangs in question. It's still a bad name right enough.

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Here's another 40 min Ventura/Piers Morgan interview from 2011;



Haven't watched it yet but should be worth a look. Even if you disagree with some of his points, he's really great to listen to. Since clicking the link David posted I've watched a few Ventura interviews in the related videos from various US news shows. I saw the one with the guy storming off and some stuff on the CIA. I take some of it with a pinch of salt but he does argue his case well. And like others have said, he does at least admit when he doesn't know something and admits he doesn't believe every conspiracy theory but thinks it's right that questions are at least asked. Which is no bad thing in my book.


Check out his marvelous beard on this interview;

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Although it has nothing to do with the illuminati in the sense that Icke & Alex Jones talk about them,

documentary offers alternative reasons as to why the invasions of Libya & Iraq actually took place, and why the murder of the leaders of both countries had to happen.


The reason given isn't anything too crazy (and certainly not as crazy as protecting people and ensuring freedom for all). Baically, it came down to money, and the fact that both guys were looking at burying the dollar.


Worth a watch if you have some spare time.

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What was Jesse's conspiracy TV show like?

Hokey garbage. His 'team of researchers' included June Sarpong. The one from T4.


Jesse growling out the line "investigative journalist, June Sarpong" in the first episode had me laughing heartily. It's a bloody useless program, typical of the sort of tripe you used to get on Bravo years ago.

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