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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. One thing that I’ve learned in this is that Hot Milk is one of the shitest names for a band I’ve ever heard. If you like them that’s great and all, but that definitely fails the Stephen Merchant (?) “Ladies & Gentleman please welcome to the stage...” test

  2. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    The most note worthy thing was Toni Storm reappearing. After vanishing for weeks, this is what she comes back with. “Wild Child of the 80s.” Even by their standards of crap, one-note characters, and Michael Cole’s standard for wooden, lifeless delivery, him describing Toni on this show needs to be heard to be believed.

    “The wild child of the eighties…when she was growing up her mum would listen to eighties music…and…Toni…liked it.”


    Is that really what they said? That makes no fucking sense. So if I listen to shitloads of Glenn Miller Orchestra does that make me a wild child of the 40s despite being born in the mid 80s

  3. 14 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    This is AEW though, we don’t get pointless rematches every week, Miro battered Fuego recently, why should he get a shot at the TNT title after the previous match? He’s low in the rankings too.


    If we’re going to ask that we might as well ask why he got a shot to begin with considering that his only win to that point was a tag match with he & Marko Stunt beating Baron Black & Ryzin (whoever they are). But as @LaGooshmentioned, they’ve gone more with an Open Challenge approach with the belt. Warhorse got a shot when Cody was Champion and he’d never wrestled in AEW (and I don’t think he did again afterwards)

    It’s a short term storyline to keep Miro on TV until his next feud comes along, nothing more.

  4. An OK episode this week, the tag team opener definitely being the highlight.

    Doing the “challenger holds the title high” 2 segments in a row is pretty sloppy though, and the Britt/Soho segment showed that they still need to do a lot building with Soho as they had to resort to (not directly) referencing WWE and “banging guys in the back”.

    The Anna Jay/Bunny match must’ve been pretty bad to have an ad break inserted and not get Picture in Picture 

    Still excited for next week though, and making Mox & Kingston v Suzuki-gun a Lights Out Match is a good call, that’s going to be mad

  5. They must have something in mind for Hangman at Full Gear. The weeks TV after the PPV is in Virginia and you’ve got to think that’s with having something big for him planned

    Has there been anything about where Full Gear is being held yet?

  6. 25 minutes ago, chokeout said:

    Totally off topic and the polar opposite of this discussion but Nolan seems to have lost his mind with his demands for his next film. Having people call him out for Tenant being so meh seems to have broken him. 

    Such as?

  7. What do we reckon to AEW ending up on Sky Sports whenever their deal with ITV is up?

    Im not meaning that in it being some kind of return to the glory days of the WWF Attitude Era or anything like that, it’s just something I got to thinking about when they showed that collage of headlines when Punk returned, Sky Sports being one of them included.

    Clearly Sky let the WWE deal expire due to a prolonged decline in viewing figures, but if AEW continue to make strides could it be something that Sky could reconsider? For all its faults, WWE leaving left a huge hole for Sky to fill.

    And let’s face it, it’s not like ITV have done a great job with AEW (they don’t deserve wrestling as we all know). I would wager that the vast majority of us on here watch via FITE or through torrents. Would anyone know it was on ITV4 without accidentally stumbling across that channel on the EPG

  8. Omega/Bryan being a non-title match doesn’t damage it one bit, which an argument I’ve seen a few people having “elsewhere”. 
    It doesn’t matter if Bryan made the challenge or not, you can’t make a song and dance against Wins & Loses mattering, Ranking Systems and Eliminator Tournaments just to have someone waltz in and say “I challenge you to a title match” for their first match. If Bryan did that then everyone would be able to, it completely undermines everything they’ve been doing the last 2 years.

    Instead, you’ve got a logical story of Bryan wins the challenge match, then works his way up through the rankings to earn a title match down the line, be it against Omega or not. If they’ve switched the belt in that time it gives Bryan a fresh match/feud, if not then you’ve got the built-in story “I’ve beaten you once, I can beat you again”.

  9. 21 hours ago, dopper said:

    I saw John Bishop last night at my local venue.

    He started by saying he doesn't usually have a support act, but due to Comedians losing so much work due to COVD lockdowns he wanted to give a couple of young talents a break by bringing them along with him.


    After they both did their 15 minute sets (Mat Reed who was ok and Scott Bennett who was fantastic) Bishop came out after the interval and it quickly became apparent he only had about 20 minutes of material which he stretched out for an hour.

    "Giving these lads a break" was seemingly an excuse for not being ready for this tour.


    It was worth going as I am now aware of Scott Bennett, but Bishop doing a story about being in the Liverpool FC directors box and listing every ex-player who was in the room felt like it lasted an eternity. "Ronnie Whelan and his wife were there... err... Phil Thompson was there .... and his wife ..."



    Did he at least talk about crashing his car to avoid, as it was described at the time, a big chicken?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Vamp said:

    And don't get me started on those fuckers who start chanting "this is awesome" five minutes into a fucking set. 

    I won’t because I don’t believe that that’s ever happened outside of wrestling


       5 minutes ago,  Vamp said: 

    What kinda loser wears a t-shirt of something they like? 

    Most people?

  11. Tall people shouldn’t be made to feel they have to move, that’s out of order.

    People that get on someone’s shoulders though, that’s a different thing entirely and they deserve everything that gets thrown at them

  12. Great show top to bottom, although I could’ve done without CM Punk on commentary for the first half of the show. He didn’t add anything and could’ve easily just come for his angle.

    Even Shawn Spears didn’t drag the show down, and he looks much better for having dropped some size recently. He’s still bigger than he was in WWE, but he was comically inflated last year.

    Those cards for next weeks shows are incredible though. Good luck topping that with NXT Art Attack

  13. I went to see Status Quo a few years back when they were doing an acoustic tour, think it might have been the final tour they did before Rick Parfitt died.

    We were sat towards the back so could see more or less the whole audience. An all seater show but that didn’t stop this pocket of people towards the front right of the stage wanting to get up after the first few minutes. One guy was having a great time and constantly turning round telling everyone to get up and gesticulating with his arms. That’s one thing but doing the same to the guy in a wheelchair and telling him to get up is a big no-no

  14. How has WM36 got a block on there? There was no one fucking there

    Or are they counting that as tickets sold for Raymond James Stadium before the show was moved to the PC?

  15. 7 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I'm not a karaoke singer I'm actually in a band have been for the past 12 months mate and the last solo show I did do 3 weeks ago was a sold out show which was around 170 people mate so while you might get a quick giggle or high fives off people on this forum I know I'm doing very fucking well with my career and every bit of time/passion/energy I do put in pays off and gets me recognized and noticed by the right people in my industry. 

    So you make your snide little comments and think your hilarious but please try to get your facts straight when you do try

    This isn’t the first time you’ve bitten at this. If you want to make it in the music business in this day & age, and best of luck to you in that, you’re going to have get used to people making comments and no sell the negative ones. You can’t take every bit of negative criticism/banter/joke or whatever to heart. If you think that was some kind of personal attack then you’re in for a bit of a shock

  16. 6 hours ago, SuperBacon said:


    @WyattSheepMask I've never seen Metallica live (or at least that I remember) but I remember one year at Reading my mate Rich coming back to the tents in tears at how bad he sounded. I on the other hand had just seen The Music instead, who were superb.

    Ah, 2003 when they were headlining Leeds/Reading just after St Anger had come out. I don’t remember anything of Metallica’s performance (they headlined again in 2008 which I remember much more) but like you can say that The Music were fucking great, such an underrated group. 


    I might be misremembering that actually as being the 2008 festival as The Music had just released Strength In Numbers beforehand.

  17. 14 hours ago, sukhy said:

    I wonder how WWE PPVs would do now if they were actually on PPV, rather than the network. 

    Based on absolutely nothing and excluding Wrestlemania as that always bloated the figures due to doing the best number most years, if AEW can do 200K when they’re averaging between 800k-1million viewers, I would imagine that WWE would probably equal that or maybe be slightly above that when they’re averaging around double into total viewership (not going to get into the demo talk)

  18. It’s not about “haters gonna hate”, people pay their money to see a band play.

    Paul Stanley can’t sing for shit any more, but whenever KISS play he gives it all and the other members of the band cover for him because that’s what a professional band does. And yes I’m aware of the irony of using KISS as an example when their live albums are over-dubbed to the point of parody.

    Better example - James Hetfield has sounded like shit for years now, but he isn’t using recordings of himself to plaster over the cracks, you hear it in all its cringeworthy glory because people have paid to see Metallica play, so that’s what they do

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