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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 16 minutes ago, TheSurgeon said:

    I like the Rob Zombie Halloween films, and from the reviews that I've read, it's generally the second that is favoured.

    The first one opened with Young Michael listening to ‘God of Thunder’, and all I wanted from then on was a ‘KISS Meets Michael Myers’ Scooby Doo style caper, which would’ve been infinitely better than either film.

  2. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Absolute hack. 

    That’s putting it generously. The second one is particularly awful, made only tolerable by Malcolm McDowell hamming it up for the pay day.

    I’m surprised that Rob’s wife hasn’t tried to convince him to just go Director full-time seen as it seems to be the only work she can get

  3. Isn’t it just down to being recognised titles and brands? 

    Speaking of Halloween, we continued working our way through them ahead of Halloween Kills by getting the two Rob Zombie movies out of the way.

    The first one was the better of the two, closer to being a straight up remake but with additional origin story nonsense, but Christ almighty that second one was fucking horrendous even by Zombie’s low standards. 
    “Myers has this iconic, instantly recognisable look to him. So how about, right, get this...he spends 90% of his screen time wearing a big biker jacket & hoodie with his hood up”

    Ten down, one to go. I did see Halloween (2018) at the time and seem to remember enjoying it, so that’s at least a minor bonus.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    I'm so disappointed that isn't a porn parody. 

    When I was a Christmas temp at HMV, a colleague ordered a copy for a customer (this was back before they were flooded with copies ready for the Christmas period). The customer wasn’t happy when their order arrived. Same title, very different movie. Catalogue-Numbers were checked and checked again after that

  5. We’ve been working our way through the Halloween franchise ahead of the new one coming out.

    Halloween (1978) is great, especially when you think about how it was made on such a small budget. Halloween 2 (1981) wasn’t as good but still an OK film with plenty of suspense.

    3 has nothing to do with the rest of the series (as was intended originally for all films to be standalone movies under the Halloween name) and a bit shit. 4: Return of Michael Myers was a slight improvement, but 5: Revenge of Michael Myers and 6: Curse of Michael Myers are both utter dogshit, 6 in particular achieves that strange phenomenon of having 10 times the budget of the original yet somehow looking 10 times cheaper. I could’ve sworn that 6 would’ve been a straight to video job it looks so bad, but apparently it did have a theatrical release.

    H20: 20 Years Later was probably only evelvated somewhat but the previous one being so fucking bad, although it’s worth a watch for Josh Hartnett looking like The Big Show next to all the other high schoolers. Theres a fun but subtle as a brick in the face moment featuring Janet Lee too.

    Resurrection has Busta Rhymes getting top billing. That tells you everything you need to know about that one.

    We’re up the two Rob Zombie films now, the other Halloween and Halloween 2 ??‍♂️

  6. Just watching the Fury/Wilder fight from the weekend which saw Big E doing Pre-recorded intros prior to each fighters ring walk.

    It’s no news that he’s a great talker but he was phenomenal here, how it took so long for them to pull the trigger on him is absolutely mind blowing. It makes you wonder what the hell it is that Vince has been looking for in someone the last 20 years.

  7. 57 minutes ago, stewdogg said:

    Sony seem to have changed the layout. If you press down when you’re on the tv and video screen it might be in your most recent apps. 

    Yeah I noticed this the other day. Normally it would be under ‘Featured’ when you would open up TV & Video but pressing down should take to it as well whatever other apps you have

  8. 6 hours ago, Louch said:

    I read somewhere that Bret has the right to ok his matches outside of wwe. So any he is in could be fair game to get access to. In saying that, I don’t think they really need footage of him to have a cup in his honour. Lots of taking heads taking about Owen would cover it 

    I mentioned that in another thread but it’s been reported a bunch of times. Bret having control of his matches was part of the reason why Stampede disappeared quite quickly after it turned up on the network a few years back. Apparently nobody cleared it with Bret beforehand and he went into a grump (shock horror I know)

  9. 6 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Chances are between the announcement and the 1st Owen Cup more wrestling fans will have checked out the  http://owenhartfoundation.org/ than had happened in the previous 20 years. Which for the Foundation will hopefully translate into additional donations, in addition to the billionaire putting his hand in his pocket.

    Which he’ll then get back through the residual effect, as @Keith Houchen mentioned.

    Had WWE done the exact same thing, be it in 1999 or now, people would be accusing them of profiting off of a man’s death. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Brodie Lee's tribute t-shirts have all been proceeds go to charity. 

    But that’s the issue - Brodie worked for AEW, Owen has no ties to AEW in the slightest. There are a tonne of ways that they could’ve gone about working with Martha and the charity, but Martha has had to put up with years of fans telling her to “just get over it” so that they can have an Owen figure or his name in a pointless Hall of Fame or whatever else

  11. 48 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    Care to elaborate? 

    Something getting “dropped” is a major annoyance for our Keith (and anybody over the age of 14). It’s a proper case of someone trying to sound hip and down with the kids.

    Anyway, SEND FOR THE @Keith Houchen!

  12. I think the best term to describe him would be all-rounder. He can slot into the top of the card when needed and can also work good openers to get the crowd going, all the while having solid matches in the middle. Very rarely has he had an out & out bad match

    A favourite of the fans who want to watch good workrate, who can easily antagonise or get those who are just there to have a good time on his side.

    Would you say he’s a star? In a way, yes. Not on the level of an Austin, Rock, Undertaker et al, but a star in the same way that Rick Rude or The British Bulldog were stars. A go-to guy who can make up & comers look good and who they can learn from, while also working with the top stars when they need something to do or to bridge a gap while they’re between long term feuds.

    His political outlook, his shite band, all of that other stuff is an entirely different thread on its own (there used to be one from what I recall similar to the ‘Foley Is Crud’ thread), but you can’t deny that he is anything less than a big name in wrestling circles 

  13. I don’t think that people other than the absolute hardcore would have the patience to follow a G1 style Round Robin. Obviously it would depend on how many were involved in such a thing as to how long that might last, but a single elimination tournament would be much more appealing to the masses.

    Funny you should mention this though considering this afternoon TK seems to have an attack of the Dixie Carters

    Might be to do with the Owen Cup, might not. Tune into Impact! to find out

  14. 21 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Kenny and the Good Brothers Vs the SuperKliq?

    I don’t know if they could book anything worse if they tried

    23 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

      Or if we're going 8 man stick Nakazawa on Kenny's team and Cutler with the SuperKliq. 

    I stand corrected

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