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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 24 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    With Gable Stevenson coming up to the main roster, where does this leave Chad Gable?

    Going on the attempted name change of Adam Cole (canā€™t have more than one ā€œColeā€ on the roster) would expect them to have to change Chad. A return of Shorty G?

    Itā€™s a Christian name v Surname though, do they really have to do anything? Stick Chad Gable on Smackdown and nobody will be bothered either way

  2. Dave got whooshed about Bret Hart buying & reselling a mansion in Springfield to Monty Burns, itā€™s perfectly plausible that he got whooshed here too. Everything in his world revolves around wrestling. Heā€™ll talk a little MMA and Boxing sure, but wrestling is his be-all end-all and itā€™s possible he just heard the word shooter and his ā€˜wrestl-ey senseā€™ kicked in and all other context got lost.

  3. 3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    No it was always meant as a big release for Fox so streaming, even to Disney+ wasnā€™t an option. I donā€™t disagree with your review, though I think Jodie Comer was her usual excellent laugh and Iā€™m a sucker for Wattiki as well. But do you think itā€™s biggest fail was Ryan Reynolds doing his hilarious acting routine? He was my least favourite part of the film by far.

    Iā€™ve never seen anything of Jodie Comer before. I know sheā€™s highly regarded from her time on Killing Eve, but I found her character here massively unlikable.Ā 
    Taika Waititi Ā seemed to go a bit late-career Jim Carrey* in this. I donā€™t know how much of what ended up in the film was what was written and how much was him improvising, but a lot of his stuff fell flat for me.

    Reynolds was definitely phoning it in, probably just doing it for the payday until they sort out whatever theyā€™re doing with Deadpool 3. The more I think about it the more I realise how much I actually hated it.

    * Iā€™m aware that he isnā€™t a popular choice on here and a lot of people cant stand him, but heā€™s the only example I can think of

  4. Free Guy

    If Iā€™d paid to see this in cinemas Iā€™d have been immensely disappointed (wasnā€™t it meant to have been a Netflix release last year?) but as I watched it on Disney+ I was only very disappointed.

    The first 15 minutes feel like a strange hybrid of The Lego Movie and They Live and it swung & missed on both accounts. Your also given very little reason to care about any of the lead characters.

    A couple of funny background jokes early on and some minor chuckles towards the end, but youā€™d be better watching or doing pretty much anything else with your time

  5. 25 minutes ago, Louch said:

    Funny how everyone got excited about how heā€™d want to work with all the young guys, when heā€™s just went to top of the card and is only wrestling the top boys. Insincere twat continues to play his fan base like fiddlesĀ 

    Yeah, because the best thing to do with him would be to stick him against the Travis Titans and Cole Karters of the world.

  6. Fucking hell, Andrew Lawrence is still around? I think I first heard him in the comedy tent at Leeds Festival in 2008 when we were waiting for someone to start on one of the stages (I forget who though). My mate was convinced he was going to be massive based on the 10 minutes he saw him for. Not so much a has been as a never was.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Matthew said:

    Surprised this isnā€™t a thing - at least from what I can see

    It is a thing, but itā€™s been a while seen as the new one has been locked in a draw for the last two years


  8. They still release the PPVs on DVD and I think Wrestlemania still gets a BluRay release, but thatā€™s the first ā€œsuperstar setā€ that theyā€™ve released in a long time. Since the network launched theyā€™ve become pretty redundantĀ 

  9. I think a lot of people were expecting the last headliner to be announced so it seems to have not got much of a response, but thereā€™s a solid undercard forming.Ā 

    Thereā€™s seem to talk that Fear Factory are to be added as theyā€™re set to tour with Static X in the US. Could just be people adding 2 and 2 and getting 5, but it would be a good place for the Fear Factory Version 4.0 to play with whoever the singer ends up being

  10. 50 minutes ago, unfitfinlay said:

    I can't see EU workers rushing to come and bail us out either, not with such a shitty, grudged offer.

    ā€œBloody foreigners! Not coming over here, not taking our jobs! My names Paul Nuttalls of UKIPsā€

  11. 2 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Was it the last UK tour they did the one where Maynard performed behind a curtain and could only be seen by silhouette?

    I do remember reading about that happening but I not sure about the timeframe. The last proper tour here was 2006 I believe

    @The Curious OrangeĀ cheers for the heads up, but yeah Iā€™ll be leaving it. Iā€™m not paying Ā£53 plus fees to sit in the nosebleeds. Iā€™ll stick to Festival Day Tickets were you at least get a full days undercard with it.

    For anyone that is considering it though, Blonde Redhead and The Acid Helps have been announced as the support acts. Theyā€™ve also confirmed a date in Dublin for May 5th

  12. 9 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    i imagine Tool tickets are gonna be up around the Ā£100 mark

    Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking and why Iā€™m prepared to be letdown. Even KISS donā€™t charge triple figures and theyā€™re all about fleecing the fans at every opportunityĀ 

  13. Saw them headline at Download in 2019, which I think was the last gig I attended. Absolutely phenomenal and I said at the time that Iā€™d be there in a heartbeat for a tour.
    On reflection Iā€™ll decide once I know how much tickets are. I didnā€™t buy Fear Inoculum (pretty much exclusively a streamer now, only buy my absolute favourite bands) because the CD was ludicrously expensive. Theyā€™re one of my favourite bands but I wonā€™t be taken advantage of

  14. 7 hours ago, Thunderplex said:

    Wonder why they didnā€™t getĀ Alistair McGowan to do it. Ā From what I heard he hit it out of the park with the Saville play he did.

    Are people going to tune in to watch Alistair McGowan acting though? Thatā€™s not a knock on him or the work he did with the play you mentioned, but Coogan is more of a draw to casualsĀ 

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