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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 722,000 for Rampage this week.

    Obviously there were a lot of eyes on the second episode with Punk debuting so a drop was expected. Shame that it dropped below the debut episode though, I donā€™t know whetherĀ youā€™d put that down to the show being taped or not

  2. 2 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

    Spirit of Radio would be their most famous song, I'd have thought.Ā 

    If you go by Spotify streams, Tom Sawyer (a little over 188million)Ā has nearly 3 times as many as Spirit of RadioĀ  (64million).

    Spirit of Radio might be more popular amongst the hardcore fan base, but Tom Sawyer is definitely the bigger one to the fair weather fans.Ā Like with any band, you get the ā€œIā€™d probably say...ā€™The Best of The Beatlesā€ fans, they knowĀ one song. With Rush, itā€™s Tom Sawyer, with KISS itā€™s ā€˜I Was Made For Loving Youā€™, with Aerosmith itā€™s ā€˜I Donā€™t Want To Miss A Thingā€™ and so on

    And seen as Iā€™ve just mentioned it, I Donā€™t Want To Miss A Thing is fucking shite

  3. 20 minutes ago, Pier Six Brawler said:

    Hogan winning the WWF title at Backlash 2002 because of getting a nice nostalgia pop at WrestleMania the month before. Beating HHH who they'd spent so much time building up the return of as a babyface after his injury the year before.

    That whole period in 2002 from Wrestlemania to Summerslam is fucking insane. 5Ā title changes between 5 different guys: Triple H beat Jericho for it, then it goes to Hogan to Undertaker to RockĀ to Brock, with an average length reign of 40 days. Itā€™sĀ absolute lunacyĀ 

  4. 1 minute ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    In terrifying news, Britt Baker has confirmed she's been getting a massive influx of wrestling fans booking dental appointments with her.Ā 

    Bless her for trying to spin it as ā€œgetting people to care about dental hygieneā€ and not ā€œweird creeps want me to put myĀ fingers in their mouthsā€

  5. Figured this was the best place to put this.

    According to reports, Lee is currently working Dark Matches on both RAW & Smackdown smashing local jobbers becauseĀ Vince wants to repackage himĀ as a monster heel and Lee is learning to do so in front of crowds.

  6. 20 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Presumably they're sowing seeds of dissention between Sonya & Pearce so they can assemble Survivor Series teams.Ā 

    Oh yay, Blue Shirts v Blue Shirts for the right to face Red Shirts

  7. 2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    She got moved to Smackdown so turned up wanting a match but Sonya didn't know she was coming. I'm hoping it's just to sow the seeds for her joining the Bloodline but it could've been done a lot better.

    Well that just makes Sonya look like an idiot then. If Sonya, who runs Smackdown, doesnā€™t know that sheā€™s got someone moving to her show, then who OKā€™ed the move?

    Or maybe it just shows that we put more thought intoĀ these things than they do

  8. 55 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

    They did a couple of years ago when they played over here. Manchester got St Anger and Twickenham got Frantic.Ā 

    All Within My Hands got a run out for S&M2 as well, and I think has been played a few times on live streams in COVID times. Thatā€™s the thing with Metallica, they chop and change the set list all the time you never know what your going to get other than a feeling of being ripped off for the admission price.

    Speaking of RockĀ and Metal (which I appreciate the vastĀ majority of folks on here will think is all fucking dire, and thatā€™s OK), so manyĀ of the big acts most knownĀ hits are far and away from being their best. Not intending to sound like a snob or anything, but there are so many bands with songs tucked away as album Ā tracks that are better than anything they ever released as a single.Ā 

    I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™ve heard certain songs so many times that they lost all meaning, but if I ever hear Back In Black or The Ace Of Spades again, I might actually go postal.Ā 
    Never more is this hammered home by something like a request show on something like Planet Rock.Ā 
    ā€œDear DJ Dave,Ā 

    My Nigel is in the middle of decorating our kitchen. Any chance you can play something by AC/DC for him?

    Love, Janeā€

    Something? You know full well itā€™s going to be one ofĀ Highway To Hell, Back In Black or Thunderstruck, you shouldā€™ve just saved yourself the time and put the CD on

  9. People give Vince shit for his outdated references but Jericho is just as bad.Ā 
    House of 1,000 Corpses? The Bad News Bears?

    Oh and his ā€œand yeah, Iā€™m yelling!Ā thatā€™s what I doā€ line.Ā Fuck off you utter bollock

  10. 3 hours ago, boyfriend said:

    Random moan #857 - How shit is Penta's joker gear and why is he constantly wearing it.

    Heā€™s either lost all of his other outfitsĀ or this Joker gearĀ cost fucking loads and he wants his moneyā€™sĀ worth. It looks shit either way

  11. I mentioned it in the other thread, but Andrade v PAC hinges on whether or not Andrade comes in motivated or not. Heā€™s got a lot to prove in this match, heā€™s only had 6 matches since last October so I donā€™t know if heā€™s nursing injuries or what, but even the ones heā€™s had seem to have generated very little buzz.

    Miro v Kingston has the potential to be an absolutely fantastic scrap

  12. 1 hour ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Fucking infuriating that they don't edit the length of the ad breaks on the FITE app replay. Winds me right up having to manually skip through minutes of that Rampage graphic.

    There have been rare occasions where the graphic has been removed and it just cuts straight back to the show, but itā€™s very rare that that happens. Depends what youā€™re watching on as to how it is to skip through, but you can usually time it to around 3 and a half minutes to get past the graphics

  13. I donā€™t see Wardlow costing MJF the match, but I could get behind him saving Jericho from a prolonged beat downĀ and turning him that way. Even though MJF & Jericho,Ā FTR &Ā Santana & Ortiz and Sammy & Spears have still been facing each other in their own respective things, they havenā€™t been playing up the Pinnacle v Inner Circle part of it. HaveĀ both groups had something of a silent break up?

  14. While I donā€™t doubt that he will go back to WWE in some form one day, I donā€™t think itā€™s going to be any time soon which makes me think heā€™s picking up the win at All Out before being written off in some sort of injury angle.

    Without sounding like Iā€™m body-shaming the guy (Iā€™m hardly one to talk), even if he was to go back to WWE I doubt Vince would even put him on TV inĀ the shape that Jerichoā€™s currently in.

  15. 9 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

    Why is there a Picture of Lana in thread? Am i missing something?

    A star wearing heelsĀ ā€”> heelsĀ on a star ā€”> heels on starzĀ 

    Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got

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