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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 34 minutes ago, JohnKringler said:

    You can think Cole is shite but they did the right thing debuting him there in Chicago. Hear the pop he got? 

    Helped by the fact that Bryan coming has been talked about for a couple of months now and Punk has dropped hints in the last couple of weeks. Cole is fresh off of leaving NXT only 2 weeks ago. Granted there was speculation that he was going to sign, but Bryan was expected, Cole not so much

  2. 27 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    This is the maddest complaint. I remember watching at the time, he didn't steal focus at all.

    Tell me another time they’ve kept the face entrance way fully in the shot on the hard cam while a match is in progress

  3. * Miro/Kingston was a  great opener and there’s plenty of mileage left in the feud. Incredible how over Kingston was, the crowd were so behind him and wanted him to win. None of that “fight forever!” or “both these guys!” bullshit, a clear face and a clear heel, great stuff

    * Moxley/Kojima was fine, but definitely had the feel of “give Moxley something to do”. Then Minoru Suzuki’s music started, so that was 10/10, downgraded to 9/10 for Excalibur & JR going into full on Michael Cole “COULD IT BE!?” Mode

    * Baker/Statlander was a bit rough in places and Britt bust out Adam Cole’s Bunny-Hop Destroyer, sad face. 
    Speaking of rough, that Casino Battle Royale, ye gods. I didn’t think anything would outdo a QT Marshall match for low point of the show, but this was an absolute shocker. The ‘Joker Card Debut’ is already a played out concept. Just give it to a heel and play up them having the advantage.

    * I’ve no idea who those guys rapping were, but that was a great entrance for the Lucha Bros and really hammered home how shit The Bucks music is.
    “The last time these two teams faced off in a straight up wrestling match, 2 years ago at All Out 2019 in Escalera de la Muerte”- ah yes, Ladder Matches famous for being “straight up wrestling matches” arnt they Excalibur? Then he had that “contraband” line which JR did well to cover for him. He didn’t even have a bad night, he just seemed to lose his mind for about half an hour. 
    A match that certainly got better the longer it went and super happy with the result, even if I’m still scratching my head about how Penta was supposed to have gotten busted open even before the shoe with drawing pins bit.

    * MJF might have only lost once in AEW, but he’s losing the war with his bottle of Fake Tan that’s for sure. 
    This wasn’t announced as No Count Out or No DQ was it? Or was it held under Summerslam 90 “if it happens outside the ring, it’s OK” rules? 
    So it’s No Count Out, right? It’s definitely No Count Out, yeah? Then why the fuck was Aubrey counting? “Shoddy, Ted, shoddy!” 
    They hammer home the point about how the refs “can’t call what they don’t see” on a near weekly basis, but apparently they will just believe you if you just tell them something. 
    I wanted to like this, but there was too much going against it for me to do so.

    * I wish JR would stop describing Darby Allin as “a strange enigma”. All enigmas are strange, that’s what makes them enigmas

    * Not sure about Punk’s Midcard Tights, but a good first match back. Not the 5 Star belter that a lot of people were hoping for, but a solid effort from both men. Interesting tease with going towards the heel entrance too.

    * Went to make a cup tea and a sandwich when they started to talk about QT Marshall  v Paul Wight. Just sat back down as JR called Paul Wight Big Show and then it was over, so 10/10 again.

    * “Accompanied by Don Callis”, Tony S - “boo!”- Tonys the fucking best

    * Christian/Omega was another good match, but insane finish aside, I think I preferred the match they had at Rampage. The crowd didn’t seem into it either at certain times, which considering everything else that had happened, it had a lot to live up to and didn’t quite get there. 

    * Then Adam Cole turned up, even sadder face. Unless they have a ‘Kaze Ni Nare v BAY-BAY Match’ with Suzuki smacking the shit out of the rat-faced knacker, then I’m up for that. 
    Thank fuck Bryan turned up at the end.

    A great show overall. Lost its way a bit after the Cage Match which was definitely match of the night.

  4. On 9/3/2021 at 7:39 PM, 5pints said:

    Anyone picked up the new Maiden album? If so, thoughts?

    Had a listen to it yesterday. It certainly seems to have a darker tone tone overall but I wouldn’t say it’s an X Factor type dirge either.

    It was OK, but like Book of Souls I probably won’t go back to it any time soon (in fact I don’t think I ever listened to BoS a second time). Like the last few albums, it’s another case of quantity over quality. Even while listening to it you’ll find yourself thinking that they could’ve cut between 15 and 20 minutes off of it. Just because you’ve got 81 minutes of material doesn’t mean you have to release all of it, the fact that it’s just been sat in a draw for the last two years and they haven’t thought to maybe cut it down slightly is mind-boggling.

    Dont get me wrong, there’s nothing overly bad on there (we haven’t reached the depths of Virtual XI’s ‘The Angel and  The Gambler’) but it’s just sort of exists to keep Maiden going out on tour and play festivals

  5. JFVKKsz.jpg
    Saw this on Twitter earlier. How fucking wrong were all those people about Keaton.

    I mean, fuck knows who they’d have been happy with playing the role. The only other person I can think that would’ve come close to pulling it off at that time would’ve been Mel Gibson

  6. On 9/4/2021 at 7:26 PM, Vamp said:

    The Black situation is really odd. Cody put him over big time but since he's vanished it's like their weakening Black. You'd think they'd keep him as strong as possible before Cody gets his win back. 

    If it wasn't for the fact that Cody's probably booking it I'd think someone was taking the piss out of him. 

    I forget who said it, but somebody once compared Cody to Poochie-

    * At Revolution, Cody spends the majority of the Ladder match loitering in the background selling an injury, taking the focus off of anything in the ring and putting it on him returning to the match

    * Cody is the first person to appear in the intros for both Dynamite and Rampage (a show that he has yet to appear on)

    * This week on Rampage, Lee Johnson comes out wearing Cody’s weightlifting belt which he’s never done before and has that shitty Nightmare Family logo plastered all over the screen


  7. 6 hours ago, Supremo said:

    It’s a dead brand and half the current roster should be worried for their job, but they’re going out on a high. This stag do looks brilliant!


    Gargano with a face like he’s just been told “sorry mate, not everyone’s read Uncanny X-Men #183”

  8. 4 hours ago, DCW said:

    Seeing Joe Rogan's annoying face every time I open Spotify and having no way of blocking it even though I pay them a tenner a month!

    You must’ve ruined your algorithm at some point. I’ve give them a tenner a month for years and haven’t seen his spud-like head once

  9. 1 hour ago, Love-Wilcox said:

    I’ll never forget the first time I bumped into a fan out in the wild. He was wearing a ‘Raw is War’ baseball cap so the obvious ice-breaker was asking him who his favourite wrestlers were and I’ll never forget his response;

    “I’m a fan of Mark Calaway and Glenn Jacobs”

    then after a brief pause and in a condescending tone;

    ”but YOU might know them as The Undertaker and Kane”

    fucking cringe!

    So… which of you lot was it?

    Similar to this one, the first time NXT were over here we heard a guy talking about how much he loved Kevin Steen. Not Kevin Owens, no no no, because “I don’t refer to people by their slave names”

    Clearly no issue with giving WWE his money though

  10. For the most part it doesn’t go beyond saying “nice T-shirt” to someone. I had one of those recently when I asked a guy where he’d got his Hart Foundation shirt from and it was one of those exclusives that came in one of the loot crate subscriptions.

    Other than that you’ll either meet someone whose a bit awkward and just wants to shuffle off, or you’ll meet the guy who wants you to know that they know the business

  11. 2 nights is a push, 3 nights is a hard no.

    Also today they had Toru Yano go nearly 30 minutes with Chase Owens. The company has lost its fucking mind 

  12. So coming out of the Reigns/Balor match, some are speculating that the red lighting & heartbeat are for a return of The Demon. Others think it’s for Brock Lesnar, and even more have convinced themselves that it’s hinting at a return for The Fiend ??‍♂️

  13. Looks like they’ve rebooked the majority of acts that were meant to be there for 2020, the triple header of Dying Fetus, Obituary and Sepultura is definitely still intact from that year and I’d go watch all 3 of those rather than watch Iron Maiden ever again. I’m still planning on heading down for the Friday to see KISS, but that whole day’s undercard looks pretty underwhelming.

    Volbeat’s first 4 albums are really good but they seemed to suddenly steer away from being a metal band with rock n’ roll influences and leaning really heavily into being a heavy rock n’ roll band (if that makes sense). I’m all for bands trying new things and mixing up their sound, but theirs seemed to happen really fucking quickly once they started to get a bit of a following and from Rob Caggiano joining the band

  14. let’s not forget whose been funding HHH’s “baby and pet project” since Day 1.

    And let’s not pretend that it’s all going to go to shit now Vince & Pritchard are involved. NXT has been on its arse for the better part of two years after they ran the Gargano/Ciampa feud into the ground and tried to throw their weight against the new boys. They got made hum-bell like Shiek did to Hogan in the Garden by a man who allegedly interferes with dogs

  15. Penta has a great look, one that would sell a shit load of action figures to casuals and collectors alike, but his matches have never done much for me. I’ll pop huge when someone smacks him in the face when he’s doing that sodding “cero miedo” gesture though

  16. On 7/5/2021 at 10:40 PM, Daaaaaad! said:

    I thought Seinfeld was supposed to be on Netflix by now? Any inkling as to when that'll be?

    Figured this was worth the thread bump


  17. 2 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

    It's probably because "Tom Sawyer" by Rush was in a famous "Family Guy" scene..



    Famous? I doubt anyone can tell you which episode it’s from without googling it. As @Chest Rockwellsaid, Family Guy doesn’t have that kind of reach culturally, and besides, Fry and his ‘All Rush Mixtape’ had featured it on Futurama years earlier, which probably has even less cultural reach.

    Its just the go to Rush song for most media. You’ll probably get other tracks played on classic rock stations, but those same stations are also still playing Tom Sawyer ahead of them.

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