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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Finally got round to finishing the show yesterday. Not an all time classic by any stretch but the main matches delivered.

    Saw something about how Lesnar’s return was to plant the seed for a match with Roman at WM39 in 2023 - no fucking way is that true. They barely know what they’re doing 2 hours in advance, nevermind 2 Wrestlemanias.

    I wish Rhea Ripley would land differently when she goes over the top rope. She just seems to go stiff as a board and land straight legged, she’s going to totally knacker her knees someday.

    While the whole segment with Miz & Morrison was just filler (because that’s just what a 4hr show needed), I really felt for Xavier Woods when no-one reacted to him coming out dressed as Scott Hall and doing The Survey. I don’t know if it was a case of people just didn’t care for the segment or if they didn’t get the reference or not, but the whole thing just died.

    Lashley winning by Ref Stoppage was a bit weak, but it gives Goldberg an out rather than losing clean again (he hasn’t won a match since February 2020). While I wouldn’t be overly fussed if he never wrestled again, if they are going to keep him around that at least allows a reason for a rematch

  2. 12 hours ago, boshealecta said:

    If the person don’t like Darby Allin they don’t like him.  The whole point is it’s an unpopular opinion, so course it ain’t gonna make sense to most. 

    No-ones saying that they can’t like them, but if your going to call something a rip-off of something else it needs to go beyond “they both have skateboards”

  3. The MJF/Jericho match, despite Jericho’s retirement stipulation which we all know won’t happen, still feels like it needs something to give it a boost. Perhaps they can make it a Submission match between now and the PPV just to give it that extra bit of sizzle.

    Its a shame that they didn’t seem to capitalise on the momentum they had coming out of last week’s shows, but at the same time there have been worse weeks of Dynamite. You’re not going to knock out of the park every week, that’s just the way things are, but it’s not going to derail them completely either.

    On paper, All Out doesn’t look like one their stronger PPV cards, but I’m still optimistic that they can pull off a good show on the night. Kenny and Christian showed the other week on Rampage that they can have a good match and I’m sure they will again. While I’m far from being anything resembling a fan of The Young Bucks, I’m sure that they’ll put on something decent against either Jurassic Express or Lucia Bros.
    PAC v Andrade has the potential to be very good (it depends on whether Andrade turns up motivated or not) and I’m sure that Punk has been putting the work in together into ring-shape as all eyes are on him for his big return. His stint in MMA didn’t work out, but I don’t doubt for a second that he didn’t give it his all, and he won’t want to embarrass himself here

  4. Had my second jab today. Went for the obligatory McDonalds afterwards but the drive in queue was backing out onto the actual road as people seem to be panicking that they’re going to run out of other stuff the same they have with Milkshakes. I’ll just get something else tomorrow on my day off.

    Good to be fully 5G compliant though

  5. 1 hour ago, garynysmon said:

    What the fuck is the appeal of Darby Allin? Scrawny little Dynamic Dudes rip off with a finisher where he usually ends up bouncing off an opponent. 

    Yeah, because they’re totally the fucking same arn’t they

  6. 48 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Wasn't Spacey cast in something this year?

    And Barrymore lives on on Youtube.

    Spacey has been cast in as Gore Vidal in a biopic and he’s also been cast in some Italian movie.

    Unless your sent to prison, and even then it’s not guaranteed to kill your career, everyone comes back from being cancelled eventually. It’s just a matter of waiting it out. Unless your DaperLaughs of course, but there was many a reason for him to disappear

  7. 1 minute ago, DCW said:

    I just don't understand WWE throwing away two returns, unadvertised on PPV people have already bought tickets & a sub for. Fair enough if you want to do Brock to have one, but at least hype a Becky return and give her a reason for coming back. It's just so stupid and encompasses the lazy and short sighted booking they are guilty of. She'll be just another womens wrestler in an overwhelmingly stale division in a months time.

    “Because anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation!”

    They’re chasing the headlines that follow and hoping to get people talking on social media (“OMGZ! THE MAN IS BAK~!”)in the hope that people watch the next show and stick around from there.

    Anyway, I forgot this happened last night instead of tonight so all the big stuff spoilt for me as soon as I went on Twitter. I’ll get round to watching it at some point, but it’s not a high priority.

    What a way to fuck over Bianca Belair though. Becky’s momentum had cooled somewhat even before she left last year, but they had an inbuilt story of her returning to win back the title she had to vacate.
    You don’t even need her to have a match in the lead up to whatever the next PPV is, run pieces on Smackdown of her being a new mum and how she’s juggling that with her training to come back. 
    But no, just skip all of that and have her win it back straight away

  8. I think this is the longest the forum has ever gone when talking about crying without someone mentioning Mother Simpson or Jurassic Bark.

    I’ll admit, when I saw it this morning I was thinking “oh come off it mate”, but who I am to tell someone how they should be feeling or how they should react

  9. 1 hour ago, kamicazze said:


    Plus does it pave the way for AJ Lee to join the women's division.

    I fucking hope not. Has anyone missed her since she left?

    Well that was a bit good wasn’t it.

    Took a moment to click that JR was filling in for Jericho. Kayfabe it makes sense that Jericho is off selling, but I can’t say he was missed in the slightest. 
    I love Mark Henry, but he talks waaay too slowly for the commentary booth. That interviewer role could become his quite easily while the 3 man team of Excalibur, Taz and JR (who seems to have really upped his game since they started touring again) would be my preferred choice

  10. I love how they’ve angled it so that you can’t see how thin it is (Amazon says it’s 144 pages).

    What would lockdown internet sensation Britney Spears aka Jackie Weaver do? Are you tired of being patronised, talked over and told to READ THE STANDING ORDERS? (Perhaps not that last one.)

    For every woman who has endured that I-know-what's-best-for-you tone, this is the book for you. The feminist political icon we didn't know we needed, the indomitable Jackie Weaver shares her own standing orders for life:

    ¡ Zoom etiquette (don't be another Julie's iPad)
    ¡ Asserting yourself in the workplace
    ¡ Making change in your local community
    ¡ Dealing with tiresome men who go on and on (and on)

    No-nonsense, witty and incisive, Jackie Weaver will show you that you do have the authority here. This is an essential handbook for getting things done without fuss, keeping cool in the face of adversity and pressing mute on the noise.

    Imagine opening that on Christmas morning

  11. 35 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I didn’t think there could be a worse suggestion than MJF coming out to Cult of Personality but having Punk actually wrestle on tonight’s show might have it beat. Unbelievable.

    I don’t know, I’ve seen some interpretations of Tony Khan’s comments to mean there’s more than just Punk’s debut, and the second one is Brock Lesnar ?

  12. I honestly can’t wait for tonight.

    The anticipation has built for the whole show, the crowd have chanted his name,  others have alluded to his presence. Dasha (seen as Justin Roberts has disappeared) takes her spot in the centre of the ring. “Ladies & Gentleman, please welcome, from Chicago, Illinois”

    The lights cut out, a momentary roar of anticipation erupts from the crowd before they then settle down, and in the distance you hear the familiar battle cry...


    The Total Package is #AllElite

  13. Surprised that they haven’t made a bigger deal of next weeks Dynamite being the 100th episode.

    Haven’t got anything in mind to build to a title match? Eliminator Tournament it is then.

    QT v Big Show at All Out - well at least now I know when I can go and put the kettle on

  14. Just now, lanky316 said:

    How the fuck did she pad it up to that sort of cost? That would seem to be about ÂŁ50 worth of sweets

    As @Mr_Danger alludes, If she’s bought pick & mix at the cinema, that’s about £2 per 100g so it’s her own fault.

    I always get a laugh out of people moaning about cinema prices as if they’ve been forced to buy it. I’m not saying that I never buy anything from there, I’ll occasionally buy a drink if it’s a long movie, but it’s no secret that cinema prices are high, that’s where they (by which I mean the Vues, Cineworlds etc) actually make their money

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