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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Ghost have just announced some mostly England dates for next year ahead of their new album to be released next Summer. Support comes from Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats and Twin Temple-
    April 9th - AO Arena, Manchester. 
    April 11th - O2 Arena, London. 
    April 13th - OVO Hydro, Glasgow. 
    April 15th - Resorts World Arena, Birmingham 

  2. I’d avoid any talk of this show before watching today. Had no idea about the Vince Egg stuff, the Pizza Hut Product Placement or the obviously dubbed in crowd noise. It sounded like they were piping in the entrances themes too, they just didn’t sound like they had that usual bit of oomph

    Pat McAfee - Christ, what an annoying cunt he’s turned into. Imagine sitting behind him all night

    All those people that have been let go over the last year and a bit and somehow Natalya and Dolph Ziggler are still there doing the same shit, having not progressed one iota from where they were more than a decade ago.

    I can understand why they do the product placement, sponsors  & movie tie ins. This years Royal Rumble had a Beer advert enter at #26 and as someone mentioned that they got paid $1million for that Zombie stuff at whatever PPV it was. If someone’s giving you chance to make back the money you wasted having The Good Brothers around for a year then they’d be daft not to take it, but surely there’s a way to do it a little less shamelessly. At least Wayne’s World had a bit of a laugh with it.

    Sasha Banks got back in the ring twice and somehow still got counted out, what the fuck was that shit?

    The vignettes for McIntyre, Lashley and Xia Lee were all really good, but why are they being used to pad things out on the PPV? Surely that’s the kind of thing you show on TV to actually try and get people to invested in characters.

    I quite enjoyed Roman/Big E, but the crowd seemed dead for most of it but got there towards the end, although “this is awesome” was definitely pushing it. 
    What it did do though is remind me how much I hate them having two World Titles, or more specifically why Roman doesn’t have the WWE Title when he’s positioned as the top guy. I’ve no issue with Big E losing per se, but how often over the course of history has the WWE Champion lost on PPV and there be little or no consequences from it? Even in the dark ages of the New Generation when Vader pinned HBK in a 6 Man Tag he got a title match at the next PPV. 
    Here though, the match is done and both guys are off back to their respective shows, likely to not cross patches again until the Royal Rumble at the absolute earliest, and even for that to happen one of them will have had to drop their title.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tommy! said:

    I'm the opposite, people who press the button despite it being clear it's already been pressed, as though the person stood next to them wouldn't understand how a push button works.

    What about the people that think they can ‘trick it’ into changing faster by pressing the button multiple times. Or the ones that mess with the little screw underneath 

  4. 44 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    What I don’t understand here though is Red Notice has been out for 2 weeks, On Netflix. 3 weeks since the cinema release. What bump can they possibly expect? No one would have seen any of that and thought “We’ll, now I’ll need to watch that”. I’m sure most have watched it, added it to the watch list, or thought it looks shit.


    6 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Plenty of marketing runs longer than the timescales you're giving. Plus they had a captive audience of people that like The Rock. Would it have been better for them if Survivor Series was a few weeks earlier? Sure but they don't just stop trying to sell a film a few weeks later.

    While the ‘release at home’ model seems to be slowing down, there’s still plenty of people who aren’t going back to the cinema so Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max etc have a bit of a longer timeframe for people to catch things. Films don’t live & die by their opening weekends at the moment like how they did Pre-Pandemic

  5. I would imagine that we will get Hangman/Danielson at Winter Is Coming. By the time it comes around it’s over a month removed from the Full Gear.

    I reckon they’ll be looking to have a big match for Punk too, which considering the reaction to the match with Eddie Kingston could be another match with him with a stipulation added.

  6. 50 minutes ago, CTXRussomark said:

    I'm seeing quotes like this all over the place at the moment and it's a really bad faith argument.  It's 2021 - a kid today has access to every piece of information they could ever need at the touch of a button.  If they really wanted to know what happened to Bray Wyatt they would have the choice of 1000 different YouTubers explaining it to them, let alone a simple Google/Wikipedia search.  This isn't the early 90s and us wondering what happened to Big Bully Busick. 

    I don’t think it’s a case of they can’t get the information, just the sheer randomness of characters, some of whom they’ve investedtonnes of TV into, just simply disappearing. Imagine switching on Game of Thrones part way though Series 4 and all of The Lannisters were gone

  7. For fucks sake, how are you supposed to get invested in anybody if they can gone at a moments notice.

    Granted, these, and the same can be said for a lot of the folks let go over the last 18 months, are not talents that you’re going to build the company around but they have a place.

    I’m not going to lie, Id not seen much of Hit Row even before they came up from NXT but they got a reaction any time they were on. So you sign a bunch of folks to deals at the PC > you put them together on TV > they get over with the fans > bring them to the main TV where they’re supposedly “really liked” > all of them sent packing in a matter of weeks.
    What a fucking waste of everyone’s time. The people writing it, the people performing, the few people that are left watching it- why fucking bother

    As mentioned, Drake Maverick has probably had that ready to go since his stay of execution last year. 
    Im not usually one for saying that AEW should bring in every person that gets released, but they could do worse than giving Drake Maverick a backstage role.

    Johnny Whatever will probably end up there too in some way, assuming that doesn’t try and give acting another try

  8. 58 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    WWE have the NWA belt after Ric sold it/gave it up as collateral or something to High Spots, right?

    I do seem to remember him giving it to High Spots as collateral to do a shoot interview with them.

    Theres no way he’s got the Eagle belt though as WWE were using that up until 1998 when Austin won his first.

    I suppose he could referring to replicas

  9. I knew a guy at University who was fucking obsessed with Donnie Dario, said on a number of occasions, without a hint of irony, that it was the greatest film ever made.

    I can’t remember when I last watched it, must be at least 10 years ago possibly even longer, and I’ve never thought of it as being an out & out “bad film”, but it’s definitely one that thinks it’s more profound and better than it is. It came around at the right time to capture that media student audience, the time when films that were considered “less mainstream” and World Cinema began to reach a wider audience.

    I probably will revisit it some day, I’m aware that there’s a Director’s Cut of it that I’ve never seen. I think it got a 4K release by Arrow Video at some point in the last year

  10. Open Challenges. As with most things, it’s a time filler while they actually figure out what the hell they’re going to do with someone.

    How do they even work in kayfabe? Does everyone just pile it out of the changing room and whoever gets to the Gorilla Position first gets the shot?

  11. Just now, Briefcase said:

    Yeah I do want to point out that I am not someone to abuse or take advantage of these things and I guess its because of people that abuse the system is why they do it.

    I am just shit and forgetful so with Amazon & I think Apple Music (and something else that's slipped my mind) I did the free trial and completely forgot and then realised I've paid out for the month. I would much rather they just stopped the free trial and then allow myself to opt in/pay if I want to continue using the service. I guess I am skeptical that these companies know people like me will forget and take advantage. I'm sure that's what used to happen with free 28 days trial and things like that, but I am going back like 15-20 years ago.

    Just to clarify too that I wasn’t suggesting that you were, was just speaking in broad terms 

  12. 1 hour ago, Briefcase said:

    Talking of subscriptions it annoys me when you do a free trial and then are auto enrolled onto a subscription afterwards with YOU having to opt out at the end of the free trial rather than having to opt in. I think Amazon Prime are a good example of this and may have even been in hot water over it in recent years. 

    I’m going to politely disagree with you on that one. If you’re only going to sign up for something (whatever that may be) purely to use/abuse the free trial then the onus is on you to cancel that, otherwise you get people just creating shitloads of burner email accounts every week/month/whatever the trial period length and signing up over & over and the business is essentially just giving its product away.

    If your going to go to those lengths to get a service for free, you got to put the leg work in, and that involves cancelling each time and signing up with another account

    I’m not sure about the Amazon Prime thing you mentioned, but the last two orders I’ve made with them has seen them give me 14 days free  without having to cancel myself. I haven’t asked for it, I haven’t used a code or anything like, it was just there when I went to checkout. Admittedly I didn’t take them up on it because I tried Prime a couple of years back and didn’t think much to it at the time, but I didn’t have to do anything at my end with regards to cancelling it

  13. Only just got round to watching the show this morning.

    MJF/Darby was much better than I thought it was going to be but there still a couple of bits that I didn’t like, particularly the double pinfall spot were they were holding each others hands, I’ve always hated that. There was another point where Remsburg was double counting for a small package, how is that even possible? 
    Best part of the match was Schiavone getting a dig in at Excalibur for calling the Sharp Shooter. “Or, maybe, THE SCORPION DEATHLOCK!?”, you could practically hear the “for fucks sake” that Tony was obviously thinking.

    Falls Count Anywhere just kept going and going and going and going a bit more, could’ve easily chopped 7 or 8 minutes off of it.

    Cody did what Cody does which inevitably negatively affected the match that came after it meaning that Baker & Conti struggled to get much of a reaction, not helped by it being a bit of a mess towards the end. 
    Tay Conti and Anna Jay are an awful pair of friends, neither of them come out to support the other until it’s too late.

    Miro/Bryan was good despite being a bit of a slow starter and Lucha Bros/FTR was alright although I wasn’t keen on the finish.

    I enjoy Dan Lambert giving fans shit as much as the next guy, but ATT/Inner Circle has been running on fumes for a while now and I hope that this is the end of it because Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page shouldn't be anywhere near the sub-Main Event on PPV.

    Decent match between Hangman and Omega, but I don’t know if it was quite the moment that it should have been. 
    There’s a lot of stuff that WWE do that is terrible, but their promo packages tend to do an outstanding job. Had WWE been producing this, that Pre-match video package would’ve been 3 times longer and hit every major plot point. What we got though here (and despite the special bit of entrance for Hangman) just seemed a bit rushed and not the culmination of something that’s had the better part of a full years worth of build. 
    I realise I’m probably in the minority in thinking that and I’m not saying that it was a bad or anything like that, but it just didn’t feel like what Hangman’s crowning moment should’ve been

    Kingston/Punk was easily the match of the night and proved that less is more. A high intensity 11 minute proper scrap, well done to both of them.


  14. 51 minutes ago, Daaaaaad! said:

    How reliable is ordering through the PS Store? I can’t watch the event live but my friend and I are planning to watch it at 1pm tomorrow, will that accommodate me?

    How much is it through PS Store?

    Only reason I’m asking is because if you’ve got a Roku (or know someone who does) it’s £13.99 if you order through FiteTV. The price can fluctuate depending which version/platform of FiteTV you order through

  15. Home Sweet Home Alone is as bad as the trailer made it look.

    Aisling Bea changes her accent 6 minutes in and then at least 2 more times before the end, and the film even makes a reference about how they shouldn’t “remake the classics”, which seems to a shot at Chris Columbus for something he said in an interview last year

    If you’ve got young kids they’ll probably get a kick out of it (which admittedly is the point in it being made), otherwise go and watch Walk Like A Panther instead

  16. 3 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    1) Do the Bucks second Omega?

    2) Does Hangman kick out of the One Winged Angel? As in they avoid doing the spot, because we all know who's winning.

    1) Might come out to the stage in the entrances, but that’s it

    2) Yes, and Omega is good enough to keep a match going beyond the kick out to make it feel as though it’s not a foregone conclusion 

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