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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Considering that magazine polls tend to just be populist opinion and considering how much praise it got upon release, I’m genuinely surprised that Joker didn’t make into the list. Obviously it shouldn’t be placing higher than Paddington 2 in any situation, but still surprising

    The Dark Knight at #4 though, Jesus Christ 

  2. 1 minute ago, tiger_rick said:

    That's fine. It shouldn't be something you know the champ will lose. Because of that, I thought Britt would win here which made it a mild surprise. 

    Agreed, was more just answering @HarmonicGenerator’s question that they’ve done it before, and quite recently too 

    People were in a bit of a worry that Jericho will be commentating on Dynamite going forward with JR taking a leave of absence, but isn’t Jericho going out on a Fozzy tour soon too?

  3. 19 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Is this the first time AEW have gone for that WWE trope we all hate where you have to beat the champion to get a chance to beat the champion? 

    They had one a couple of weeks ago with “I’m Well Scary Me!” Abadon having to beat Britt to get a shot at the women’s title, which she then lost any way

  4. Managed to snag a Standing ticket for Ghost in Manchester.

    We were saying the other day about moving up to these arenas was a statement of intent and I know with pre-sales it's difficult to gage exactly how many tickets have already been sold, but all Standing tickets for Manchester had gone within 15 minutes

  5. The latest version of Empire Magazine’s 100 Greatest Movies List has been released. Always worth a chuckle and surprisingly only 5% of it is Marvel films (spoilers for length)


    100. Reservoir Dogs
    99. Groundhog Day
    98. Paddington 2
    97. Amelie
    96. Brokeback Mountain
    95. Donnie Darko
    94. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
    93. Portrait of a Lady on Fire
    92. LĂ©on
    91. Logan
    90. The Terminator
    89. No Country For Old Men
    88. Titanic
    87. The Exorcist
    86. Black Panther
    85. Shaun of the Dead
    84. Lost In Translation
    83. Thor: Ragnarok
    82. The Usual Suspects
    81. Psycho
    80. L.A. Confidential
    79. E.T. 
    78. In The Mood For Love
    77. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
    76. Arrival
    75. A Quiet Place
    74. Trainspotting
    73. Mulholland Drive
    72. Rear Window
    71. Up
    70. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
    69. Inglorious Basterds
    68. Lady Bird
    67. Singin’ In The Rain
    66. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
    65. Seven Samurai
    64. La La Land
    63. Get Out
    62. Lawrence of Arabia
    61. Pan’s Labyrinth
    60. Hot Fuzz
    59. Moonlight
    58. Guardians of the Galaxy
    57. Blade Runner 2049
    56. The Social Network
    55. Taxi Driver
    54. Saving Private Ryan
    53. Forrest Gump
    52. Point Break
    51. Whiplash
    50. Vertigo
    49. Spirited Away
    48. Ghostbusters
    47. Do The Right Thing
    46. Schindler’s List
    45. The Big Lebowski
    44. It’s A Wonderful Life
    43. There Will Be Blood
    42. 12 Angry Men
    41. The Silence of the Lambs
    40. Citizen Kane
    39. Gladiator
    38. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
    37. Seven
    36. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    35. The Shining
    34. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
    33. Casablanca
    32. The Thing
    31. Interstellar
    30. Heat
    29. Apocalypse Now
    28. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
    27. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
    26. Die Hard
    25. Fight Club
    24. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
    23. 2001: A Space Odyssey
    22. Avengers: Endgame
    21. Alien
    20. The Matrix
    19. Inception
    18. Parasite
    17. Aliens
    16. Blade Runner
    15. Jurassic Park
    14. The Godfather: Part II
    13. Back To The Future
    12. Mad Max: Fury Road
    11. Star Wars: A New Hope
    10. Goodfellas
    9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    8. Avengers: Infinity War
    7. Pulp Fiction
    6. Jaws
    5. The Shawshank Redemption
    4. The Dark Knight
    3. The Godfather
    2. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
    1. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring


  6. Feeling somewhat vindicated with MJF being called a Poundland Miz.

    Aside from QT Marshall getting 11 minutes, this was a great episode of TV.

    Bryan was great, Rosa & Hayter had a decent match, Billy Gunn and Sting are doing stuff in 2021 that isn’t a complete embarrassment, all topped off with a great main event where not only did Andrade finally decided to stop wearing his pinstripe trousers but The Brainbusters explode!

  7. TK Maxx is always worth a try. Haven’t had any AEW figures yet, but they did recently have the AEW Toy Belt for £7.

    I got a Scott Hall Elite figure from there a year or so back for ÂŁ15 and my local one the other week had the Randy Savage Wrestlemania Moments Figure (wearing his WM3 gear and came with a mini ring cart) for ÂŁ13. Not a massive saving admittedly as it seems to be between ÂŁ17-ÂŁ18 pretty much everywhere else, but a saving is a saving.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Panhead said:

    I saw them at Leeds Arena in 2019. The production was definitely worthy of the big stage and it was a fairly decent sized crowd. 

    Granted, Leeds Arena isn't anywhere near as big as Manchester etc. 

    Not meaning to sound like one of those snobby types, but it’s mad to think that 4 years prior to that Leeds Arena show I saw them play at the University Union across the road in a downstairs room.

    That was on the Meliora album cycle and I think they only ended up playing there (Leeds Beckett University) as the  O2 Academy was already booked that night.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    Shit they've gone big there. If all those shows sell well they have to be close to being given a Download headline set.

    They played some arenas on the last tour although I’m not sure what the setup was like for them. Its certainly a statement of intent though.

    As for Download, who knows. Maybe when Iron Maiden finally pack it in they’ll get a chance

  10. 19 minutes ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    Never come across the podcast before - is tagged under one of the IYH events or what number approximately? Thanks!

    If you’re looking to just look at the period we’ve been mentioning then Episode 38 is IYH: International Incident and covers Sid coming back in mid 1996 - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-new-generation-project-podcast/id749154884?i=1000343264178

    The whole podcast is worth a go though. Takes them a couple of episodes early on to get their format down, but it is a really good listen. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, The Dart said:

    That was a year earlier !

    It was, when he was attacked by anywhere between 1 and a billion Marines, but they updated it in 97 when he “lost his smile”, it was all the TV at the time


  12. 23 minutes ago, sivy said:

    Didn't they change it to Sid for 2 reasons I think. Shawn buried Vader to the office saying he was too dangerous or stiff to work with. The second reason I think was how hot Sid got in the second half of  96 

    Probably lies somewhere in the middle. Michaels wasn’t keen on working with Vader for the most part and although not on Kliq-levels of friendship, Michaels and Sid were mates. Sid had gotten over massive that Summer, so Shawn going to Vince and suggesting that he give his friend the rub in NY on Survivor Series (back when it still mattered) is a possibility, which in turn lead to Shawn winning it back at The Royal Rumble. 
    With December’s PPV being IYH: It’s Time, clearly Vader was obviously pencilled in for winning the belt at some point though, something which must’ve been scuppered between August and November. 
    Then we got knee injuries that weren’t that bad after all, lost smiles, ‘Tell Me A Lie’ music videos and all that shite.

    Its probably worth giving that period another listen on the New Generation Podcast as they go into a lot of detail from various sources.

  13. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Speaking of bothering to look, if look 4 posts above yours I’ve embedded the link to it.

    It isn’t loading meaning that it’s probably been deleted, no need to be a dick about it.

    The vid is still out on YouTube though for anyone that wants to find it, but it’s clear that the guy needs some help which he’ll hopefully get.

  14. 1 hour ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

    Actually he didn't. Vader had already had his ppv shot at Michael's prior to this six man.

    He hadn’t - 6 Man Tag was at IYH: International Incident in July then the Michaels/Vader title match was at Summerslam in August. 
    Prior to that Michaels had the No Holds Barred against Diesel at IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies in April, then two defences against Dave Boy at IYH: Beware of Dog in May then King of the Ring in June

  15. The late 90s get a bit of a bad rep for dodgy superhero movies, Phantom and The Shadow in particular and you had Spawn out in 1997.

    Other than Batman and Superman they were all pretty much looked down upon until X-Men in 2000. Even then you had crack like Ghost Rider and Green Lanturn coming out

  16. 25 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    As stupid as they are they're still better than the cunts who step off and stand in the doorway looking up and down the platform for the exit like they were the only people getting off the train.

    To be fair, they are being encased by people standing right up to the door outside the train because there’s no way that anyone will be getting off

  17. On 11/23/2021 at 3:28 PM, Merzbow said:

    Uncle Acid are so fucking bad live, easily the worst "big" band I've seen live.

    This was a few years back so I hope they've improved.

    I’ve never listened to them, at least no knowingly. The last time I even heard their name was when they booked on the final Black Sabbath tour a few years back.

    Twin Temple had a bit of buzz a couple of years back too but I can’t say they did anything for me

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