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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. “Get this drunken piece of trash out of the ring” was what I think he said. Haven’t read anything about whether or not he was actually thrown out (I doubt he will have been), but fuck that guy

    Might be more suited to the petty annoyance thread, but there were moments where everyone’s timing seemed to be completely off, and rather than sell to fill the gap you had people just standing there waiting for the next spot. The worst example of it was Britt just standing there like an idiot waiting for Statlander to do the pendulum moonsault, which looks absolutely terrifying every time she tries and I’m convinced she’s going to land on her head some day.

    Frankie Kazarian’s new nickname isn’t lasting long, I’ll tell you that right now.

    Another great promo from PAC, I’m really looking forward to his match with Malakai

  2. I understand the reasoning behind the name change and wanting a name they can own etc. Fucking Gunther though

    Vince: “This Walter guy doesn’t sound German enough. Call him Gunther”

    Some poor sod: “But Mr McMahon sir, Walter is from Austria”

    Vince: “Like I said, he doesn’t sound German enough”

  3. Just watching the show now and Mox’s promo at the beginning was so fucking intense. With the exception of one gobshite, you could hear a pin drop. No stupid chants, no groups of folk trying to get themselves over, just everyone focused and wanting to hear what Mox has to say

  4. 2 hours ago, King Coconut said:

    My learned friends, what's the best metal album of the last 10 years?

    Obsidian Kingdom - Mantiis

    Converge - Bloodmoon: I

    Vektor - Terminal Redux

    Crypt Sermon - The Ruins of Fading Light

    VLTIMAS - Something Wicked Marches In

    Silvertomb - Edge of Existence 

    Cult Leader - A Patient Man

    KEN Mode - Loved

    Zeal & Ardor - Stranger Fruit and Devil Is Fine

    Pallbearer- Heartless

    all excellent releases outside of the big hitters. Tool’s Fear Inoculum is good but nowhere near their best work, and I say as a massive fan of them

  5. I assume that announcing it beforehand is in hope of popping a rating, but part of me wishes that they hadn’t and him turning up out of the blue would’ve gotten a much more natural reaction. All I’m expecting now is a bunch of dweebs putting on their best shocked face hoping to become the next meme.

  6. The Interim title is fine as it gives them a reason to have the match they originally planned at another time and depending on what the outcome is they can pick things back up with whatever they were going to do from there, I just don’t see the point in Cody having a 2 week reign just for the sake of having a title change on the Belts show.

    Jade winning the TBS belt makes sense for Dynamite as it was the first one on TBS, but if they were hellbent of having a title change, couldn’t they have just had the Lucia Bros/Jurassic Express match on BotB rather than Dynamite? 
    Cody winning the TNT belt just to drop it straight back again doesn’t do anything for either him or Sammy.

    Looking forward to Mox being back, but I’m also hopeful that he’s in a good place mentally and hasn’t come back too soon

  7. 1 hour ago, Accident Prone said:

    Keith has posted a legal letter to his Instagram that he received last month. Apparently, the rest of the band started the legal proceedings to kick Keith out of the band but it's so out of context. If Keith is still doing his UK speaking tour next month, we might find out more but he might be legally tied up, who knows.


    Last I read was that his tour is still happening but the ETID tour was cancelled.

    Not sure if anything has changed in the interim

  8. It becomes less special each time you see it though, ‘The Be Sharps Effect’ if you will. I wouldn’t be against them having a specific PPV there once per year, and obviously the forced residence due to the pandemic was an anomaly, but if you keep going back there every 6 weeks or so, it just becomes another place.

    It seems like Excalibur is announcing  “AEW will be returning to Chicago...” every other week, and eventually they need to show some growth and run other towns rather than the same trusted markets over & over. Even that place they ran in Miami (the one where Malakai Black debuted) wasn’t anywhere near as full the second time because they’d only been 3 months prior, and that was after they brought in Punk, Bryan and whoever else in the meantime.

    It must suck to have only shifted half your tickets though. When it was new they were seen as the company would get instant sellouts (I seem to recall Meltzer making some ludicrous claim they could’ve sold over 100k tickets for one of the early PPVs). A couple of years on and with the novelty of being new having worn off, perhaps we’re seeing how big the wrestling market actually is

  9. 39 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

    He isn’t going anywhere we all know it.

    Few weeks time it’ll be all “Cody signs new deal with AEW”. Could interesting way to get out of the Can’t Challenge for the World Title stipulation.

    ”Well that was when I was employed here before. Technically I left the promotion for a few weeks and this is a new contract for a new employment, so actually I can challenge for the World title”

  10. 6 hours ago, Nick James said:

    Probably not a petty annoyance, but whenever AEW do something shady, such as hire Jay Lethal or put him on TV for example, one of the first lines of defence I see is 'Well, WWE has Riddle on TV' or 'Well, WWE did X way back when'. Just because the shadyest company in the world did something first, doesn't make it ok or acceptable. 

    This defence drives me insane. Wrestling is scummy as it is, to validate a scummy act by saying the scummiest company of them all did it first, is laughable.

    I agree with what your saying, but you got to remember that fans will always pick & choose their outrage based on whether or not it involves someone that they like. Just look at the mutants who call for Chris Benoit to go into the Hall of Fame every year because murdering a child “doesn’t take away from his career”, or how Martha Hart should’ve “just got over it” years ago so that they can have an Owen t-shirt.

    Thats not exclusive to whether or not someone has done questionable or shady shit either, it could be something as mundane as accidentally hurting someone in a match.
    Hypothetically, Finn Balor could stiff someone with a kick in the face and you can guarantee they’ll be people saying it was the other person’s fault because Balor “works a physical style” or “sometimes accidents happen”. Now if Sheamus were to catch someone flush with a Brogue Kick, all of a sudden it’s his fault because “he’s a dangerous worker”.

    Thats not to sound like I’m having a go at either of them, I like both guys, but they could do the exact same thing and one would get a free pass because he’s the more popular

  11. I’ve been having a John Carpenter weekend while the wife is away.

    Big Trouble In Little China was last nights viewing. I honestly don’t think I’ve watched it since I taped it off of ITV way back in the day, must be at least 25 years since I’ve seen it. 
    Ridiculous amounts of fun, a proper popcorn movie and I still have one hell of a man crush on Kurt Russell.

    They Live got a whirl this morning, and I was more familiar with this one having only watched again about 18 months or so ago. 
    Decent in its own way, it’s as good as something with Roddy Piper in the lead can be, but it was noticeably slower paced that BTILC which was a little jarring.

    The Thing is getting put on now and doesn’t need me to tell you how great it is

  12. 1 minute ago, wandshogun09 said:


    On Stinko Malenko, wasn’t there some talk of him wrestling Benoit on either the first or second ECW One Night Stands at one point? 

    That would’ve been the second one as they apparently wanted to an Eddie Guerrero Tribute.Memorial match. Presumably it got nixed as the second ONS was more of a launching pad for the new ECW show and they needed to give Tommy Dreamer 18 minutes 

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