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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. What’s wrong with MJF’s hands?

    They finally did a DQ*! And it worked to further the story! There doesn’t have to be a winner & loser every match after all 

    Jericho can’t give anyone shit about their heads when he’s sporting the worst dye job since Paul McCartney at the Golden Jubilee Concert.

    They totally TNA-ed it by having Jade win and become the first TBS Champion, only to 15 seconds later send it to a pre-tape because apparently Deeb and Shida have to have another match (how many is that now? 3? 4?)

    A much improved show over the last few weeks though.

    * For all I know, they may have done DQs on Dark or Elevation, but they’re  not the proper shows so who cares

  2. The sheer lack of any original ideas- Watched Day 1 this afternoon (I know, I don’t know why I bothered either) and Edge’s whole Brood schtick in the build to his match with Miz. They did the exact same stuff in the build for Edge’s matches with Rollins just 4 months ago. 
    Obviously ideas have been reused and tinkered with many times over the years (Cornette likes to talk about the “7 year cycle”), but it just shows how lazy things have gotten that they’ve essentially booked the same feud just a few months apart

  3. 29 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Episode 2 was fine, if slightly dull. Good thing the world and lore of Star Wars is so strong otherwise I probably wouldn't bother. The main problem is that there's two main stories, one in the past and the other the present. However neither story has any stakes whatsoever. The Mandalorian is wafer thin story/plot wise for the most part but is backed up by a strong "father protecting his child" thread throughout, not sure where this story is going though. 

    It’s basically a Lone Wolf and Cub knockoff isn’t it

  4. I’m enjoying it but not the same way that I liked The Mandolorian.

    The flashbacks have provided some decent action but the stakes are none existent which is letting the show down in that regard. The raid on the train looked great, but at no point were we lead to think that Boba was in peril because we know that he makes it to S2 of Mandolorian (and because it’s only episode 2), you were just waiting to see how exactly he was going to get the job done.

    As @LaGooshmentioned last week, you’ve an entire galaxy of locations & characters within it. Jabba’s relatives I can live with, it makes sense that that species would want to regain control, but they have their own Wookie Henchman. Don’t get me wrong, it was a bad arse looking Wookie, but come on, show more of these creatures that inhabit the galaxy rather than just giving us Heel Chewbacca.

    It is enjoyable enough though and I am going to stick with it, but it just not quite hitting being above average at the moment

  5. 1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I’m amazed AEW are leaning so heavily into the Undisputed Era. They were so shite they got Triple H the sack.

    “But AEW will use them properly!” seems to be the common answer to that from some. The same people who spend the last two years saying that NXT* and everyone on it is well shit are the same ones now saying that Cole, O’Reily et al are going to take the industry to new heights.

    Yikes, that Rosa/Cargill match was horrible. Absolute crickets for Mercedes Martinez too.

    Are people unable to run-in and make the save unless their music plays? That’s not just an AEW thing, it’s a trope that plagues a lot of places and it happened twice on this show within 40minutes of each other.

    We all know that Vince McMahon is as mad as a box of frogs and has a “banned list of words” which includes terms such as ‘title’ and ‘strap’. Well I want AEW to have one too, and the first two words on it are ‘shit’ and ‘bitch’.

    Chuck Taylor and Trent Baretta in the main event, fuck me.

    Hopefully the TBS debut produces something because the last month or so of TV has been pretty ropey on the whole

    *Admittedly, NXT has been a bit shit since it decided to go head to head with AEW

  6. 3 minutes ago, chokeout said:


    This is the company that insisited on explaining how Han got his pants, name and gun in Solo

    True. Admittedly I’ve only seen Solo once and can’t remember the pants and gun, but the name was a proper eye-roller

  7. I ended up watching it twice.

    I can see where people are coming from regarding the pacing, but I’d argue that Mandalorian started off at a similar pace  before getting to, as @HarmonicGeneratormentioned, a cracking shootout & cliffhanger towards the end, and that turned out OK.

    The escaping from the Sarlacc I’m assuming was included for people who haven’t read any Extended Universe stuff, which I would imagine is still a pretty high number of people. I was fine with it being there- we know he escaped it, this at least explained how. That’s not to say that we need to be spoon fed every little detail of everything, but chances are there were still a lot of people wondering how he survived, this at least puts that to bed.


  8. 1 hour ago, JimmyAnderson said:

    Cody to "retire" the TNT Title either on Dynamite or Rampage this week and then announce a new title on the opening episode of TBS before he wrestles the first match on TBS, like he did TNT. Obviously not the TBS Title as they've already got that but something else, something maybe honouring Dusty. 

    Just call it the Television Title

  9. The TNT Title as a whole seems to have been a bit of a bust so far. It’s had some good matches no doubt, but 18 months on the only person who seems to have come out of it in a better standing for having held it is Darby Allin, something which presents an entirely different conversation for a different thread.

    Obviously Brodie Lee’s passing is the anomaly, but Miro has only wrestled twice as part of the World Title Tournament since losing it and even then he was a replacement, otherwise he’d have been off for 3 months and is only just being build up for something new now, whilst Sammy didn’t have a proper feud despite having the belt for nearly 3 months as he was in the mix of the Inner Circle/ATT feud

  10. The wife & I are still yet to get home to open our presents from each other, but the parents got me some cool BluRays and the new Terminator 2 on 4K release. 
    They pale in comparison to the gift from my nephew though, who made me a Gingerbread Man who looks like he’s seen some seriously bad shit


  11. On 12/22/2021 at 6:17 PM, DavidB6937 said:

    I hope it goes somewhere better eventually. 

    Like where?

    I don’t mean that as a dig, I’m genuinely asking. It’s currently available in every single house in the country that has a TV in it, moving anywhere other than the BBC would reduce its current exposure.


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