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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Finally caught up and have enjoyed the last two episodes of The Book of The Mandalorian.

    I don’t know if it’s covid-related production issues or whether they just didn’t have enough of a story there to fill the whole series, but Mando turning up has breathed some life into it. I honestly don’t know what they would’ve done for the last two episodes had Mando not been brought in

    That scene with Cad Bane was great. I’m not familiar The Clone Wars series so had to go read up on him afterwards, but even without knowing who he was this got him over instantly as a threat and the scene was extra intense because of it, great stuff. 
    Then something popped up on my timeline about some fucking losers “correcting the footage” because supposedly his head “wasn’t the right shape” nor was he “the correct shade of blue”, and that Dave Filoni doesn’t understand the Star Wars universe. That’s the same Dave Filoni who not only directed this episode, but who helped create the character in the first place, he probably knows that character better than anyone. He also seems to understand how passages of time work and that people don’t look exactly the same for their entire existence.

    Loved Grogu’s little bit of chainmail, but ‘Weekend Dad’ Luke trying to tempt him with the Lightsaber left it hanging nicely. I’m fully expecting Grogu and Mando to be back together at the end of the finale purely for Mandalorian S3 merchandise reasons rather than anything to do with the story.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Wideload90 said:

    Segments with Ronda Rousey. No charisma and lots of hulking, lunging and flopping about. Just not believable. 

    How is that petty? You obviously just don’t like her

  3. 14 minutes ago, waters44 said:

    I'm sure this is old news to most people, but if like me you are so out of loop on things this may be of interest...

    I've just noticed an album on Spotify called "The Metallica Blacklist" which is full of covers of songs from the Black album. There's all sorts here, Royal Blood, Chase & Status, Weezer, Ghost and even Elton John! I've listened to quite a bit of it and its pretty good - though nothing comes close to Yashin covering Wherever I May Roam that was on a free Kerrang CD years ago!

    Yeah it came out at the same time they released the Deluxe/Remastered version of The Black Album.

    I’ve listened to the bits that I’d be interested in. Some play it safe, others think outside of the box, but there’s a lot on there that’s of no interest to me personally. I’m one of the biggest Metallica fans you’ll ever meet, but even I can’t imagine ever wanting to listen to 12 different takes on Nothing Else Matters. Rather than release it as one big set they could’ve split it by grouping the genres a bit better and have a number of smaller collections.

    Metallica have also just announced that Load and ReLoad are getting the Deluxe Version treatment later this year, which could be interesting 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Even in that promo where he's meant to be the face he openly says he's some right-wing fox news type, I know the Khan's sucked off Trump but still.. that's the look you're going for?

    Is he meant to be the face? I don’t think he is, but at the same time there’s no way that Brndi is with the way that she’s been acting. It’s a complete mess

  5. 9 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    According to Brandi's entrance graphic, she is on an 8 match winning streak, has she even had 8 matches? and if she has, who the hell is she beating?

    Started back in September 2020 on Dark and Dark: Elevation. 
    Wins over Red Velvet, two wins over  KiLynn King, Kenzie Page, Elayna Black & Layla Hirsch (tagged with Red Velvet), Robyn Renegade, Angelica Risk, Ashley D’Amboise (which is listed as an actual Dark Match so apparently isn’t being counted) and Willow Nightingale.

    So no-one of any note

  6. 24 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

    Wasn't the point of it to get around the time limit? They effectively had two seperate 20 minute matches.

    That match was fantastic.

    “Scheduled for One Fall or TV Time Remaing”, there was nothing to get around.

    “Well the ref can’t call what they don’t see” we’ve been told numerous times. Remsburg didn’t see the tape used, he didn’t even see MJF drop it, he was looking away when he raised his arm and somehow detected it by Force Sense. If he’s then deducted that MJF has choked Punk out, why isn’t that a DQ? Something we saw a few weeks back doesn’t actually exist in AEW.
    Then he doesn’t see MJF use his diamond ring, only this time his Force Sense has been weakened and he just calls the match. Why didn’t another ref tell him what happened, like they did last time they did the exact same thing in an MJF match? All you got was MJF outsmarting a clueless referee, twice it would seem. There was no reason to do a restart

    It was still a great match, I’m not saying that it wasn’t and I realise I’m in “old man yells at cloud” territory by overthinking it. But take out that stupid restart and it becomes an excellent match that’ll no doubt be a MOTY contender

  7. So he was having a go at how the WWE Writer’s Room works by using something that Bruce Prichard said. The same Bruce Prichard who’s in said Writer’s Room today?

    Conrad wasn’t always like how he is now. Back when Ric Flair had his PodcastOne show, Conrad was there to basically keep everything on track, which he did pretty well considering he was working with Flair.

    Then he got the Prichard deal, which again started off OK in the early days, but slowly but surely Conrad developed a bit of an ego as being “the podcast guy” and thought that he knew everything because he’d subscribed to The Observer for however many years. Proper “well Meltzer said it so it must be  true” stuff, which has certainly played into the mocking of him in recent years.

    He’s clearly worked very hard with his Financial Business(es) to be able to fund his platform and everything else, but his opinion on anything to do with the inner workings of the wrestling business is as valuable as yours or mine, perhaps even less than yours as you were (still are?) actually involved in the business at some point

  8. 1 hour ago, air_raid said:

    More one for Petty Annoyances but I was baffled by some comments on “mispronunciation” the other day. I brought up a YouTube upload of a show they made about the murder I was on the jury for, and the comments section was littered with indignant morons correcting the pronunciation of the victims name, by those who’d made the show. The show including the 999 call by the man who found the body, who happened to be her ex-boyfriend. So… fairly good chance they knew how she pronounced her own name, right?

    I know, I know. YouTube comments.


  9. Aside from that Restart The Match bollocks in the middle, which only serves to make the ref look an idiot, that was a great main event. I’ve never been taken with MJF as a wrestler and his mic work is straight out of Heel Wrestler 101, but when he’s in there with the right person he can have a really good match.

    If Tony Khan wants to prove that’s he’s in charge of AEW, he needs to stop sending Brandi out in front of the fans. Absolute egotism from her that no-one wants to see

  10. The rest of the description for that video makes for some eyebrow raising.

    TIS sits down with professional wrestler Brian Kendrick as he talks about the Bin Laden killing being a fraud, the moon being a space station, the reptilian race, the 911 planes being holograms, and the meaning of the sun and the moon.

  11. Didn’t realise that Kendrick had been granted his release. I read that he’d asked for it but hadn’t seen anything about it being granted. AEW must’ve had all the but the last digit dialled waiting for it

  12. 22 hours ago, Perry said:

    Apparently Shane will be working the next 2 PPVs. I wonder what gimmick match they have for him at Mania this year? 

    Well apparently Shane’s already been sent packing due to the poor reception the Rumble match received as he was the lead producer/writer for the match. Creative have supposedly been told “there will be no more creative discussions about Shane McMahon” and everything for him up to and including Wrestlemania has been scrapped

  13. His AEW debut has had 1million views on YouTube. The only 2 other video that have done that in the last 2 weeks are Moxley’s return promo and the Moxley/Danielson stare down from Rampage.

    Might not be to everyone’s taste, but he’s clearly been signed for a reason

  14. 10 minutes ago, Perry said:

    Are they scared to have Ronda V Becky in a singles match or what?

    More likely they’re scared that Ronda will be exposed as an absolute idiot on social media during the build, which she is.

    Becky annihilated her in that field last time round, and she’d absolutely do it again 

  15. Just got done watching the show, which I did in two sittings.

    Reigns v Rollins was decent enough but fuck me do I hate Seth Rollins. The Shield stuff is old enough to be considered nostalgic, but it just showed how little effort they put into anything now. 
    Seth comes out in The Shield gear, ok, maybe act like the person he was back then, the person who fooled Roman into thinking they were like brothers for so long. Nope, still cackling away and acting like a bellend. 
    Also no effort put into emphasising that Roman lost, even if it was by DQ. 
    This was Roman’s first singles competition defeat since December 15th 2019. 2 Years, 1 Month and 15 Days, or 776 Days as they like to say. That’s Pre-Pandemic, that’s how fucking long ago it was. You’d think that might be something worth mentioning. Nah. 
    And shut up Michael Cole - “Seth Rollins coming through the crowd like The Shield did for so many years”. The Shield’s run from debut to breakup ran less than 2 years.

    The Woman’s Rumble- Completely forgettable and I’m suspicious that between noncebait Alexa, Saraya’s repackaging on NXT and Sasha Banks’ gear on this that Vince and Prichard have recently discovered Hentai.

    Brock v Lashley - Great hype video that made it feel like a big fight, but the match was only alright at best. Couldn’t they have just put the belt on Lashley at Day 1? Or even had Big E retain there and drop it to Lashley here? Rather than Brock having a title defence and being the Rumble?

    Men’s Rumble Match - Switched to the French commentary for this because there was no way I was listening to Pat McAfee for an hour.
    Combinations that have been completely done to death, absolutely no stars whatsoever other than Brock, and him coming in and smashing the remaining field just emphasised how shite they all are.
    How the fuck is Dolph Ziggler still employed? He’s done absolutely nothing for fucking years and Robert Roode’s done even less. 
    So, in kayfabe terms, who would’ve been #30 if Brock had won earlier in the night? They’ll explain it all I’m sure, they wouldn’t just not explai...oh, who am I kidding. Everything’s just such a mess.

    Johnny Knoxville, Bad Bunny, Shane McMahon and Randy Orton (because he was the hometown boy) got the biggest pops of the match. That tells you everything you need to know.

  16. 1 hour ago, SaitoRyo said:

    The upcoming Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot/sequel looks shockingly bad. That 'joke' at the end. My word. 


    Sure fire way to make Leatherface a Babyface

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