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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 56 minutes ago, LEGIT said:

    Thanks for the info, I think you're right.

    Likewise I remember reading about the Nasty Boys having a dark match in 2007. That is one I would love to see not only for the sheer randomness, but the claim that they spoiled the chance for themselves by roughing up Dave Taylor and Galloway during the match.

    It just seems weird, they'd never cameoed in WWE before or since. As far as I'm aware this would've been the first they'd teamed since WCW, as it was before Hulk's Australia tour. I liked the Nasties, but I can't get the thought process of WWE giving them a chance in 2007, given their reputation and years of inactivity. 

    Interesting you mentioned Galloway/McIntyre there (I forget which was using on his first run), as he was part of the house show run that Ricky Steamboat had shortly after Wrestlemania 25 and Backlash.

    Starting in June, Steamboat was beating Sheamus (who was only about 3 weeks away from debuting on ECW) and McIntyre up until early August, and also split wins with Jericho in Tokyo (Jericho won) and Greenville (Steamboat winning) along the way

  2. 9 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    One of the best things about the current Jurassic Express run? No Marko Stunt. Every so often I remember that Marko’s not there with them and I enjoy things a little more than I already do. They’ve not missed him have they?

    Has he quietly been let go? Not that I’m complaining in the slightest, the only time I wanted him around was when the Brock Lesnar signing rumours were doing the rounds so that Brock could launch him into orbit, but he hasn’t been on anything AEW related since September

  3. 14 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:


    A lot of that kind of thing happened in the 90s though. Mike Awesome lost to Aldo Montoya in a dark match at a TV taping in late 96 for instance.


    Didn’t Mike Awesome turn up on Superstars in 96 as well? I want to say he was losing to Jesse James

  4. 4 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    He never looked too big in WWE though. 

    Because WWE was still very much the land of the giants back then. He was probably at the larger end of the spectrum of guys they considered to be “smaller guys”

    Bret Hart was considered small by the standards of the time, but even he was around 230lbs, which is massive compared to the modern day

  5. 27 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    They've run North Caroline three times in the past month so I'm not surprised ticket sales have been down. They seem to be running the same proven areas over and over.

    It is going to come back and bite them sooner or later. 
    Im sure there will be a bunch of excuses online if we go looking for them, but setting up for 9,000 and only shifting 5,000 has got to be disappointing whether you’re AEW, WWE or anybody else.

    The latest paragraph of CM Punk’s love letter to Bret Hart was a bit rough. After 8 powerbombs I get that the Small Package would look a bit shit, but it also made Wardlow look a right gimp for getting pinned with such a poorly executed move.

    Fuck Dan Lambert for putting card carrying member of the KKK Dick Murdoch over.

    MJF’s hand disease seems to be spreading


  6. 15 minutes ago, Chili said:

    Takeshi Rikio!!! There's a name from the past (I know, time is fecked), but he had some WWE dark matches didn't he. He was likened and a Japanese Terry Gordy but WWE thought he just looked like a big child or something remarkably silly. 

    Are you sure you’re not mixing him up with Takeshi Morishima?

    Morishima had 2 Dark matches in August 2008, one against Charlie Haas and the other against Jamie Noble. He might’ve even been the GHC Heavyweight Champion at the time

  7. 1 hour ago, Sheffbag said:

    not really a petty one, just a general annoyance. People who buy front row seats..then stand up blocking the view for everyone behind them 

    This weeks AEW dynamite had a walking quality street wrapper stood up for virtually all the page-danielson match and she wasnt even on the hard cam side. Her "friend" didnt look much better either. 

    Bet they’re more bearable to be near than that guy with the Yellow Square.

    Speaking of annoying fans, Everton Guy seems to have disappeared off the face of the Earth. That or he he just goes to NXT 2.0 now which I don’t watch

  8. 3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Lightyear is a story about the person who inspired the Buzz Lightyear toy that we see in Toy Story. It sounds like an idea you would pitch as a joke on twitter. Yet, here we are.

    I liked the idea that someone mentioned about Lightyear essentially being a film or tv show that Andy would’ve watched and that the toy Buzz Lightyear was that film/tv show’s merch

  9. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Does Ruby Soho use the Rancid song of the same name as her entrance? If so, that’s an awful song from an awful band. If not, nothing to see here. 

    Yeah she does. She was on a podcast recently (possibly even Lars Frederiksen’s) saying that “it was actually Lars’ idea that I use the song for my theme and really pushed for it”

    Yeah, definitely nothing to do with him thinking “hey up, I can get an easy pay day out of this”

  10. 8 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Pixar getting face fucked once again.

    Also the third film featuring an Asian lead character in a row they've sent straight to streaming. It will be qwhite interesting to see what happens to Lightyear.

    What were the others? I thought the last two Pixar films were Soul and Luca, or are you meaning Disney as a whole?

  11. 9 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

    Yes I know. I'm asking if there is a reason sky is acting weird. 

    Not really, it’s just what he does now. They’ve been stop-start with him a few times now, almost as if they don’t know what to do with him nor does Sky seem to know exactly what he wants to be.

    Ive seen the finish to Jade/Ruby a bunch of times now and it annoys more & more each time. Yeah, Jade is still as green as grass, but 11 months and 23 matches into her career she sits out perfectly on that move. Ruby Soho, 11 fucking years in the business, takes the majority of it on her knees and then pretty much face-plants the rest

  12. 48 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I don't really see any issues in them hyping it up beforehand. Especially the Mickie one. Makes far more sense to get people interested beforehand. Not like the women's match is a big seller or anything usually.

    The first one main evented the PPV only 4 years ago, now it’s just there like everything else.

    The fact they’ve had to go to the length of drafting in Impact Wrestling’s Woman’s Champion to make up the numbers shows how wafer thin the women’s roster is.

    And I’m sorry, but no-one (apart from you apparently) is tuning in solely on a Mickie James appearance. Impact is watched by 2 people and the photographs they have on the wall these days, unless she actually comes out wearing the belt it’ll just be treated like she’s been working in a call centre since leaving.

    That gif even shows that she was in WWE as recently as last year when they had the Black Mirror audience.

    And who the hell goes back there at the first opportunity after they sent her packing with her stuff in a bin bag? That’s not me calling her a sellout, more just wishing that she’d have some self-respect

  13. 5 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I won't make an individual topic yet as I'm sure the stats are coming. But damn:

    Now I'm interested.

    Only interest is in who the hell they’re going to pad out the field with seen as they’ve given away 7 “surprise” entrants in an 18 person graphic.

    The women’s Tag Titles really do (and always have) mean fuck all don’t they? I had no idea Carmella & Zelina were the champs and I’ve got no idea who they beat for them

  14. I was meant to be seeing Henry Rollins next month in Nottingham but the entire tour has been cancelled and not rescheduled.

    Not surprised at the cancellation per se but I am surprised at how late they left it seem as the tour was supposed to begin  in Berlin tomorrow 

    Im not holding out much hope that I’ll be seeing Gojira or Ghost when I’m supposed to

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