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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Has Adam Cole ever beaten anyone with the Panama Sunrise? I don’t just mean in just NXT or AEW, I mean anywhere ever. Or is that part of the schtick?

    Oh, Kyle O’Reilys here now. Whoop dee doo 

    I’m fine with the judges thing as it gives the implication that the match could go 60 Minutes again. I don’t think it will, but it presents the possibility that it could.

    Back in the Monday Night Wars, whenever WCW were in North Carolina, there was always the chance that Kevin Greene was going to turn up and I was hoping for him to do so here in some capacity. Then I remembered that he passed away last year.

    Dan Lambert hates AEW yet continues to follow them around the country week in week out because reasons.

    Main event was a decent watch if a bit long, but I’d say this fell well below the standard that AEW have set themselves, and as a result the crowd seemed to be really disinterested for large portions of the show. 
    The guy with the Nyla sign can go fuck himself and I appreciate that he’s probably in the minority, but it’s just the latest in a number of off-colour moments from fans at shows lately. Not that they’ll do anything about it because they don’t want to be seen as censoring anyone because “that’s what WWE do”, they’ll just wait for it to blow over (see also: Justin Robert’s & Darby Allin allegations,   bringing in named abuser Jay Lethal)


  2. I’m trying to do my bit by having it streaming all night on repeat (muted obviously). I know it probably won’t mean anything in the long run other than definitely be my most played song when Spotify Wrapped 2022 rolls around, but every little helps and all that.

    And fuck ladbaby, who is definitely a Tory

  3. What are we making to the talk of the fight being fixed?

    Paul twists his right  wrist, or gives “the signal” as some are saying, at which point Woolley then dropped his guard and prepped himself for the punch.

    Absolute nonsense obviously, but it’s fun watching people dissect the minimal bit of action like it’s the Zapruder film

  4. 14 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:

    That is so bad, Becky is fucking rotten isn't she. I wonder if it's just us being older now and it just not being for us any more as pretty much all of the Youtube comments seem to love it

    Without wanting to sound like one of those “give them freedom!~” types, she can be really good. The other week there was a video floating around after she got pinned in a dark match (first pin defeat in over two years I think) blaming a little girl in the front row for distracting her, and she’s out there giving the kid shit (ina very family friendly way) and challenging her to a match next time they’re in town.

    Give her a script though, ugh

  5. 8 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Looking to pick up a few 4K discs now I've got a PS5. Anyone got any noteworthy releases/upgrades to recommend?

    Depends what your into really, but if you’re into Asian cinema Arrow Video put out a really good Oldboy 4K set at the start of the year and Battle Royale got a 4K release last month which was really good.

    The Oldboy set includes most of the extras that came with the 2019 BluRay release as well as the 4K upgrade, while the Battle Royale set has 4K transfers of both the Theatrical and Director’s Cuts as well as a couple of new Anniversary special features as well as the other special features that came with the 2010 BluRay release.

    I’ve not got many other 4Ks, but I’d say that Blade Runner 2049 is the best looking one in my collection.

  6. 1 hour ago, Statto said:

    They did at one point, but not sure they still do. IIRC it was a separate website from the main wweshop page, where you could pick a design & the colour you wanted it on.

    Pretty much everyone on the roster had at least one design, even those who'd made only a couple of appearances on NXT (and in the case of Chelsea Green, before she had appeared IIRC. I also think there was a design for her "VXT" tag team with Deonna Purazzo that never made TV).

    The designs for the lower reaches of the roster were all logos of the type you used to get shiny stickers of/appeared on the loading screens of Smackdown 2. Pretty sure it was this that begat the highly controversial Jordan Myles design.

    You’re right about the websites being separate (think the other was called WWE Customs or something along those lines) but the Jordan Myles incident was when they released shirts for every man and his dog shortly after AEW Dynamite debuted and were all available on the normal WWE Shop 

  7. As you mentioned, ECW was briefly on Bravo towards the end of its existence. Not sure exactly when it started but it will have been sometime in 2000 as I can remember catching a couple of shows where they talking about Jerry Lynn as World Champion which would’ve been after November to Remember 2000 and but before Massacre on 34th Street.

    Nitro on TNT after Cartoon Network over here when it first started wasn’t too far behind it’s US broadcast although i think it was edited. Not sure when it fell behind as I wasn’t an avid WCW watcher at the time, but I can remember catching Nitro prior to The Great American Bash in 96 and the show closing angle of Sting quoting Guns n Roses to Scott Hall, with promising a big surprise the following week which was obviously Big Kev.

    Everyone always mentions about WCW being on Channel 5 but I’ve got absolutely no memory of that ever happening. Had I known it was on there I would’ve watched no question, but that passed me by completely 

  8. 6 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Only one critic deserves that, and it’s the one who gave a negative review of Paddington 2.


    2 hours ago, DEF said:

    Well he certainly needs to be on a list at least. Proper wrong'un.

    Well obviously whoever that was is a wrong’un (I bet it was Kermode) and anyone that thinks anything should be rated above Paddington 2 is a Tory

  9. Couldn’t believe they went with the World Title match the opener. Then it became clear why they did, a brave choice to go with a 60 Minute draw on TV in this day & age.
    The match itself was good apart from the whole bit with Hangman’s cut, that whole section nearly killed the whole thing dead. Dr Sampson showing himself to be as much use as a Chocolate Teapot, god help them if someone ever gets a serious injury and that useless cunts around. 

    It took a while to get things back after all of that bullshit, but they got there eventually and I was sure Hangman had the win after the Dead Eye in the middle of the ring.
    A draw does so much to justify a rematch too. A few weeks ago you had Hangman brag about how he beat Omega and he did it in under 30 minutes, whereas Bryan can say that half of AEW’s World Champions have tried & failed to beat him. I’m looking forward to  seeing them doing it again sometime.

    I hope someone bricked that cunt in the Red Hoodie after the show. You’re fucking ringside, why do you need to stand up the whole fucking show

    What was Tony Khan’s announcement? Cos according to Schiavone, he’d “just booked” the trios match after the fallout of the post-match. So either TK foresaw what was going to happen and had already booked the match, or hadn’t actually booked anything in the first place

  10. 17 minutes ago, Louch said:

    Kevin Owens has renewed with wwe, ending speculation of him moving to aew. Have to say I’m glad to hear that, didn’t feel at this stage he would bring anything fresh with him when he’s seemed happy at his level. Probably got a decent raise from dangling the carrot out. 

    Money obviously isn’t everything, but you’ve got to imagine they’ve thrown him an absolute shitload at him to stop him going.

    Any word on how long it’s for?

  11. 22 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    He's setting the bar high there, I'm sure. I remember when I listened to his podcast one time he demonstrated how metal Fozzy were by playing their cover of Abba's SOS. 

    “Who’d ever expect a metal band to cover ABBA, huh?”

    Probably the several ABBA Metal Tribute albums that had come out a decade before you did it Chris.

  12. The rate that things are heading to streaming also seems to be a bit of a factor in that people seem to be either willing to wait or in some cases stay at home if it’s available there (Free Guy was still playing at Cinemas at the time it was uploaded to Disney+).
    The Last Duel is already on Disney+ and was only released in October, Eternals is heading there on January 12th and only came out at the start of November. If that trend continues, West Side Story will probably be on Disney+ around February time and I think it’s also going to be on HBO Max for at least a month in the US due to a deal before the Disney buyout of 20th Century Fox.

    The Greatest Showman isn’t a good film by any stretch, but it got by on having a soundtrack that people adored and had a steady footfall that kept it in cinemas for way longer than anything had been in years, or at least that was the case at my local Vue.

    As for modernising WSS, isnt that basically what In The Heights was meant to be? And that looked awful

  13. Isn’t it more like that they’ve just commissioned a show that’ll imaginatively be titled something like Saturday Night Live: UK and that’s where the similarity begins and ends?

    It’s basically going to an off-season Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway

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