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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 10 hours ago, Nick James said:

    I was reading a few bits on Twitter (I know, I know) about why MSK are being boo'd by the crowd and there seems to be two theories to it which have come about from regulars in the audience arguing amongst themselves. The first one is that one of the MSK boys said something in an interview about how Izzy the Superfan training to become a wrestler at age 13 wasn't very responsible and the family of Izzy took offence so the booing is to back up the family and the other is because they came into NXT, won the Dusty Classic and then the tag titles without 'earning' them.

    Whichever reason, both are fucking awful. Impact Zone fans levels of shit. 

    EDIT: Mandy Rose is also being accused of 'Blackfishing' quite a lot with comparisons of her tan being darker than Bianca's skin tone. 

    I mean, he’s not wrong

  2. 1 hour ago, PowerButchi said:

    Cobra was the face. And lost in about 30 seconds to Pittman. 

    You’re probably right, but I could’ve sworn that Cobra was the heel, or at least brought in as a heel. It was dogshit either way

  3. I don’t know if they’ll go with everyone being a previous winner. Square guys possibly with Rectangles and Circles just being recruits.

    As for the show as a whole, it’s the only thing for about 20 years that I’ve binged through in an entire day. I’m not usually one to get caught up in the hype of a Netflix series as more often than not they’re nowhere near as good as they’re made out to be, but this had me hooked right away. 
    Goes without saying too that you should go with the subtitles over the dubbed audio. Dubs are better these days but you miss out on a lot of the actual acting from the actors speaking in their native language.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tommy! said:


    I love those little bits of go nowhere bollocks in wrestling, like cobra being left for dead by pitman in the gulf and being reported awol and discharged in disgrace before seeking his revenge on the grand stage of Uncensored. 

    Which somehow made Cobra the heel if memory serves

  5. 49 minutes ago, Michael_3165 said:

    The key here is accusations. Any safeguarding team is going to find proving anything tricky unless there is physical evidence. If someone was got rid of for an accusation I suspect there is a legal precedence for claiming unfair dismissal. This is why so many companies will be reluctant to bin off the accused if they are contracted which I'm unsure if most UK guys are?  Plus safeguarding only applies to people who are technically vulnerable due to age, illness or incapacity. 

    That said, its a shit situation for these poor women who don't get the justice they deserve. 

    What do other people think would be workable so that victims get justice and accused get a fair hearing? I'm not talking legalities (that's passed in this thread) but the practicalities.

    I personally feel stumped w this. I have this horrible tension between believing victims (they have been treated badly enough by police etc without me adding to it!) and sticking w my ethical position of innocent till proven guilty. 

    How do we wrestle w this? 

    From where? They’re not employees, that’s a big part of the problem 

  6. 1 hour ago, Gordon_The_Gopher said:

    It's a fair question - I have been told Progress and RevPro have thorough checks in place now.

    Was that before or after they had Paul Robinson agent their first shows back, completely aware of the allegations made against him?

  7. 3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    The segment at the Nightmare Factory absolutely cemented it to me, that Cody's not turning heel at all, nor is Arn turning on him. The story is that Cody needs to "find the darkness within himself" to be able to beat Malakai Black. 

    He’s going to come out with his own manky eye isn’t he

  8. Just finished watching Halloween Kills.

    The middle film in a trilogy is always hard to pull off, and there was very little in terms of stakes in this. Not as good as the last one, but it’s still infinitely better than either of the Rob Zombie efforts and a couple of the other sequels.

    One thing that does stand out though, as it did with the last one when I watched it a couple of days ago is John Carpenter’s score, it’s fucking amazing. I could could quite easily just listen to those on their own

  9. Finally got caught up on last weeks episode and last nights. The previous episode was OK but didn’t have anything I’ll ever watch again.

    Skipped Garrett/Conti and Moriarty/Fish because neither interested me.
    Suzuki v Bryan was great stuff. I get that it might not be everyone’s liking, but the fact that it even happened is amazing. There’s no way you could picture it ever happening again even as recently as the beginning of this year, and this was easily Suzuki’s best match of this AEW run.

    Punk/Sydal was really enjoyable, which when you think how long both guys have been around and them both working the coming up working the circuit together you would expect nothing less. It’s good to see Punk (and his thighs) not just being a guy on a big fat special attraction contract, this is a new run for him. 
    I do wonder what they’ve got planned for him either at or after Full Gear though. He doesn’t seem to locked into a feud with anyone in particular right now which makes me think he might be sitting it out, but there’s still 4 weeks to go till the PPV. Having said that he’ll either be announced for the Eliminator Tournament tonight or they’re doing a short to build to what TK supposedly had scribbled on a notepad a few days back

    Ruby Soho can have decent enough matches, but never anything that would be considered spectacular. She’s not that good on the mic, as seen the other week with in that segment with Britt Baker, and you wonder whether or not it might’ve been better to debut her when they move to TBS and introduce the second women’s belt

    The 6 Man Tag was perfectly acceptable TV fare and JDS did fine in his parts of the match. Shame they missed Sammy’s high spot that got a holy shit chant, and is it just or did they not seem to have that much space between the ring and the guardrails this week?

  10. 15 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    It's great news. I only saw it because of people complaining about negative responses. But if you look at the replies and the quotes, it's 99.9% positive. Sad thing about social media. It's so negative most of the time and even when it isn't, the teeny bit of negativity makes the most waves.

    What could possibly be negative about it?

  11. As is the style these days, Bloodstock Twitter seems to be just ignoring any mention of yesterday and hoping it goes away.

    The Sophie Lancaster Foundation have made a statement on the matter though.

    So they haven’t walked away yet, but there’s a chance that they could. 

  12. Can’t say I’ve heard that rumour before either, but you just know that Hogan would’ve tried to get himself in on the act similar to how he tried to get Brian Pillman’s Loose Cannon angle integrated into his storyline with The Horsemen & Dungeon of Doom.

    Assuming that Hall & Nash still come in in May, any push/reign that Eddie was having would’ve been quickly ended once the focus shifted to the nWo

  13. 17 hours ago, Chili said:

    Sooooo. Someone zoomed in on Tonk K's notes like a politician when they have papers photographed, and this is the rumoured Full Gear card (no Buy Inn noted so one ot two will be there perhaps). 

    No idea how spoiler tags work. So SKIP THIS BELOW INFO. Posted for anyone not arsed about clicking the link. 


    Clearly he’s never watched The Thick Of It

  14. Vicky Hungerford, the Booker for Bloodstock, has had an absolute shocker.


    Tweet has since been deleted with a follow up of “Well that escalated quickly!”. Not even a sniff of an apology 


    She has now issued an apology (of sorts)


    So, what exactly was she intending?

  15. 36 minutes ago, mim731 said:


    For me, it's a visual overhaul to begin with. The LEDs aside, visually Raw looks the same as it has for over a decade barring a few tweaks. But more importantly, the way it is shot feels very stale. It needs to offer something different and unique aesthetically and in production terms, something they did a great job with in 1997 when they revamped the show. 

    I’m currently up to mid-98 on my rewatch of The Monday Night War and something as simple as having the hard camera on the opposite side (so they enter from the right) from time to time would do wonders to make the show feel different and not as if it’s emanating from the same place every week.

    I can’t remember when they went to having it be ‘enter from the left’ on the hard cam, but it feels as it’s been like that forever

  16. 16 minutes ago, TheSurgeon said:

    I like the Rob Zombie Halloween films, and from the reviews that I've read, it's generally the second that is favoured.

    The first one opened with Young Michael listening to ‘God of Thunder’, and all I wanted from then on was a ‘KISS Meets Michael Myers’ Scooby Doo style caper, which would’ve been infinitely better than either film.

  17. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Absolute hack. 

    That’s putting it generously. The second one is particularly awful, made only tolerable by Malcolm McDowell hamming it up for the pay day.

    I’m surprised that Rob’s wife hasn’t tried to convince him to just go Director full-time seen as it seems to be the only work she can get

  18. Isn’t it just down to being recognised titles and brands? 

    Speaking of Halloween, we continued working our way through them ahead of Halloween Kills by getting the two Rob Zombie movies out of the way.

    The first one was the better of the two, closer to being a straight up remake but with additional origin story nonsense, but Christ almighty that second one was fucking horrendous even by Zombie’s low standards. 
    “Myers has this iconic, instantly recognisable look to him. So how about, right, get this...he spends 90% of his screen time wearing a big biker jacket & hoodie with his hood up”

    Ten down, one to go. I did see Halloween (2018) at the time and seem to remember enjoying it, so that’s at least a minor bonus.

  19. 36 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    I'm so disappointed that isn't a porn parody. 

    When I was a Christmas temp at HMV, a colleague ordered a copy for a customer (this was back before they were flooded with copies ready for the Christmas period). The customer wasn’t happy when their order arrived. Same title, very different movie. Catalogue-Numbers were checked and checked again after that

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