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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Yeah, this is the one I lose it at.

    My manager mixes up his sayings which is quite fun. The other day he told our team we "blew it out of the park" which I giggled at for ages. "Fresh of breath air" was another, but he's a good lad, so its acceptable. 

    Your manager isn’t Biff Tannen is it?

  2. 2 minutes ago, TheSurgeon said:

    We're in an age where if you want to watch a TV show or movie, you just fire up Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other streaming service of your choice.

    For music, you put on Spotify or Deezer. Lot's of new cars these days don't even have a CD player.

    Who here still regularly buys DVD's, Blu Rays and CD's to build a collection. Do you go around charity shops or CEX to find a hidden gem?

    For the retro collectors, have you kept hold of all your old vinyls, cassettes and VHS?

    Do you have a room in your place where it's all displayed? Let's see them.

    I used to buy CD’s all the time but Spotify changed everything when I got that. I’ll still buy physical releases of my absolute favourite acts, but there’s probably only about 5 or 6 on that list.

    Similar with BluRay, I’ll only buy something if I absolutely love it, and in the case of 4K I’ll only buy it on that if the film benefits from it, Blade Runner 2049 being a prime example of that.
    Special Features also play a big part in whether I’ll buy it or not. The last few years discs have become super stingy on bonus content, a couple of deleted scenes here and there, an Outakes reel
who gives a shit. Give me a decent commentary and a proper Making of doc any day. Saying that, I bought The Batman on release day and was super pissed to find that the Commentary by Matt Reeves was an iTunes exclusive. If I want to hear that anytime I’m going to have to fork out another 14 quid, which is bullshit.


  3. 22 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Most of the official releases have said it'll also be available on NJPW World - if that's the case, that might be a cheaper way of watching it. Unless they've region-locked it, or it won't be up live? It's an unusual situation either way.

    Depending whether it’s live or not, New Japan World has done it before where  they clip the show to only include the matches featuring New Japan talent. As the card looks right now (presumably there’s at least one more match to be announced) the only match that not be included in that would be the Rosa/Storm match for the women’s title.

  4. 5 hours ago, stumobir said:

    Mick Lynch winding up bellend “journalists” all day every day, please. 

    As much as I enjoyed Mick Lynch not taking any shit yesterday from journalists (the Kay Burley interview was particularly enjoyable), we were very close to descending into “who invented the skip?” there

  5. Any version of Dancing In The Moonlight. Not Thin Lizzy’s ‘Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me In It’s Spotlight)’ (although admittedly that’s far from their best song either) but the Boffalongo song made popular by King Harvest in 1972, and popularised again by Toploader in 2000, a staple of the pretend middle-class dinner party 

    Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, this version by JubĂ«l ft. NEIMY (released in 2018) gives it the twee, breathy vocal treatment, although it doesn’t go full hipster ad as it has more than an acoustic guitar in it. It’s just come on the song rotation at work and it’s fucking hideous 


  6. Woke is the new “something something avocado on toast” that people use to stick it to the libs. They don’t know what it is but by god do they fucking hate it

  7. Vince doesn’t give a fuck, the people are cheering him and bowing down to him, he’s nearly falling off the apron, jumping down from the stairs - What the fuck is going on

    The Elias segment was great. Big fake beard, the Mankind-Dude Love-Cactus Jack split screen, Owens being great (“I’m French-Canadian, that’s as smart as it gets”)- lovely stuff

  8. So apparently the PM has had some sort of minor operation today (no waiting list, surprise surprise), meaning that Dominic Raab is currently in charge.

    Why am I picturing it being like when the bank put Lenny in charge of the Nuclear Plant

  9. 1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

    Drew pins Brock to win the title therefor "protecting" Roman and giving him the ammunition of saying he never lost his title etc etc.

    Seth wins the belt from Drew at the Royal Rumble

    Don’t want this to sound like a shot at you, but this is the thing when people go fantasy booking.

    Say you put the belt on Drew at CastleMania in September, and you want him to drop it to Rollins at the Royal Rumble in January. What are you doing with him in the four months between those two events? Is he just rematching against Reigns? Which would mean that Reigns, who’s only lost once via DQ in the last 2 years, will have lost (possibly more than once) en route to Wrestlemania where

    1 hour ago, The King of Old School said:

    Rock faces Roman in the main event of night 2.

    So he gets the big match anyway.

    Im not against your idea of Cody winning the rumble (something which I never thought I’d say even a few short months ago) but if they’re having The Rock at Wrestlemania, then Cody has to lose out. Roman v Rock for the title is bigger than Roman v Rock with Roman having dropped the belt and (potentially) lost a rematch along the way.

  10. 1 hour ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

    Nice tribute from Jericho



    Very sad to hear of the passing of my friend and biggest @wwe supporter #TimmyWhite!! The last match Timmy ever reffed was @tripleh and I in the #HellInACell in 2002.  He had to take a bump into the cage and get “injured” so the door could be opened, which would allow us to go to the top of the cage for the finish. 
    Timmy told me to throw him into the cage as hard as I could, so it looked real.  He took that bump so fuckin hard that he tore out his shoulder and never reffed again. 

    I felt awful, but he always said to me “I told u to throw me into the cage hard. You did EXACTLY what I asked u to do. Now let’s go have a beah!” This is one of a hundred stories I could tell about this great man. I will miss him forever. The wrestling biz will never see another man this loyal and this proud to be a part of the business and to be one of the boys. I love you Timmy!  Save a liquor basket raffle ticket for me on the other side. Even though you always seemed to win
. đŸ˜Šâ€ïž"

    You’d think someone that keeps a record of every match he’s ever had wouldn’t overlook a detail like that

  11. As @Merzbow mentioned both Pupil Slicer and Mastiff will be worth watching, Malevolence who are headlining the Sophie stage that night also seem to be qgaining some traction.

    Over on the main stage, Lorna Shore have got a new vocalist so might be worth a go, while Sacred Reich will bring some old school vibes.

    The last time Dimmu Borgir played they were plagued with sound problems to the point that they were practically unwatchable. If I were going it would be a toss up between watching them or Samael.

    Mercyful Fate though are the must see of the day 

  12. 58 minutes ago, dopper said:

    More of the same in Week 2.

    The 2 hour episode was about Regal’s “Real Man’s Man” period, and when he said (about 1.5 hours in) “It only lasted 5 weeks and because of the drugs I don’t remember any of it” that was the only time they went on-topic.

    I’d forgotten that they’d said they were covering The Real Man’s Man so just went into the episode willing to listen to whatever. I hadn’t heard the story of he and The Benoits being involved in a car crash before, and there were a couple of other tidbits spread throughout that were new to me too.
    As for Real Man’s Man, as Regal said himself it lasted 5 weeks and he was smacked out of his bin for most of it, there was no way they were filling an entire episode with it.

    I’m still willing to give it a few more episodes in the hope that Regal finds his groove, but it might be worth him doing some research to fill in the gaps in his memory or cover some topics that he’s able to recall more clearly.

    Foley Is Pod suffers a similar problem of taking a bit too long to get to its subject, but Mick seems to remember things quite clearly, which considering his brain should be mashed spuds with the amount of chairshots he took over his career is quite the achievement, and he speaks well throughout the whole thing. There are a couple of points where you think that he’s probably bullshitting Conrad, who hangs on Mick’s every word as being gospel, but on the whole is an easy listen.

  13. Wardlow vs 20 Scrubs probably sounded fun on paper, but was a bit of a mess in execution. Fair play for trying something a bit different though

    Toni Storm’s promo - so which was it? Trying something different by interspersing clips of Britt into it? Or some clever editing to cover up Toni having to do multiple takes? 
    Worrying lack of a reaction for Rosa’s run-in and Britt has now been pinned twice since winning the Owen Tournament. What a mess

    A mate of mine (who parrots Cornette’s latest opinion most of the time) will be having an aneurysm once he sees Dax getting beaten by Osprey. Part of me was thinking ‘why are they sacrificing one half of the tag champs here? Trent could’ve had the same match and you could’ve still gotten to Osprey v OC’. But then again, Osprey going back and forth for nearly 15mins with Trent doesn’t do anything for Osprey’s momentum, so I can see why they did it the way they did.

    Glad they’ve finally pulled the trigger on the Christian heel turn. Some have speculated that they’ve gone with that due to Jeff’s arrest possibly changing things, but it’s been coming for ages. I’m sure the match between and Jungle Boy will be decent though, whenever that happens.

  14. 3 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I know I’m years and years late but I started listening to the New Generation podcast a few months back and I’ve been slowly working my way through them. Really enjoying it.

    Anyway, I’m currently on the In Your House 2 episode and I forgot all about this;


    What the fuck were they playing at doing this at all, let alone in a lower card match, in 1995 WWF? 

    Yeah that’s a favourite of mine, went through the whole thing again during Lockdown 1. There’s a moment in there Summerslam 97 that’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard.

    As for that gif, absolutely ridiculous spot made even more ridiculous with how Sean Walkman had just come back full time from a neck injury. Absolute insanity 

  15. 10 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:


    The 'here's the new stuff, here's the classic stuff' way is pretty annoying when you love the stuff in between đŸ˜«

    It is, but I can understand why bands do it. The majority of people come to hear the hits, they fill the place out and are the ones who’ll also buy a T-shirt too

  16. Saw Sepultura last night at Tower Ballroom in Hull. It’s a venue that’s changed hands and opened/re-opened more times than I care to remember, but this was my first time actually visiting it and it’s a decent venue. Kind of an in between of Nottingham’s Rock City and the various O2 Academys.

    Sepultura were great and played about 80minutes. Aside from ‘Corrupted’ off of ‘Roorback’, nothing from ‘Dante’, ‘A-Lex’ or ‘The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be The Heart’ (I believe the cool kids are calling it MBHAHBTH) gets a look in, it’s very much “here’s  the new stuff, here’s the classic stuff”

    Raging Speedhorn we’re supporting too and they sounded as good as they’ve ever been. Still very no thrills approach from them, but a great way to get the crowd going.

    Cage Fight are the opening act, but we arrived in their last 10 minutes so can’t really say much about them.

    The show is at The Waterfront in Norwich tonight, and for less than £25 you can’t really go wrong. They are back over here in November if you can’t catch the show tonight.

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