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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 19 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Was bumped. I’m sure due to all the video messages and packages for Cena

    Yet for some reason Miz needed to pull double duty working the Battle Royale and then cut a promo followed by going 10 minutes with AJ Styles.

    Having said that, Owens didn’t seem to be there at all so they must’ve decided ahead of time to cut it

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    The Karen stereotype is odd because having worked in customer facing roles most of my working life the blokes complaining are just as proportional to the women and in my current job i’d say they outnumber them quite considerably.

    Karen’s and Kevin’s* we call them

    * apologies to anyone that may be called Kevin

  3. 2 hours ago, air_raid said:

    Peoples sense of entitlement to free delivery when it comes to online retail. “Because I’ve spent X with you my delivery should be free!”

    You’re right. Just because you’ve paid for the materials and labour to cover the product and provide the business a margin they justify for their survival, they DEFINITELY should cover the cost of getting the item to you. Regardless of the fact the cost of doing that for every customer becomes a huge financial burden very quickly and not everyone makes the margin Amazon or eBay do. If every small-medium business gave you free delivery a lot of them would go bump and if they worked delivery costs into the unit prices you probably wouldn’t get as far as creating a basket to begin with. Stop being so fucking entitled, Karen.

    I work in retail where people are allowed to return things they’ve bought online to store. They get free delivery once they’ve spent a certain amount. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, it’s a clever trick to get people spending more, but the amount of times you have the argument about why they only get refunded for what the items they’ve bought and not the postage when they don’t pass that free delivery threshold  - 

    “But I’ve paid £3.99 delivery, I want that back as well”

    ”But you didn’t get free delivery. The items were delivered to you, you choosing to return them doesn’t change that”

    ”Well that’s bloody ridiculous”

    ”Why is it? How do you think the postage system is funded to operate? Things arn’t just getting moved around the country for free”

    ”Well, it’s the principle of the matter”

    That last line gets chucked out quite often, usually indicative of the person having nothing else in their arsenal.

    Obviously I’m not that devil may care. When I was younger maybe but the conversation is much more diplomatic now, but they’ll stand there arguing to get a couple of quid back because “it’s the principle”, and then won’t think twice about going and spend £3 or £4 at the Costa four doors down and buy a coffee that tastes like cat piss.

    Theres also this classic, usually when somethings “faulty” and well past the return date-

    “I’d like to return this that I bought 8 months ago, it’s faulty”

    *before any checks of faults even occur*

    ”OK, have you got your receipt?”


    ”Have you got the price ticket that came with the item?”


    ”Well then I’m not going to be able to return it”

    ”well why not?”

    ”Because you haven’t got any proof of purchase. I need to know when it was bought, how much you paid for it, how you paid for it so I can refund the same way”

    ”Well I definitely paid £X for it”

    ”But I need proof of that, that’s why it’s a ‘proof of purchase’, I can’t just give you £X because you said you paid that”

    ”Well I want my money back”

    ”But you haven’t got anything showing me how much you paid for it”

    ”But I paid £X for it”

    ”Then show me that”

    ”But I haven’t got a receipt”

    ”I know, that’s the problem”

    ”well I want my money back”

    and so on and so on.

  4. Oh, they remembered they brought Rush in.

    I know none of us are big on crowd sweetening, but it might be worth doing for Mercedes Martinez otherwise she’ll never get a reaction.

    I love how Taz says Osprey 

  5. No way is the title changing hands. If they wanted the belt on Okada they wouldn’t have bothered switching it last week. Jay’s first reign only lasted a few weeks the first time, having a 2 week reign for his second just makes him look a chump.


  6. 2 hours ago, Harry Wiseau said:

    Weirldy the pictures in the links that @WyattSheepMask found are of the single disc versions however the reviews all point to them being the double disc versions so who can but say? Might be safest to try instore because i think they might have both versions listed under the same number / whatever system they have. I know when i bought my spare copy of Empire I had to tell them they were putting the wrong disc in because they only put one disc in. The way you can tell is the two discer has the lettering and band at the top in gold, the single disc version is silver.


    It’s not unusual for their website to just use whatever image they can find and bang it on the website (they’ve also been known to reprint covers in the past, but that’s another story), I’ve bought things from there before that have arrived with entirely different packing to the one shown.

    For the sake of £5 for all three of them (plus a couple of pound postage) it might be a risk worth taking. 
    There is also the same sets in a single box set, but that was ÂŁ28.

  7. 20 hours ago, air_raid said:

    I wish I'd kept tapes of the original versions of the Star Wars trilogy, which have never made it to DVD and presumably will never make it to streaming unless they're painstakingly restored/un-"improved" as per that fan project.

    That, and keeping my "taped off Sky" version of One Night Stand so I can hear Sandman come down to Enter Sandman, are the two best arguments I could make about being careful about junking your physical media. I'll never bin my VHS of WWF 1992 Year In Review either.

    Seems they still have them on CEX as @Harry Wiseau mentioned

    New Hope (£1.50) - Star Wars Ep. IV (U) 1977 2DVD - CeX (UK): - Buy, Sell, Donate (webuy.com)

    Empire Strikes Back (£1.50) - Star Wars Ep. V (U) 1980 2DVD - CeX (UK): - Buy, Sell, Donate (webuy.com)

    Return of the Jedi (£2) - Star Wars Ep. VI (U) 1983 2DVD - CeX (UK): - Buy, Sell, Donate (webuy.com)

  8. 4 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

    There were a few weeks last year where I spent ages looking at lazerdiscs on eBay. Luckily I never actually went down that rabbit hole.

    Laserdisc was a dead format by the time in started buying stuff. Was it actually successful I anyway, or is it the film equivalent of music-snobs thinking that everything’s better on vinyl ?

  9. The awkward silence after Excalibur corrected JR about Malakai using an Octopus Stretch was the highlight of the first hour. Must’ve lasted about 20 seconds, JR with his finger on the cough button telling Excalibur “correct me like that again and your joining the puppies in the sack”

  10. 14 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I’ve seen a lot of praise for the Christian promo, but I didn't think it was particularly good. It was a little rambling at times, and as soon as he said "your dad is dead!" I was right out of it. It's very unlikely that anyone would bring that up in real life, and it doesn't add anything in the context of the storyline. 

    Same here. While I’m sure that the family OK’ed it and everything, there’s no place for it.
    Orton/Mysterio  - “Eddies down there
in Hell!”, Paige/Charlotte - “your little brother didn’t show any fight did he?” - didn’t add anything other than a sour taste. I’m sure there are more examples but those are the two that immediately come to mind

  11. 2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Yeah, this is the one I lose it at.

    My manager mixes up his sayings which is quite fun. The other day he told our team we "blew it out of the park" which I giggled at for ages. "Fresh of breath air" was another, but he's a good lad, so its acceptable. 

    Your manager isn’t Biff Tannen is it?

  12. 2 minutes ago, TheSurgeon said:

    We're in an age where if you want to watch a TV show or movie, you just fire up Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other streaming service of your choice.

    For music, you put on Spotify or Deezer. Lot's of new cars these days don't even have a CD player.

    Who here still regularly buys DVD's, Blu Rays and CD's to build a collection. Do you go around charity shops or CEX to find a hidden gem?

    For the retro collectors, have you kept hold of all your old vinyls, cassettes and VHS?

    Do you have a room in your place where it's all displayed? Let's see them.

    I used to buy CD’s all the time but Spotify changed everything when I got that. I’ll still buy physical releases of my absolute favourite acts, but there’s probably only about 5 or 6 on that list.

    Similar with BluRay, I’ll only buy something if I absolutely love it, and in the case of 4K I’ll only buy it on that if the film benefits from it, Blade Runner 2049 being a prime example of that.
    Special Features also play a big part in whether I’ll buy it or not. The last few years discs have become super stingy on bonus content, a couple of deleted scenes here and there, an Outakes reel
who gives a shit. Give me a decent commentary and a proper Making of doc any day. Saying that, I bought The Batman on release day and was super pissed to find that the Commentary by Matt Reeves was an iTunes exclusive. If I want to hear that anytime I’m going to have to fork out another 14 quid, which is bullshit.


  13. 22 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Most of the official releases have said it'll also be available on NJPW World - if that's the case, that might be a cheaper way of watching it. Unless they've region-locked it, or it won't be up live? It's an unusual situation either way.

    Depending whether it’s live or not, New Japan World has done it before where  they clip the show to only include the matches featuring New Japan talent. As the card looks right now (presumably there’s at least one more match to be announced) the only match that not be included in that would be the Rosa/Storm match for the women’s title.

  14. 5 hours ago, stumobir said:

    Mick Lynch winding up bellend “journalists” all day every day, please. 

    As much as I enjoyed Mick Lynch not taking any shit yesterday from journalists (the Kay Burley interview was particularly enjoyable), we were very close to descending into “who invented the skip?” there

  15. Any version of Dancing In The Moonlight. Not Thin Lizzy’s ‘Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me In It’s Spotlight)’ (although admittedly that’s far from their best song either) but the Boffalongo song made popular by King Harvest in 1972, and popularised again by Toploader in 2000, a staple of the pretend middle-class dinner party 

    Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, this version by JubĂ«l ft. NEIMY (released in 2018) gives it the twee, breathy vocal treatment, although it doesn’t go full hipster ad as it has more than an acoustic guitar in it. It’s just come on the song rotation at work and it’s fucking hideous 


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