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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 9 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    Wrestling on Dynamite defending the RoH tag titles against Roppongi Vice.

    Oh yeah, forgot about that. And with good reason probably, who gives a shit about Roopongi Vice.

    Suppose as well it’s an idea to keep them off this show then build towards something at Forbidden Door 4 weeks later

  2. 5 minutes ago, King of Hamptons said:

    One of the things I find funny about this is Steven hates Women's Wrestling..  Guess he's changed his mind for money. 

    The perception of Womens wrestling has changed completely since the original 1PW. Having said that, I’m sure they did have the odd womens match on some of the pre/smaller shows

  3. 3 hours ago, Ultimate Hitman said:


    Corey Feldman said he was surrounded by pedophiles during his teenage years, mostly during the filming of ‘Stand by me’ which was written by King. I’ve also heard that King would often hang around some of his movie sets. Let’s also add to this the fact that King tweeted Feldman ‘Chill, Corey.’ in response to him getting excited at the start of the tickets sale for his documentary about nonces in Hollywood aka The Rape of 2 Coreys. This was weird. At best, King sounds like an arrogant arse not minding his own business (or is it?). At worst, he tried to communicate something under the radar to Feldman (thus being his business).

    But let’s hate Musk cus he’s rich.

    Ah, that substantiated evidence that you love so much

  4. 3 minutes ago, deathrey said:

    Am I being stupid? I don't understand the relevance of the Eton Mess?

    The PM went to Eton and everything’s currently a bit of a mess.

    I know, it’s not exactly Shakespeare is it

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ultimate Hitman said:

    Why? Unless I’ve missed something, if so I apologise for my ignorance. But currently it’s one persons word. No trial, no evidence, nothing other than one persons account of an alleged incident which has been countered by witnesses already.

    Look, I don’t know you from Adam, all I’ll say is that you’re veering very closely into “well Chris Benoit was still great, he only made a mistake that once” territory.

    Think very carefully about how much you’re willing to put over a guy who’s got a sexual harassment allegation hanging over his head, that’s all I’m saying.

  6. 5 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    A cursory search would tell you that DSOTR wasn't viewed by "millions" so I'd suggest a large number of those people you refer are likely unaware of the allegations against Flair, while I guess you are aware and are happy to continue championing Flair even with that information. 


    2 minutes ago, Ultimate Hitman said:

    Why wouldn’t I be? One single allegation, which more than one witness have already said is unsubstantiated shouldn’t affect anybodies view of somebody.

    Well this isn’t going to end well

  7. ‘Wild Card Wednesday’, the Draft Kings branding - shouldn’t they be doing this next week when they’re in Las Vegas? The writing does itself.

    Johnny Elite is such a shit name. Disappointing outing for both men in the opener.

    Excalibur referencing Takeshita’s debut against El Generico finally triggered where I knew he from. It was on a DDT show with a much lauded Omega v Ibushi match. He’s improved a lot since then.

    Great segment with the lashes, but MJF’s Ronseal hands looked ridiculous 

    Maki Itoh - I didn’t get it last time so I probably won’t get it this time, but at least it was someone they’ve used before rather than just bringing another NXT cast-off

    With them planting the seed of Joe having an injured arm heading into his semi final and Excalibur screaming “it could be Undisputed Elite vs Undisputed Elite!”, they’re clearly angling towards an O’Reily/Cole Final. Great, just in case you didn’t get sick of it elsewhere you get to see it all over again.

    Schiavone with the classic Nitro “we’re out of time!”, good stuff

  8. 4 minutes ago, Healy52003 said:

    Why is it so expensive ?

    There not bothering there asses bringing over a proper titantron going by the seating layout 


    3 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Because people will pay. 

    Pretty much this. A couple of years ago Metallica’s manager was asked why tickets were as expensive as they were on the tour that was happening. He basically flat out said “because people will pay it”. Nothing to do with production costs, Road crew expenses etc, although obviously all of that will have factored into it, simply put “it’ll cost us this much to break even, add X% per ticket for profit, then add Y% per ticket for even more”

  9. The wording of it seems very careful. It wouldn’t be the first time that Banks has thrown a “that doesn’t work for me, brother” over her booking (wasn’t surprised to read that she seemed to be the main culprit), so they could be leaning into that to give it some legitimacy. 

  10. Got the email about that this morning. We’re in London during its opening week, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to convince the wife to see it as we’re already booked doing a bunch of things. Hopefully it tours at some point.

    Something that seemed to fly under the radar when it was announced, Hulu are going to be streaming the Spirited Away stage adaptation on July 3rd and 4th, the final two dates of the show’s Japan tour from Nagoya. I would expect it to appear in the usual internet places a day or so later

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