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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 46 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Can you not watch a PPV after the fact in America? Is it ‘watch it live or you don’t see it’? Even before the Network I remember Sky Box Office replayed the WWE shows a couple of times a day over the following week.

    You’d think in this day & age it would be either replayed or available OnDemand so long as you’ve paid for it. I believe that’s the case if you buy it through FITE at least.

    I can’t help but feel as though the show needs a big angle at some point, whether that’s a debut of some sort or a proper heel turn in the main event

  2. 17 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    This was a show I wasn’t that hyped for until very recently - but that was GREAT. Really, really enjoyed the first two episodes. The tone, time period and music hit all my Star Wars sweet spots, the story is going places I wasn’t expecting, I got joy and fear (Inquisitors terrify me) and sadness and various other emotions. More of this please. Is it one episode every Friday from now?

    I would imagine so. Only 6 episodes for the series though.

    I had to give the second episode a second watch as I fell sleep part way through. Nothing to do with the episode itself, just got too comfy on the couch.

    Really enjoyed these first two episodes though and really enjoyed them visiting the set of Blade Runner, nice to see somewhere other than the usual places.

    In case anyone missed it yesterday, the trailer for Andor dro…..was released. First episode will be on August 31st

    Also, The Mandalorian S3 will premiere in February 2023. It had been originally set for late 2022, but with Book of Boba Fett*, Obi Wan and Andor all showing in 2022, 4 Star Wars series in the same calendar year would’ve been overkill. 

    * Granted the first episode was a couple of days before New Year, but the rest were 2022

  3. 24 minutes ago, simonworden said:

    Seems odd to choose MGM when there's the T-Mobile arena and the other one just off the strip (used for MITB 2011) nearby. Perhaps it's a contract thing or MGM are giving them a cushy deal if it's not due to other bookings.



    T-Mobile Arena isn’t available, UFC are running there the same night

  4. I’ve not listened to one of Conrad’s podcasts for a while, is his sole reference for everything Meltzer’s newsletters? That’s where I’m hoping that Regal can work his magic, telling stories that arn’t just from the WON

  5. 24 minutes ago, Duke said:

    Do you think they figured out the mechanics of this major policy in 24 hours?

    Obviously not, even a blind man could see I was being facetious.

    But you can bet this wasn’t getting announced today had the findings of the Sue Gray Report been more favourable 

  6. 1 hour ago, Shane O' Mac Version 2 said:

    Double Or Nothing this weekend- at present there's 11 matches, with 10 of them on the main card. 

    You can definitely have too much of a good thing in AEW's case. We saw it at Revolution a couple of months ago. Hangman Page and Adam Cole had a cracking title match, but it barely got a reaction because the crowd was spent from the 4 hours of epics before it

    This was something that struck me as they were doing the rundown for it on this week’s Dynamite.

    Jade Cargill v Anna Jay (which I reckon won’t go anymore than 10minutes at the most) seemed to get thrown together last week for no reason other than ‘get Jade on the card’, while The Bucks v The Hardys also seems to have been hastily booked. 
    Both of those matches could easily just happen on TV, the latter could easily headline a themed Dynamite.

    The PPVs do tend to be very good, but they don’t need to be 4hrs every time 

  7. Really good opener between Wardlow & Spears but if Spears can just walk out and grab a chair then there’s no reason for it to be in a Cage, but other than that it was job done and I hope they’ve got something big planned for Wardlow going forward.

    You’re not a Wizard Chris, you’re Tim The Enchanter from Monty Pyton & The Holy Grail. Considering Regal’s love for old-school comedy, a hop-in from The Killer Rabbit would be appreciated. 
    “You do not have what it takes Las Vegas to sing our song” - says noted lip-syncer Chris Jericho.

    “Jeff Cobb and…….this other guy” oh JR

    That Hardys promo was fucking horrific.

    Red Velvet being in the Baddie Section yet still being named after a cake isn’t doing her any favours.

    Had Kyle O’Reily been named the King of the Mountains? What were all those spots on his shoulders? 
    At least we’re not getting Adam Cole’s Panama Shocked Face on Sunday. Joe should be absolutely smashing that dweeb though

  8. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    Has Alistair Oveereem said or done anything to promote this? Today his return was to kickboxing was announced but his Twitter hasn't been active since last year. 

    Just a weird combination, it isn't gonna happen is it?

    “Ladies and Gentleman, we regret to inform you that Alistair Overeem is unable to compete here tonight at WES. However, a suitable substitute has been found, and tonight’s main event will feature Adam Scherr vs…representing Los Boricuas…”

  9. So Sue Gray’s report has been published, he’s fumbled his way through another bullshit apology in the Commons, and just concluded a news conference where he repeated his bullshit apology. He’s got away with it again.

    To quote a great man, “Frustrated isn’t the goddam word for it, this is bullshit”

  10. Surely nobody is daft enough to be buy anything above the lowest price ticket for this.

    Part of me wants to hunt out some clips of the show once it’s happened just to see how empty the arena. I’m not saying that I want it to fail, but how could it do anything else based on what we’ve seen so far

  11. 13 minutes ago, Steve Justice said:

    I still don't get what an NFT is/does. I'm utterly perplexed by the whole thing. 

    I don’t think anyone truly knows, but the snake oil salesmen that convinced people they were worth anything have done a bang up job

  12. Let me guess “Something something I’m an atheist, something something just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right”

    I did actually see a clip this morning as it was on a YouTube ad where he said “when someone discovers I am an atheist”. Surely that’s absolutely no-one seen as he mentions it at every available opportunity 

  13. 22 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

    “Legends will rise once again.”

    They’re going to use that fucking Godsmack song again arn’t they.

    I was just thinking “Christ, that’s late this year”, completely forgetting that we’ve already had one Saudi show this year

  14. On 5/19/2022 at 1:19 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:


    Ainsley is the hero the UKFF deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt him, because he can take it….and EAT IT!

  15. 19 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I saw them all online and Netflix still have them 


    I think they’ve only just recently re-added them to Netflix. 2 isn’t on there as it’s presumably currently streaming elsewhere.

    With Paramount+ launching here next month I would expect they’ll disappear from Netflix and wind up on there soon after launch

  16. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Yeah I love Bill Hicks. It’s just that seemingly every boring weed smoker I’ve encountered seems to as well. Not for his opinions and insights into society but because he liked drugs and so do they.

    See also Howard Marks

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