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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 13 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Yeah, seems like anything multi-man has gone for 30 mins for an Iron Man match (apart from that recent 4 way NXT one).

    Would be great to get a full hour one.

    Have The Bucks got enough in their repertoire to go a full hour?

    Thats not a dig, Iā€™m genuinely asking as aside from a few New Japan matches Iā€™ve not seen anything of them outside AEW.

  2. 5 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Having now finally caught up on the main event, I canā€™t believe anyone is even wasting their time talking about Gresham. We all should be talking about Dax Harwood. What a man. Itā€™s the maddest thing ever that heā€™s turned into the best babyface in the business.

    FTR are having the greatest year of any tag team Iā€™ve ever seen. Another beltingĀ match with the Briscoes, with probably my favourite finish of the year. Kicking out, are you? Iā€™ll just fucking piledrive you off the top rope, then! Boom! No kicking out of that!

    You wonder how the inevitable tie breaker with the Young Bucks could top this. I donā€™t want them to do it because both Forbidden Door and this show has proven the benefits of shorter pay per views, but Iā€™m starting to think they might do an Iron Man Tag Team match. Iron Men match. Has anyone ever done that before? If anyone could pull it off itā€™s FTR and The Bucks in their current form.

    Closest I can think of off the top of my head is a 4 Way match from the early ROH days. Chris Daniels, Doug Williams, Low Ki weā€™re definitely in it, canā€™t remember the 4th man though, might have been Brian Kendrick.

    Cant think of it ever being done as a Tag Team match, unless it was done on an indie show somewhere.

    But yeah, fuck Gresham throwing his toys out, that main event had everything.

  3. Captain America: New World Order

    where Cap has had enough of the MCU and Disney, drops the big leg and says ā€œyou fans can stick it, brother. I made that organisation a monster. I made people rich up there. I made the people that ran that organisation rich up there, brother. You fans can stick it, brotherā€

  4. 37 minutes ago, Louch said:

    I canā€™t remember anything on Rampage about a new ex 205 guy, who have I missed?

    Ariya Daivari, who was in the Cruiserweight Classic 6 years ago and then tucked on 205 Live until getting released last year. He got the vignette treatment when the show came back from an ad break.

    Vignettes are something that AEW have rarely done since the early days of the promotion, and they decide to start using again to promote this nobody

  5. 12 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Never give Claudio a mic.

    The Rap Battle wasnā€™t much better. Died more & more as it went on and Iā€™d lost all interest in the show by the time it finished.

    Opener was decent, which considering I canā€™t stand Jon Silver at the best of times is quite the achievementĀ 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I was also thinking before how is a barbwire match not ever the end of feud blow off match in something like AEW?

    Where the hell do they go after thisĀ 

    Exploding Barbed Wire presumably, as it worked out so well for them last time.

    What an absolute mess that main event was. Anna Jay telegraphing attacking Soho so much that even Stevie Wonder saw it coming, JAS slipping through the bars of the shark cage because Tay canā€™t use keys, Jericho taking a madball to the head and not resulting in his death. Utterly awful.

    I said to a mate that heā€™ll never guess which NXT castoff turned up this week. I could give him till next week and heā€™d probably still never guess at the guy who used to Troy Whatshisface a couple of months back.

    The aftermath of Brody/Darby seemed a bit off, almost like they were trying cram in more than they had time for.Ā 
    Did Miro have to different coloured lenses in his sunglasses? Or has he got Tommy End Rash after being spat at? If thatā€™s even happened, I honestly canā€™t remember

  7. 43 minutes ago, stumobir said:

    Similarly, whoā€™s queuing at the gate before the plane hasnā€™t even pulled up? Do they know they have preallocated seats?

    Iā€™ll raise you ā€˜Priority Boardingā€™. The only people that should be to apply to those who may in wheelchairs or who may need some other kind of assistance.

    If that doesnā€™t apply, then youā€™re just a chump paying extra to get on first and thereby wait the longest for the plane to take off

  8. 4 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

    Guessing these are early reseller prices? Tickets go on sale at 9am & are listed at Ā£75 on Ents24

    Unless Ticketmaster are trying that ā€˜Surge Pricingā€™ thing again.

  9. 3 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

    I know nothing of her other than that gormless look she pulls to no applause after declaring new pork markets, so itā€™s assuring to know she is as thick as she came across.

    The only thing you need to know is that she thinks Drones are scared of dogs

  10. @SuperBacon, @HarmonicGeneratorĀ - thank you both for the kind words.

    Bacon - if youā€™ve not got the show already, itā€™s available for streaming again on the recently launched Paramount+, otherwise Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to pick up on DVD for cheap enough from somewhere

    Harm - I still listen to nerdfest too on occasion. Often time you guys cover stuff that Iā€™m not familiar with, be it current or classic content, so a lot of it would be lost on me. I enjoy the show when I do listen thoughĀ 

  11. As some of you know, I do the Inside Oz Podcast.

    Some of you listened to episodes right at the beginning of the show (Iā€™ve been doing it for over 4 years now) and I hope that some of you still do listen. If you donā€™t, thatā€™s completely your choice and I just want to say thank you for taking the time to give the show a try, even if it was only once.

    It started out as and is still very much done as nothing more than a hobby, but the thing cheers me up is knowing the numbers for the show are still doing well.Ā 
    Im not troubling My Dad Wrote A Porno or anything like that, but itā€™s so uplifting to see the numbers whenever a new episode goes out.

    Iā€™m into Series 4B now, which is when the starts to go off the rails a bit, but my most recent episode had the best Day One Downloads ever, and this week I was #7 in the TV Reviews Podcast Chart. Granted, it may have been #7 in the TV Reviews Podcast Chart in Finland, but Iā€™m still really pleased with that and knowing there are people out there listening.

    It blows my mind somewhat that anyone is listening to me, but over 50% of my audience is based in the US. There have been times were Iā€™ve found it tough to get into making an episode, but knowing that there are people out there that listen and that it might help them escape from the world for 90minutes or so, that makes me happy.

  12. 10 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Why is Tamina still getting a gig? Itā€™s embarrassing how manyĀ far farĀ better women with wrestling skill or personality they couldnā€™t find anything for, yet sheā€™s still there despite having always been, and always will be, shite.

    But she deserved it last year, remember?

    In answer to your question though Iā€™ve no idea why sheā€™s still there, sheā€™s awful. Can only assume sheā€™s popular among her peers

  13. Was going to put this in the ā€˜Today I Learnedā€™ thread but figured it better here rather clog that up with cape movie talk.

    As it celebrates its 14th Anniversary today, I learned that there are people that genuinely think The Dark Knight is the greatest movie ever made.

    Its not even the best in Nolanā€™s trilogy (Batman Begins is, The Dark Knight Rises is shit).

  14. Iā€™m assuming that Kingston gets the win over Jericho this coming week. Although heā€™s been chasing a win that he already has, having won at Revolution, he just has to win the feud outright.

    What do we reckon to Kingston taking the Interim title from Mox at Arthur Ashe ready for when Punk gets back. Their match last year was a belter and was built around Kingston achieving his potential. Itā€™s made for Punk to come back saying that Kingston only achieved his potential because he wasnā€™t around, and now heā€™s back to reclaim the top spot.Ā 
    Ofcourse it all depends on how much longer Punk is out for

  15. Aside from Gresham (although heā€™s had 2 matches on Rampage now) and The Briscoes, itā€™s all looking a bit like AEW Overflow. Almost like theyā€™ve got all this stuff they want to do with this guys on AEW but havenā€™t got the TV time right now, or theyā€™re already tied up in other things

    I know theyā€™ve used a few ROH guys more on Dark & Elevation, but those shows are pretty inconsequential. I know itā€™s still early days, but it feels like Khan just bought it just to acquire a couple of name talents. Heā€™s done virtually nothing with the tape library

  16. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    That reminds me of Jerry Cantrell having Rob Trujillo and Mike Bordin as his backing band for Degradation Trip - at some point, isn't it worth the conversation of where the name value is, and whether a different project might be a better use of their time?

    The timing of Degredation Trip lent itself to Jerry Cantrell as a solo act. Trujillo was still a year away from joining Metallica and Mike Bordin was coming off a run filling as the drummer for Korn, Faith No More had been finished for a while. Both men playing with Ozzy Osbourne around that time too (with Zakk Wilde coincidentally)

  17. I donā€™t usually bother with Dark or Elevation, and why would you when youā€™ve got Rohit Rahul v Baron Black in an ā€œAll the Stars Are Here!ā€ Match, but I wanted to see PAC v Umino.

    The match itself was fine but I had to turn the volume down due to Excalibur & Taz having to be constantly yapping away to drown out the RevPro crowd, who on this night seemed to be one of those ā€œmust chant something at all timesā€ type of crowds.

    The ring also seemed to have a serious case of the wibbly-wobblies, almost as if it hadnā€™t been secured in place properly

  18. 1 hour ago, Winston said:

    Just caught a YouTube clip from a recent Raw -

    Finn Balor's new ring gear has him and Priest looking more like The Ascension than a cool new faction.

    Had a look at this to see what you were meaning, then something dawned on me - when did Rey Mysterioā€™s Eye grow back?

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