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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. Is there any specific place thats good for selling Wrestling Figures? Or am I best just taking my chances on ebay or in the Classifieds on here?

    Got a couple of Unboxed and no longer Available WWE Elites Iā€™m looking to offload

  2. Quarter hour breaks downs from this week


    Held steady over 1million, peaked with the Unification match and dropped afterwards.

    Clearly they had a match that people wanted to see, whereas itā€™s proof that Will Osprey isnā€™t a draw, brother (Iā€™m being facetious Ofcourse)

  3. 3 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Love this. The majority of, ā€œproper,ā€ matches could only dream of nailing this level of catharsis and satisfaction.


    Something else that also seems to have flown under the radar, although itā€™s probably coincidence more than anythingĀ 


  4. So apparently THQ Nordic/Yukes have reused a bunch of old animations from the previous WWE games for this. Responses have ranged from absolute outrage to people saying that Adam Cole did motion capture how both, and just so happened to move exactly the same on both occasions ā€œbecause heā€™s a professionalā€

    I honestly couldnā€™t care less and I imagine that it probably happens all the time when a developer takes on a new IP, but itā€™ll be good to see the ones whoā€™ve ripped on WWEā€™s games for years talk about how amazing and fresh and not like the WWE games it is when itā€™s released. Even that Match graphic in the video that @Hannibal Scorchposted looks like itā€™s directly out of one of the more recent WWE games

  5. 40 minutes ago, Louch said:

    No chance you do heā€™s fucked his foot again and got destroyed to being fit enough to be the ppv challenger In 11 days. Wasnā€™t Jericho the other week the first time a former champion has challenged again for their title after losing it?



    Mox v Omega in their Exploding Barbed Wire match was only a couple of months after the title change.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Pinc said:

    I didn't mind the unification match but I don't see why they couldn't have just done this at All Out?

    Moving the match forward and placing it at an unnatural point in the show, I suppose it broke my suspension of disbelief. It was hard to engage with the story of the match when the circumstances made it extremely clear that this was a deviation from what would otherwise have been the plan.

    Clumsy storytelling. I get that squashing Punk in Chicago might have turned the crowd on the night, but Moxley is enough of a tweener to roll with it. I wonder if Punk said he'd rather not lose in that manner in his home town?

    P.S. I also noticed the 'Time is Now' repetition from Moxley...Ā šŸ‘€

    Just like his hero Bret.

    ā€Itā€™ll be a blow to Chicagoā€

  7. ā€œWill Osprey in the last 30 days has wrestled 18 matchesā€. Come back when youā€™ve wrestled 400 days a year, brother.

    Remsburg just seemingly disappearing while Kip Sabian laid out PAC was infuriating. Say what you want about WWEā€™s storytelling and camera work, but you can bet theyā€™d have shown the refā€™s attention being diverted prior to an attack. Excalibur tried to cover for it, but basic stuff being fucked right up.

    Interim belts can fuck off, and so can Four Way Matches with people who havenā€™t been on TV for months. Just do a singles match between the top two contenders to crown a new champion.

  8. Some more gameplay footage has been released. If you search #aewfightforever youā€™ll find more too

    No detail left out as theyā€™ve even animated Adam Cole slapping his thigh

  9. 15 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    I think the whole situation with this Punk/Mox match is pretty shit. Okay, I'm not a ticket-buying punter, and I suspect a lot of fans will have bought tickets to see AEW's biggest show regardless of the main event card, but to have a card still coming together with just a fortnight to go, AND to throw any version of your marquee match out on free TV a week beforehand is kneejerk fag-packet booking or out-and-out shithousery. The match quality will no doubt be stonking, but it sure feels like any other show, at the moment.

    Itā€™s insane that theyā€™re giving it away on TV. A unification match is the simplest thing to build

    ā€2 Champions, but there can be only 1. Find out who when AEW presents All Out, only on PPVā€

    Fuck it, go all out (no pun intended) and stick Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown in the front row

  10. Has anyone done any investigating to see if MJF ā€œdefinitely bought a plane ticketā€ for any flights today?

    If MJF does return tonight, then as others have mentioned, post-match is the way to go. Doing the ā€œcosts so & so the titleā€ would absolutely stink the joint out, and surely in kayfabe heā€™d be starting from the bottom after being off for 3 months.

    Thats if he returns at all, I reckon weā€™re more likely just going to get Hangman confronting the winner, who considering all the talk last week was about Punk going into business for himself would suggest itā€™ll be him, and they face off at the PPV

  11. Finally got round to watch the Netflix Woodstock 99 documentary last night (still got the HBO one to watch at some point).

    Proper Comical Ali ā€œeverythingā€™s fineā€ shit from the promoters, James Brown pulling an Ultimate Warrior before the shows even started really set the tone.

    Sure made the ā€œriotersā€ at Leeds Festival 2002 look like a right bunch of pussies in comparisonĀ 

  12. Lot of groundwork covered, one got ā€˜Choppy Choppy Your Pee Peeā€™-ed, plenty of violence, at which point my wife said ā€œnice, all we need now is some bumming and we filled the bingo cardā€. 2 minutes later, cue bumming.

    Emma Dā€™Arcy looks like sheā€™s going be a right moody cow all series, and I was kind of wanting the women to play hook-a-duck when throwing their favours to the jousters, but otherwise top draw stuff.

    Weā€™re off to the races

  13. We have the big three.

    Vue is the cheapest in terms of tickets, but has the same seats that it had when it opened 15 years ago and is really uncomfortable. Even the premium seats have had so many arses in them thereā€™s no actual padding in them anymore.
    Odeon had a refurb in 2019 and is all fancy recliner chairs and a little table for your drink/snacks. Their ticket pricing varies wildly depending on time & day though. For example, I could go and watch Nope tonight for Ā£7, whereas if I go at the same time tomorrow (or the rest of this week seemingly) itā€™s Ā£12.

    Cineworld was always the most expensive pre pandemic, but also had a refurb and 4DX screens and all those gimmicks added during 2020. When it reopened the tickets were more inline with Vue (Ā£5 standard tickets) but Iā€™ve not been to it since it had the refurb.

    Theres a Parkway Cinema about 15 miles out of town, but Iā€™ve never been to that and a quick look at their website shows Ā£9.50 flat rate tickets, so no danger of going there anytime soon

  14. 1 hour ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Sheamus has been very quietly getting a lot better in recent times since they took their focus off him and seemingly just let him have his euro brawls with whoever his mates are.Ā 

    I'm biased for a local lad but there's clearly a decent long term angle and heel run with the belt left in him when they need someone to keep the strap warm for a few months.Ā 

    He got tarred with the ā€œTriple Hā€™s mateā€ brush early on because they worked out together a couple of times, which is a shame because heā€™s a consistent performer his whole time there. That 2012 run with the World Heavyweight Title had some great matches

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