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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 18 minutes ago, DCW said:

    If Truss goes will there be a GE? or will Hunt get a go as PM? its hard to keep up at this stage!

    If the polls are to be believed, they’d be absolutely mental to call a General Election as soon as the new PM is installed. Whoever takes over will try and ride it out for a few months in the hope of things settling down and that public opinion sways back in their favour

  2. Watched Halloween Kills tonight. If that’s how the franchise is going out, then it’s gone out on a total wet fart.

    There’s a part early on where two people are watching The Thing. Do yourself a favour and just watch that instead, you’ll have a much better time with that than watching this shower of shite.

  3. 11 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    I've just got back from a surprise birthday present from my sister - the theatrical production of My Neighbor Totoro at the Barbican. Wonderful - a really loving and joyful adaptation that leaves you feeling uplifted and warm, just like the film's. Sadly couldn't take photos, but got one of the banner. If you can get hold of last-minute rush tickets or re-sells, I strongly recommend going, you won't regret it. There was a brief period where they stopped the show because of tech difficulties, but there was so much good will in the room, because it had been so good thus far, that everyone cheered and clapped when they resumed.


    We were there last night too. You could really feel the anticipation of everyone before the first appearance of Totoro, which was just incredible. Even what they switched to following the technical difficulties would been great, but that first reveal was something else. When they were making the announcement I was dreading that they cancelling the rest of the show, which would’ve been devastating as we booked the tickets months ago, but thankfully everything worked out. 
    Absolutely would recommend it to everyone though. If it ever tours I’ll be there in a heartbeat

  4. 3 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

    There's some blatantly obvious gaps for EXTRA SHOW ADDED DUE TO PHENOMENAL DEMAND to be slotted in. I'd hazard a guess it's way more profitable to run these size arenas compared to football stadiums, even if they added on a second or third date at the same venue as they can leave the production on the same place for two or three days and they're probably more likely to sell these venues out compared to running the Ricoh or Milton Keynes Bowl. I do wonder if the My Chemical Romance shows all not being total sell outs despite the fact they hadn't played for years has been a factor in venue choice too.

    I think there were a lot of people holding off those shows in the hope that they would be announced as headlining Download, something which obviously didn’t happen as they’d already had future bookings in place and rescheduled other bookings.

    Definitley agree about the “EXTRA DATE ADDED
” routine though, it’s amazing how often the venue just so happened to be available the next night too

  5. 6 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

    In Flames, Anthrax, Sepultura, Ugly Kid Joe, Whitechapel, Nonpoint, Trollfest, the original Biohazard lineup and Church Of The Cosmic Skull all added to Bloodstock next year.

    Was convinced Anthrax would be on the bill with Bloodstock saying the latest announcement would be after their UK tour had finished, they'll be ace on the main stage. It's setting up to be a good lineup.



    Certainly shaping up to be a good one. Sepultura have turned into a great live band these last few years, the original Biohazard in the tent will be great (both of those are playing the Sunday), and In Flames are a band that people have been asking for for years. Wonder who that third headliner will be though.

    As the Blink 182 reunion, kind of feel sorry for Matt being kicked to the curb but that new album & tour is going to do insane business. Surprised they’re sticking to indoor arenas, I’d have though a show at MK Dons Stadium or Coventry Arena would’ve been the way like others have in recent years 


  6. 45 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    They had a decent run, put out 4 records but peaked commercially probably on album 2 after the buzz generated by 'Ideas Above Our Station' then sort of dropped off, audiences dwindled, dropped by labels, member changes, the usual. Hell is For Heroes suffered a similar fate.

    These comeback, one off little runs down the line are great though, always a good time.

    That said, I went to a "Ideas Above..." reunion show last time around which unbelievaby was 10 years ago now, scary how first time is passing by.

    I think the drop-off had already started to happen even before ‘Shatterproof Is Not A Challenge’. They drew a great crowd at Leeds 2002 (and presumably did at Reading too) based off the success of ‘Ideas
’ which had been out for a couple of months by then, but ‘Shatterproof
’ didn’t seem to get anywhere near the same kind of push from the press. By 2004 The Darkness were the big boys of new British rock, and similarly went to shit a couple of years later

  7. Do Fulham fans dislike Tony Khan as much as some Wrestling fans? I only ask Fulham’s twitter wished him a Happy Birthday, and literally the first reply was this

    In fact, most of the replies seem to be wrestling related

  8. 37 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    Was the thing on the announce desk that freaked Cole and Graves out supposed to be the burnt Fiend mask from last year? Couldn't quite figure it out. 

    Yeah it was, which must mean that the other Fiend that was shown in the crowd must be wearing a second Fiend mask, or there are two Fiends*


    * insert “wrestling has loads of Fiends” joke

  9. Bugger, I knew there was another Bond thread đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž.

    Hopefully they’ll be on Prime longer this time. I didn’t get the chance to even start watching them last time 

  10. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    That’s the real irony though - nobody has had more of their shit dissected and over-analysed than Bray. People fucking love it. Endless YouTube videos and Twitter threads going through everything he puts out like it’s a Marvel trailer or something, picking out supposed symbolism and references.

    I’ve already seen claims that the white light through the door was a nod to Brodie Lee’s AEW debut, and that Abby’s mask was the one Brodie (as Luke Harper) wore in his Bludgeon Brothers run. Yeah, cos they’ve never done the bright light thing before and a quick Google Image search disproves the latter.

    People are already predicting who the guys in the costumes were, and that Bray’s leading a stable called the Wyatt 6 because he’s changed his Twitter username.
    Oh, and apparently Liv Morgan is going to revealed as Abby The Witch because reasons.

    The should watch Room 237, the documentary on The Shining whereby a can of Peaches in The Overlook’s Pantry unlock the secret meanings of the film 

  11. Promo material for events go out to various companies well in advance, sometimes a number of months, so presumably they were expecting him to be back in time for the event.

    His recovery obviously took a little longer than expected, by which time the advertising had already been made public so rather than change it they just stuck with it.

    Or he was just wanting to take the shine off of Jericho’s big night of winning the big belt(s).

  12. Extreme Rules, hereby known as “this is what you wanted!/is this what you want?”, on the whole was a very good show.

    Rousey/Morgan kind of died in the final third and Kross/Drew was a bit too PunchKick-y, but everything else was good to very good in ring. 
    Cormier telling Rollins “you got to finish it down here” while presumably muttering under his breath “because there’s no fucking way I’m getting up there”. I thought they actually did quite well with the first part of the Fight pit, because like Hell In A Cell back in the old days, your just waiting for them to go to the upper level.

    The Wyatt Return - someone’s still ploughing their way through Blumhouse DVDs, but you can’t argue with that reaction. Its a shame they didn’t use White Rabbit on the actual broadcast to tie the whole thing together, but I imagine that would’ve cost a lot of money to clear so can understand why. 
    There’s a good chance the whole thing could go to shit very quickly, but on this night, Bray was the biggest reaction on the show by far.

    Random Observation - it was nice to see some kids in the audience that were enjoying themselves, rather than the Man-Children trying to get themselves over with their video game signs* that plague AEW.

    * apart from that one who always up against the barrier in the aisle way, but he’s been doing that gimmick for years

  13. 6 hours ago, uklaw said:

    Regarding the ‘tap’ in the main event, it wasn’t a blown spot, and instead it was a ‘Brazilian Tap’, where the competitor taps the mat twice to deceive his opponent into thinking he’d given up when the rules state a tap 3 times is what calls a fight/match to an end.


    This was a finish that I used back in my eFedding days nearly 20 years ago. Nice to know it has an actual name

  14. Meltzer having a totally normal talking about Kensuke Sazaki and Akita Hokuto hooking up in Korea as part of *checks notes* Antonio Inoki’s Obituary 


    A different kind of BOM-BA-YE there Dave

  15. That “Mushroom Kingdom, here we come” line sounded like the guy who plays Linda in Bob’s Burgers, which would’ve been infinitely more enjoyable and at least he’s from fucking Brooklyn. Him or Danny DeVito. I don’t care if DeVitos nearly 80, he’d have still been a better choice than Pratt

  16. Short entrance ramp, crowd mostly in darkness - not a great look for your big Anniversary show.

    So is Sammy going to face any sort of action for his role in this stuff with Andrade? Or does he just get away with it because he’s Jericho’s boy and TK isn’t going risk pissing him off. 
    If you’re getting a worse reaction than the two abusers that come out immediately after your promo then you’re one hell of a dick.

    They need to stop giving Excalibur a script the length of War & Peace to read. Apparently FTR are taking on The Gates of Agassi at Battle of the Belts IV. Surely that should’ve happened at Grand Slam

  17. 3 hours ago, Cheapheat said:

    I think I worded my question badly, let me try to explain. So if a company has a budget of 1000 USD for arguements sake, what % of that would be allocated for talent? 

    Never booked a show in my life, but I would imagine the best way to look at it would be that everything is on the expenses list. If you have 1000 total for your show and want to hire, let’s say Will Osprey who commands a fee of 250 (hypothetically). That’s 750 left in your expenses, out of which you’ve got hire everyone else, pay for the venue, insurance etc. Unless you want to be considered a shitarse, you may be best making sure you can break even for the production expenses before going and spending/agree fees for talent. If you can’t make that back then it’s probably best to get out of the game already.

    Some may just want to be on the show to gain experience and be willing to take either a cut based off of the ticket sales or a very low fee, and if your going to let them sell their own merch then they’ll make the bulk of their money off that.

  18. The more I see it the more stupid it is. Would a Splash from there have been any less impressive? At least that way he can see where he’s landing without risking his Spine. But no, best put a rotation in it and come what may in terms of where I land squarely on my Coccyx. Walkings overrated anyways 

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