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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 2 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    How easy is it to get between the O2 and Camden? I'll likely stay around there and find a dirty rock club if one is open for the night.

    Jubilee Line from North Greenwich (which is directly outside the O2), change to the Northern line at Waterloo which will take you to Camden Town. Should take you around 30 minutes.


  2. 50 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    So a proper PPV is coming to the UK again, I didn't see this coming.

    I was thinking that they were getting rid of the gimmick PPV shows like this.


    I think after the success of Clash at the Castle it was only a matter of time before they brought something over here. I’d read that they were doing away with MITB as a PPV too (I’d prefer it to go back to being a match at Wrestlemania), but clearly they’ve reconsidered and if they’re looking to more PPVs over here (perhaps per year but not the same time of year each time), then it’s worth keeping around.

    I would imagine all the hotels have jacked up their prices already

  3. I would imagine nothing much will change until the BT Sports deal comes up. No idea when that is exactly, I’d assume it was at least a 5 year deal and it’s just coming up on 3 years since it moved to BT from Sky, so it could still be a while until any change occurs.

    I reckon that once the deal comes up it will get gobbled up into some other package like it has been doing in other areas

  4. 23 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

    I think most shows stream live and go into the archive shortly after.

    No idea about Muta's last match but I don't recall any wrestleuniverse era NOAH shows being a separate PPV.


    I think some have been purchasable on FITE but still streamed live on wrestleuniverse. 


    Cheers for that. Yeah, FITE are charging £18 for it and figured it might have been the same elsewhere, but if I can get both the Nakamura match and the final match in the Wrestle Universe sub for a month I’ll do it that way

  5. How quickly do the NOAH shows go onto Wrestle Universe? I can see that the Muta/Nakamura match is on there already and I’d take out a subscription for the month to watch and his final match, but am I right in thinking that the show with his final match is a separate PPV event?

  6. 1 hour ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    That particular period on the New Gen podcast is so, so good. It's also the only wrestling podcast for me that nails another podcast trope I enjoy, which is just that ASMR vibe of being genuinely relaxing to listen to. Which wrestling podcasts almost never are because they're riddled with shouty shout boys. 

    Yeah, I’ve been back to the New Gen Podcast more times than I remember. Oftentimes I’ll just pick an episode at random and then up listening to the end of the relevant year, they were so good at what they did, and I must admit that it was a huge influence on my podcasting style.

    I reckon OSW will venture back to TNA soon enough, there’s still plenty for them to get their teeth into there

  7. 49 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    OSW did the Raw from the same night for Patreon, and its a shame, as that would've made a much better long review. It's the episode where Trips "beat" Shawn for the European title.

    OSW is the only Patreon I subscribe to. They have provided me with so much free entertainment over the years, I felt the need to, and I'm a tight git!

    Their reviews of The Room and Fatal Deviation have done as much for my MH as Sertraline. I probably watch one of them once a month. 

    "Ya little Tully arsed bastard"

    I believe they’ve said that they’re going to do that episode in long form in the future, which could mean they’re covering parts of 1997 as a future arc. Perhaps Bret coming back at Survivor Series 96 upto Austin winning the belt at WM14?

  8. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy the show and still go back to older episodes, but that Alexa comment, which was right in the middle of her “ooooh, I’m well Spooky” phase, just threw me a bit.

  9. 18 minutes ago, herbie747 said:

    The OSW Xmas episode was great, as usual. Best wrestling podcast by a mile.



    I’ve been sceptical of OSW ever since V1 Steve called Alexa Bliss the best actress in Wrestling. I know the bar isn’t set very high to begin with, but if she’s considered the gold standard then god help us all

  10. 14 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    Wayne’s World

    I dunno. Guess you had to be there? Not good.

    This might be a silly question, but was this your first time seeing it? 
    I don’t mean that like “fucks sake! You’ve never seen Wayne’s World?”, but I think seeing something for the first time 30 years after it’s initial release plays a big part in how much you’ll enjoy it. Comedy stylings, frames of reference, all those kinds of things have changed a lot from when it was first released. While it’s obviously a completely different genre of film, The Exorcist was considered immensely scary back when first released but by the time the re-releases came around it was considered quite tame.

    Wayne’s World will always be a favourite for me however, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched it in those 30 years. A few of its references went over my head when first seeing it (I didn’t get the Terminator 2 reference until years later after seeing that the first time), but it was a massive gateway in terms of music for me, especially hearing Alice Cooper for the first time.

  11. 1 hour ago, GlennCullen said:

    Home Alone 1 and 2 are quintessential Christmas viewing for our family, but I'm still irrationally annoyed by Kevin's dad complaining about the room service bill at the end of 2. You're clearly loaded, have a hotel suite full of free presents and have now lost your son, twice. Pay the damn bill Peter.

    Nevermind that shit, Marv takes a brick to the face from 3 stories multiple times. Even after one, he’s on that street a twitching husk of what used to be a human being at best

  12. On 12/16/2022 at 10:21 AM, BomberPat said:

    Bret does all the work, and she just shows up for the double-team finish.

    And everyone thanks him afterwards with tears in their eyes. 4/10

  13. 1 hour ago, Nick James said:

    A load of look-a-likes. Other than Martin Lewis, even the celebrities have fucked them off. With lyrics such as 'Pray for a sausage roll', it feels even more like they're just taking the piss rather than having any meaning behind the whole thing (which we knew already). The whole 'Matt Hancock is an alright guy' brigade are out in force it seems defending the lanky tosser.

    I genuinely thought you were joking so had to look it up. They really are taking the piss arn’t they

  14. 17 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Look, we've been over this already. (FINK VOICE) The rules are simple.

    The person who scores a pinfall gets a key, the person who loses the fall goes in the penalty box for three minutes and is forbidden from climbing the ladder for five minutes. The key opens one of the four lockboxes that may contain the X, a P45, a spider or a title belt. The last person standing after all five have entered, seven pinfalls have been registered, and all four lockboxes have been opened, has earned the right to climb the ladder, hang the X, and attempt to retrieve the photo of Scott Hall, where upon the bell will be rung and THE MATCH BEYOND will finally begin, where upon its submission or surrender, or capturing the other team's flag. Those are the rules, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.

    Oh, you mean The King of the Feast or San Francisco 49er Scramble Ladder Ultimate War Game I Quit Flag Match


  15. So FTR, the team with 3 sets of Tag belts from various promotions, lose clean then you want us to buy a PPV to watch them against a team that the network clearly don’t want on the show, in a gimmick that will have had a whopping 3 days of build? Fucks sake Tony. And FTR have already beaten The Briscoes twice this year, they should’ve told them to stick their confederate flags up their arses.

    The match itself with The Acclaimed was very good. I’m in the minority that that didn’t like Acclaimed v SIOG at All Out, but I have liked most of what they’ve done since. I can’t argue with not taking the belts off of them here as they’re massively over right now, but as @Infinity Land mentioned they could’ve gone with a TV time limit draw. That way FTR don’t go into their ROH match on a loss and you’ve got a logical reason to do a rematch (possibly with No Time Limit) with The Acclaimed in the near future. But instead they’ve been beaten clean and presumably go to the back of the line and The Acclaimed move onto someone else

  16. 2 hours ago, Louch said:

    Aew need her to come in and want to be headlining shows as doesn’t seem like the women there are great at politicking for that spot. If she’s wresting for new Japan first as their woman champion and following the mox route, that’s gonna be big for new Japan in the states especially if she’s in series 3 of mandilorian  

    Perhaps someone who’s more into the whole “extended universe” of Star Wars could will correct me (I’m fairly fair weather compared to some fans) and I get that The Mandalorian is a huge show, but people talk about her as if she’s some integral character when she really wasn’t, her character was one of at least two sidekicks to someone else. From what I remember they didn’t even seem to trust her with many lines in the first of the two episodes she was in. She probably had about 10 lines in the whole of her run on the show. 
    Besides, every man and his Dog gets to be in Star Wars these days. Even Forum favourite Trevor Morgan from Eastenders turned up in Andor this year

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