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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 46 minutes ago, Just Some Guy said:

    To change the subject away from such a repulsive human to something a little more worthwhile....

    I don't watch reality TV at all but my eye was caught by a story featuring Made in Chelsea's Spencer Matthews.

    Apparently his big brother was the youngest ever Brit to summit Mount Everest but sadly died on the way down. Like so many others his body is still stuck on the mountainside.

    He's going to Everest himself with Bear Grylls in an attempt to recover his body. I wish him well.

    It’s the subject of the new Finding Michael documentary that’s just been released on Disney+

  2. 11 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    I'm not saying it's Rock & Austin, but fuck me. 

    You could just about cut a My Way edit at the end if they started trading shots. 

    All glory to The Plan. 

    Got to wait for the blows to come for the chorus, but at we’ve got the intro

  3. So, Stephen Bear has been sentenced to 21 months for sharing a video of himself having sex with an ex on OnlyFans without her consent. 
    This was him outside the court ahead of today’s sentencing, taking it all very seriously 

    Heres hoping he meets his own Vern Schillinger

  4. On 3/2/2023 at 4:53 PM, CAREBEAR LUVVA said:

    How long does it take to get an email from Ann? I sent her a nice story a couple of days ago but she hasn't acknowledged it at all. 

    I emailed last night and got an email this afternoon. I also had a missed call from them as I was at work.

    I too emailed a nice story and made sure to mention specific favourites. I also tried to X Factor it and gave a bit of a sob story about how my local has been able to get stock due to supply chain issues. 
    I got a list of retailers where I might be able to get some, but I doubt it was enough to tip the balance in my favour and receive an Ann Care Package of Tunnocky Goodness

  5. 11 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

    Fantastic progress @WyattSheepMask. Keep going. 

    Thanks mate, and anyone else that has liked that post. I hope it didn’t come across as bragging, I just needed somewhere to share to it and this is (mostly) full of good folk

  6. 52 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    calm down Vince

    I’m not looking to get in an argument about it, if you see what was said on the show as fine then so be it.

    For me though, we shouldn’t be expected to know what Takeshita has done before. It’s on Excalibur to put over Takeshita’s experience (specifically his Ladder Match experience in this case), and that’s the difference between telling the story and giving a wink to the Uber-fans.
    Just saying he (or anyone else) has plenty of experience in Ladder Matches doesn’t mean anything in isolation. For all we know he could’ve had 50 of them and lost every one of them. Just give one example of a Lasder Match that he’s won, that puts him over as possibly being able to win this one.
    Joey Styles used to do a great job in ECW of giving examples of people’s work outside of there, and how it was relevant to the situation/story that was unfolding, he didn’t just say “this lads done this before” and assume you knew what he was referring to. Granted ECW was still smarky as anything, but they also brought context to things for those not in the know when they needed to

  7. 5 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    I think that's pretty nitpicking - you can't say that you're being asked to assume knowledge, and then one of the examples being the announcers telling you that he has ladder match experience. You don't need to have seen those previous matches, you're smart enough to assume that they must have happened elsewhere. 

    Fair point but if you’re going to say someone has “plenty of experience”, be it in Ladder Matches or otherwise, give an example. To some people Wrestling is just WWE and/or AEW.
    “Takeshita has plenty of Ladder Match experience, he had an incredible Ladder Match against Wrestler X in 20whenever for Insert Promotion” does much more than “this lads been in loads of these before”

  8. They missed a trick not doing the Predator handshake between Mando and Greef, but I liked how they mentioned that Gina Carano had to go because her Planet needed her, only to die on the way back.

    It did feel like it was a reset for the show. Lots of callbacks to remind everyone what has happened to get things into place.

    Some are saying that the wheels have come off the show entirely, but it’s far too early to be making those kind of claims. And yeah, it’s very different to what Andor was, but that’s fine.

    Its wasn’t great, but I’d still take it over a lot of stuff

  9. 3 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    That's going to be a perfectly logical match for Backlash/Extreme Rules/In Your House/whatever its called. And a perfectly logical, credible first defence. Cody doesn't need a Kane. In 2023 nobody should be having the equivalent of "give im Bulldog" levels of obvious win for a first (cough) premium live event defence. We know he'll beat Rollins but it wouldn't look outrageous if Seth won the belt (and was planned to win one of the World titles as recently as Jan '22). If he beats Paul...


    I agree with everything you’ve said, Rollins is perfectly logical opponent and won’t lose anything dropping another loss to Cody, as you say even win it. But if the rumours of Vince worming his back into creative are accurate then who knows what the fucks going to happen at Wrestlemania. He could change his mind 10 times during each man’s entrance, have Logan go over and still have Rollins named #1 contender 

  10. I’m not as high on Mox as a lot of people are, but that promo was the best thing he’s done in ages. Shame it sounded like he was cutting it in the Grand Kanyon, get a boom mic in there Tony.

    The build to HoB v The Elite has been shocking. This was also too short to mean anything or warrant HoB getting a title shot.

    The assumption of knowledge, a problem in the promotion’s early days, is starting to creep back into the show. Are we just supposed to know who Komander is and why he’s earned a spot in the Sonic Ring Ladder Match? Don’t get me wrong, he did some spectacular stuff, but who is he?
    “Takashita, a man with plenty of Ladder Match experience himself” - such as? 
    Action Andretti nearly dropping Jericho’s mate on his head from the top of the ladder is a sure fire way to send himself packing. 
    I’m all for the wrestler’s safety, but at least try and keep the faction of refs holding the ladder for Hobbs out of the shot.

    Great promo from Christian, but having No Holds Barred Match and a Texas Death Match on the same show is shoddy booking no matter which way you slice it

    I’ll watch the rest later, but the first hour has been a big improvement on recent months.

    “Pat Paterson had a lot of success here in San Francisco” - careful now Taz. 
    “….in the Cow Palace” - nice save

  11. I reckon we’ll get one more match out of the Cody/Rollins feud ifRollins beats Logan Paul at Wrestlemania. 
    It’s a simple enough story to write. Rollins put Cody on the shelf for months by getting in Cody’s head so much that Cody went too hard and nearly tore his chest apart training for their Hell in a Cell Match. Cody comes back, wins the big one in honour of his Dad, and Rollins wants to end the dream as quick as it started.

    AJ Styles could be a fun match but AJ would need a big win to heat him up again whenever he returns from injury. Not that it would take long to do that, I just don’t like the idea of him coming straight back in a title program.

    I would imagine that Cody will give Sami a shot at some point purely out of sportsmanship, but a match with Brock could be great if Brock brings his working boats and is willing to look at the lights. A match between them could get close to Brock’s match with Punk if they wanted

  12. A couple of years ago, the wife and I decided to work our way through the big horror franchises. We did Halloween first of all, then Friday the 13th, and at the start of this year we finished off Nightmare on Elm Street.

    We’re currently working our way through the Hellraiser franchise. I’ve seen the original and Hellbound: Hellraiser II before, but not the sequels, although I did see the reboot from last year which was alright in places. As with the other properties, each one is diminishing returns, but Hellraiser: Inferno (i.e. Hellraiser 5: Hell Goes Straight to VHS) may be one of the worst films I’ve ever seen, and that covers a lot of ground. Scott Derrickson, the director, has claimed that it “was pitched as a Hellraiser sequel, and made as such”, and definitely wasn’t a different horror film retooled to be a Hellraiser film even though it is blatantly a different horror film retooled to be a Hellraiser film, so he’s full of shit. A Hellraiser film doesn’t have its main antagonist only appear for 2 minutes, just admit you wrote a different film and some exec made you put Hellraiser elements in it.

    Hellraiser: Hellseeker is up next, and that has Dean Winters in the lead, so expectations are low. Very low.

  13. I really needed to knuckle down this year to get my weight under control. I’ve had issues with my weight my whole life, and most likely always will, but I asked my wife for a Food Journal for Christmas and we set it up to document everything I eat with a monthly weight in on the first of each month. 
    My eating was just out of control. I’d just get the thought of having KFC or Burger King or the local takeaway in my head and couldn’t shift it until I’d had it. I also got a ridiculous amount each time, so it was costing me a fortune, but I never actually enjoyed having it, I was just having it for the sake of it. 
    I also live not too far from a Sainsbury’s, and on days/afternoons off work I’d get snacks to have while watching wrestling or stuff on YouTube or whatever. I can’t even bring myself to list what I’d get in one of those trips, because quite frankly it’s embarrassing/shameful.
    I’m not saying that I’ll never have something like that ever again, but the journal has really made me take notice of what I’m having and how often.

    I also got a new Fitbit to keep track of any exercise I do. I usually try and do the 10,000 steps first thing in a morning, and then everything else I do through the day is a bonus.

    I lost 10lbs in January and 13lbs through February, so I’m down 23lbs from the start of the year and down a shirt size just from eating much more responsibly and nowhere near to the excess that I did before.

  14. 7 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I know it's been said alot recently but you really do see how much the product suffers with one person holding both main title belts but barely showing up to tv at all and when he does it's smackdown the other show that isn't containing the opponent for his wrestlemania match. 

    The fact Cody has to go to smackdown too actually get some interaction with him doesn't exactly scream these are the final weeks before the biggest show of the year and biggest match of his career.

    Smackdown is their most watched show (and has been for quite some time) due in part to the fact that Roman is on the show. 


    Cody going to Smackdown to interact with him is the best thing that could happen to him in the build up to the match because it’s where the most people watching will actually see him.

  15. 11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I think Charlotte/Ripley probably headlines, but I reckon they might have KO/Sami v USO’s just before it.

    I think they’ll want that 24 hour window to build the narrative that the Bloodline is falling apart, digital content etc, and build up anticipation for the collapse of the Roman Empire with a lot of title wielding babyfaces looking happy to end the show.

    You may well be right, but me personally, I would prefer it as a thread running through the second show rather than having it happen one night then have people come back to it after a nights sleep.

    I suppose there’s no right or wrong way with it, just whatever seems to be personal preference

  16. 2 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Dax is the dullest fucker alive and what a way to look like a total loser, I like how his podcast is meant to be shooty bollocks that annoys the boys but it's all milquetoast takes.

    I tried his podcast and he really fucking is, and probably not helped by Matt Coon being a boring fucker too.
    I wasn’t expecting too in the way of revelations or burying WWE as no matter how much he mentions his wife & kids (which he does a lot), if the money is right I reckon he and Cash will go back in a heartbeat. Instead he bangs about Tequilla for half an hour, just what everybody wants from their wrestling podcasts, and then how great it was to work with everyone other than Jack Evans & Angelico

  17. 57 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I get the impression both nights of Mania will be about The Bloodline, really. Everything else is a nice to have, but in reality everything is geared towards those two presumed matches over both nights.

    I can’t see anything other than Rhea v Charlotte headlining Night 1 and Cody v Roman headlining Night 2. 
    If they do go with Sami & Owens taking on The Usos, which is what I think they will do, maybe 3rd on Night 2? That way it’s still fresh in the mind that The Bloodline have already lost one belt (or two if the Tag belts are unified, I forget if they are or not) and that the pressure is on Roman to keep his two belts. 
    It’ll still be fresh in the mind if they have Sami & Owens v The Usos on Night 1, but having it as a thread running through Night 2s show rather than it having 24hrs to the crowd to digest it might leave Cody/Roman a little cooler than it should be

  18. I don’t mean any disrespect to the artist, they’re more talented that I ever could be, but they’ve done a bunch of these pieces now and every one of them looks like the wrestler in the foreground is exposing themselves to all the others (which in the case of Flair is a distinct possibility)

  19. Oh great, everyones going to be saying “those are Alexa Bliss’ hands! I recognise those fingers!” for the next week

    Its Shawn Michaels’/Sting’s/Undertaker’s chin all over again

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