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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 6 hours ago, Loki said:

    Bron is suffering because he's stuck in NXT facing nonentities.  He'd be much better off feuding for a midcard belt on Raw with an experienced hand.  He's ridiculously talented and just needs experience.

    Ordinarily I’d be in complete agreement, but Dolph Ziggler has turned back up again recently and he has first feud dibs

  2. Preferred the second hour to the first.

    I’m probably in the minority, and it depends on whether this was a one & done with him of if they bring him back in the future, but I can’t help but feel a DQ would’ve worked in the Danielson/Thatcher match. 
    If MJF is picking opponents, or at the very least giving them a financial incentive, then have Thatcher hold onto the Fujiwawa Armbar. Danielson still wins but it gets Thatcher over as a vicious bastard and he doesn’t get beaten.

    Like I say, probably on my own with that

  3. 27 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Another one not strictly for this thread, but the Welsh Rugby Union have removed “Delilah” from their stadium and choir playlist because it’s a song about a jealous man murdering his lover.   I’m sure everyone attending the games will go along with this and not sing it even more. 

    The comedy element comes from a reply to Mark Lamaar when he couldn’t see the point as murder ballads are a rich part of musical history, he cited Bohemian Rhapsody as the most famous example, while rightly saying he wouldn’t care if BR was banned not only from sports but from life. Anyway, someone replied to him saying how they should maybe adopt a more suitable Tom Jones song, and went for The Green Green Grass Of Home!!

    It’s “The Beautiful South Effect” isn’t it? Everyone knows the words but don’t pay attention to the words. I’m doing my daily self punishment by watching Politics Live and they’re all saying they had no idea Delilah was about a woman getting killed. Some GB News cretin on the panel was read the line “I felt the knife in my hand and she laughed no more” and said well I suppose you could interpret that as him killing the woman. Fascinating critique. 


    Seriously though, what did they think it was about?

  4. First that I can remember seeing was Fun lovin’ Criminals on what would’ve been the tour in support of ‘100% Columbian’. Support was by a band called TNT who just banged on about Cheech & Chong between every song they did.

    Best is open to interpretation. In terms of the Best Show, Rammstein and Alice Cooper are right up there in terms of putting on a production, Tool were phenomenal seeing them a few years back and Ghost are on fire right now, but in terms of musically, Opeth have been absolutely flawless every time that I’ve seen them.

    As for worst, we saw a bunch of shockers at The Adelphi in Hull growing up. There was someone whose name escapes me right now, My Adema springs to mind but I could have that wrong. They’d had a video on Kerrang or Scuzz which was our only basis for going to watch them. They opened with whatever that single was, then played 2 songs and fucked off. Can’t have played more than 15 minutes total and I was down a tenner, shocker of a night.

    Actually come to think of it, Queens of the Stoneage. I’ve only ever seen them at Festivals, but every time they have been horrifically boring. First time was at Leeds 2001 and then I think the second was time about 6 years later, although I forget what the festival was. I gave them a second chance figuring that everyone (except for Opeth) has an off day. Nope, fucking boring again. Third & final chance came at Download in 2013, by which time most of the band had moved on and it was just Josh Homme left. Again, offensively boring and I’ve never seen or listened to them since 

  5. New additions to Bloodstock 2023-

    RJD Stage (Main Stage):

    Witchsorrow, Wytch Hazel, Hate, Royal Republic, Employed To Serve, Tribulation

    Sophie Lancaster Stage:

    Candlemass (only UK date) have replaced Whitechapel, Bloodyard, Wolfbastard, Black Coast, Russkaja, Gaerea, Striker, Skin Failure

  6. As he did following Brodie Lee, David Speed has paid tribute to Jay Briscoe by painting a piece in Shoreditch. 
    If you want to see it, it’s on top of the Huntington Estate Building between Chance Street and Ebor Street. 
    A believe the area sees a lot of graffiti artists displaying work and stuff gets covered up by new pieces fairly regularly, soifyou want to see it for yourself, you’ll have to be quick

  7. Tonight’s match between Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns marks the third time they’ve faced eachother at the Royal Rumble. The previous two being in 2017, coincidentally also held at the Alamodome, the site of tonight’s match, and 2021 in the COVID Thunderdome. 
    Basically if the Royal Rumble is being held in a Dome, chances are Roman and Owens are squaring off.

    Other than Rock v Austin (Wrestlemania 15, 17 and 19) and Undertaker v HHH (Wrestlemania 17, 27 and 28), has there ever been a PPV that has staged the same match on three (or more) separate occasions?

  8. On 1/24/2023 at 12:26 PM, Vamp said:

    They want £30 for the PPV. I'm sure it'll be grand but fuck that noise. 

    I’m sure if you were to find somewhere where you can Watch Wrestling you’ll not be hurting in the pocket

  9. 6 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    Not sure if anyone would be interested In checking this out but my band has just released our second single leech and we have just dropped a lyric video for it which you can check out below 


    Is that so that we join in the karaoke?

    I gest of course

  10. 28 minutes ago, Rockbus2 said:

     Let Reigns lose to someone else at Mania then do the Sami story.

    I don’t think it’s got the steam to go beyond Wrestlemania.

    When Cody got injured and it was reported that the likely recovery time would see him back at the Royal Rumble, he seemed nailed on for the win. But with The Bloodline story having being so well handled and so well performed by everyone, how can you not go with that culminating at the biggest show.

    I might’ve said this in another thread, but I don’t think Sami should be the one to beat Roman for the belt(s), but I do think that the match between him and Roman should be a focus of the show.

    For all the talk of The Rock showing up, which personally I’m not fussed about, having Sami and Cody go down to the last two would be electrifying (pardon the expression). Do you run the risk of splitting the crowd? Possibly. Or you have them pick their favourite out of the two and go with them. With those two in the ring, they’re more than capable of putting two different finishes together and going with whichever way the wind is blowing. 
    If they go with Sami, you can go with Cody earning his shot over the following months with his “do the work” schtick and program him with Roman over the Summer.

    Or, The Rock comes back tonight and ruins everything

  11. 8 minutes ago, Kamaras-Tash said:

    People need to put the glue down if they think Roman is going to wrestle both nights and lose twice in a row 

    Has there been anything to suggest they’re splitting the belts again? Or it is just from people fantasy booking?

    Completly agree though. He hasn’t been pinned in over 3 years, there’s no way he’s losing twice in the same weekend

  12. 2 hours ago, Louch said:

    That so many are doubting it’s a work shows how good a work it is. Bravo. That they done a German suplex spot mid brawl should be a clue tho haha 

    I hadn’t seen that. The clip I watched cut off after he chucked him on the table 😄

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