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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Nick Khan probably doesn't even watch the shows. He's there to make the business (and therefore himself) as much money as possible via any means necessary. An advert for a tax returns company immediately before the Wrestlemania main event and Rey Mysterio shaking hands with a corporate mascot on the way to fighting his own child is his handiwork and all he cares about, he probably doesn't even know who Sami Zayn is.Ā 

    Nick Khan doesnā€™t deserve WrestlingĀ 

  2. Didnā€™t think theyā€™d actually bottle it, but there you go.Ā 
    Actually thatā€™s not strictly true. I did get a feeling watching Night 1 that there were a lot of faces going over, almost as if they were setting up for Roman to get the win.Ā 
    But then you had that promo video, Codyā€™s massive entrance, the crowd completely with him, hugging his family- the triumph was there for the taking.Ā 
    But no, onto Saudimania we go

    Definite step down from Night 1, but it was always going to struggle as Night 1 was fucking great. Imagine if they were still trying to do all of this in one go, it wouldā€™ve ended up being a bang average Mania.

    Triple Threat was awesome and I was surprised they kept the belt on Gunther. Surely heā€™s breaking the record in a few months time.

    Other than that, Brock/Omos was OK for what it was, Belair/Asuka was alright. Popped like an idiot for ā€˜South of Heavenā€™, but the Hell In A Cell match was pretty poor. Even if Balor hadnā€™t had his head torn open, I still think it wouldā€™ve been pretty poor. It says something when the biggest heel in the match is the ad for The Popeā€™s Exorcist.Ā 
    Fucking Kendo Sticks (and colour coded ones at that) though, Iā€™m fucking sick of them.

    ā€Shaneā€™s still got it!ā€, Cole says as Shane crumples into a heap unable to stand šŸ˜†

  3. Codyā€™s got to work extra hard to get his moment tonight thanks to Angelo Dawkins putting Strowman on his arse. If heā€™d done that in Rugby League heā€™d have a 4 match ban right now, but it was an amazing hit none the less. Honourable mention to Gable hitting the big lump with the Chaos Theory too.

    Couldā€™ve done without seeing Otisā€™ moist crack though

  4. The reunited Biohazard have announced 3 extra dates while theyā€™re over here in August for the week after Bloodstock:

    15/8 - Wolverhampton KKā€™s Steel Mill
    16/8 - Manchester Club Academy
    17/8 - London O2 Academy (Islington)

  5. 41 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    What does that mean?

    Rather that being a reference to the bands themselves, who obviously all predate Instagram, I took it to mean that itā€™s an event for people that want to be seen at the show ā€œgetting contentā€, rather than wanting to see the show itself.

    Although I could be way off in my assessment there as Iā€™m not a super instagram influencer thing

  6. 7 months after announcing his retirement from touring, Sharon is already wheeling Ozzy back out for what is obviously a mega-payday.


    Seriously, that must be costing an obscene amount to put on

  7. 1 hour ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    I won't have Dion Dublin's name tarnished with slanderous remarks like this.Ā 

    Screw ā€œEscalera de la Muerteā€, give me a ā€œStairs, Leading Up To The Bedroomā€ Match at the next PPV

  8. AEW donā€™t even factor into it unless they specifically mention it in a promo. Granted, there are those that know what Codyā€™s been upto the last few years, but that are plenty that either donā€™t know or just plain donā€™t care.

    Iā€™m happy to admit that Iā€™ve come around on Cody completely since he went back to WWE. Did he need that time away, absolutely. Did everything work during his AEW tenure? Absolutely not. But heā€™s come out better for it and the crowd are completely behind him, andĀ WWE have done a great job of building this match and making it feel like a big deal.

    The fact that only a month ago people were trying to say that Sami shouldā€™ve been winning the belt or trying to figure out ways to shoehorn him into the main event as well is crazy looking back at it. Thatā€™s not a knock on Sami or the work heā€™s put in, heā€™s been great, Ā but the Cody story over the last year is without doubt the right choice to go with for the big match on the biggest show

  9. 10 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

    It is pro wrestling. What do you expect. People to be treated humanely?Ā 

    If thatā€™s one of the things they were touting at launch as making them different from big, bad WWE, then yes.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    No, although AEW was going to give the workers health insurance weren't they? Or was that just the EVP's?

    I seem to recall shortly after Mox debuted for AEW he said in an interview that he ā€œhad health insurance through his wifeā€. Renee at the time was still working at WWE, so I think staff get it but not the wrestlers, which is pretty arse backwards when you think about it.

    There was also something when AEW launched about everyone getting ā€œequal payā€ that seemed to get misconstrued as Luther was making the same as Kenny Omega, but I canā€™t remember which interview/outlet that came from.

  11. Iā€™m calling bullshit that Punk hasnā€™t seen Rocky III. Heā€™s the type of fan who growing up will have watched any old shite purely on the basis that there was a wrestler in it, and Rocky III has half of the main event of Wrestlemania I in it. Thereā€™s no way he hasnā€™t watched that

  12. Following the cancellations of DevilDriver (Dez is still suffering from the effects of long covid and has been advised by doctors not to take any long haul flights, though heā€™s still doing the Mudvayne US tour that Coal Chamber are on) and Nonpoint, Bloodstock have announced Abbath as a replacement while Bossk have been moved up in the order on the Sophie stage

  13. Blaze Bayley suffered a heart attack last night and is in hospital in what is described as a stable condition.

    Hopefully he is able to pull through, heā€™s been a consistently great performer and writer for decades now and has definitely overcome not being Bruce DickinsonĀ 

  14. 1 hour ago, chokeout said:

    He's already filmed a few episodes of the next Loki TV series and is contracted for at least another 3 films over the next five years. They are actively building literally every film around him for the next phase of Marvel so if its true then shit is going to hit the fan.Ā 

    It'll be telling how many people come out in support of him over the next few daysĀ 

    If Ridley Scott can reshoot Christopher Plummer into a film in 8 days, Disney can recast someone against a green screen

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