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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 9 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I really wish WWE did AEW-style ‘Road To…’ shows ahead of a PPV, as I’d absolutely love to relive the best bits of the Bloodline saga. I have to admit, I was expecting to feel massively underwhelmed heading into this show, but they’ve booked this masterfully and I really do believe that Sami can do it. I can’t bloody wait until this show gets underway.

    Can’t recall if someone posted this before, but this is probably as close to a ‘Road to…’ that you’ll get ahead of tonight. Runs just over an hour and covers from the beginning of the angle from last April up to the Royal Rumble angle


  2. We all know deep down that Reigns isn’t dropping the belt tonight. He’s not dropping the belt on a show that isn’t Wrestlemania, or at a push Summerslam.

    But by god if they haven’t cultivated a “what if he does though?” feeling in all of us, which is exactly how things should be. Masterful work.

    I couldn’t even tell you what else is on the card tonight because none of it is anywhere near as exciting as what that title match is going to be.

  3. 58 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

    No Beach Break this year to at least give the perception of something big in between.

    Here's a basic booking problem. If you're doing both a Casino Battle Royale and a normal Battle Royale to determine contenders for the tag titles. Maybe do the Casino version first in case you've got some surprises lined up. You can just stick the 2nd one as a busy opener for Rampage the next week.

    Of course they're doing normal battle royale first and announced all the participants including Aussie Open in a match graphic.

    Those first couple of years we all lauded AEW for getting basic, logical stuff right. You used to go months at a time, sometimes maybe even a year before you’d get a repeat match. Now we’re getting a third meeting between Mox & Hangman in early March.

    Now they can’t even seem to get their heads round that, something which for me has hampered the whole feud. 
    The result of the so called rubber match is particularly annoying. If you’re going to have them do a wild gimmick match at the PPV, give them a logical reason for it with the result. Either have them batter each other for a couple of weeks in a scrap backstage or if you just had to do Match 3, do a Double DQ in and have Tony Sniff say “Right, fine! The rules of a normal match can’t contain you, Texas Death Match it is and that’s the end of it”
    What we’ve ended up with is Hangman getting beaten fair & square and looking a plonker with his “nah mate, we’re not ending it that way” nonsense. You lost, tough shit, now stop being a sore loser. 
    Some are saying it’s sowing the seeds for a heel turn which I’m not buying. He just looks a loser. No wonder he’s mates with the Dark Order, they’re a bunch of losers too.

  4. Fucking hell, shocker of an episode this week. Even the most tribalistic of AEW diehards would’ve struggled with this.

    I’ll give Jeff Jarrett a pass considering the death of his father the previous day, but everyone else inthat match had no excuses. Sonjay laying there with Max Castor holding his legs for seemed like an absolute ice age. House show level nonsense.

    Why does everyone keep wiping each others blood on one another. The only thing that’s going to be #AllElite this is an HIV outbreak.

    2 matches in a row someone interfering who then got chased off by someone running in. Lousy

    Id checked out by the time it got to Hangman v Kip, and by the sound of the crowd so had they. Mox demanding a Texas Death Match somehow got ‘negative noise’ such was the pop for it.

    Nothing is firing at the minute and Revolution looks like it’s going to be a right slog. Christian v Jungle Boy in a match we were supposed to get 5 months ago that no-one cares about now, Joe v Wardlow get another go round, a Tag Title ‘Get Everyone On The Card’ Match, a TBC match between Jericho and Starks that Starks desperately wants for some reason despite having already beaten him.

    Its just an absolute mess right now

  5. For fucks sake. I figured it would’ve been nailed on that Ghost would be playing one of the days Metallica were as they’re pals. The trio of Ghost, Parkway Drive and Slipknot is still a tasty prospect, but I genuinely can’t believe that Ghost have ended up on the  Sunday rather than either the Thursday or Saturday 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    If venues are taking a cut of merch then bands should get a cut of bar takings because those people wouldn’t be buying drinks if the band weren’t playing. 

    I don’t disagree, but thats where there needs to be a negotiation between venue and tour manager. A flat fee to the venue for allowing the sale of merch, a reasonable % of the bar takings for the band for getting the people in the building.

  7. 1 hour ago, Onyx2 said:

    The Last of Us is sort of needing it's own thread. Plus like Game of Thrones there's two types of spoilers for those that have played the games. We're going to get into "well wait to you see what happens with Alf when he next meets Jerome....!!!" territory. Can we just ask for none of that sort of talk please? 

    The Last of Us Thread (No Game Wankers)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    The last shirt I bought at a gig was ÂŁ15 and like ÂŁ7 for a cassette, but then it was in a room that could fit like 20 people.

    Last one I bought was a Ba’al shirt for £10 and they gave me a bunch of stickers after pointing out I loved them putting “Fuck NSBM” on their price list. Lovely bunch of lads.

  9. Not intending to sound controversial or anything, but I think it’s fair for a venue to request a flat fee. Your hiring the venue to play a gig, not set up a shop.

    When you start getting into percentages though its a different argument. From a venue’s standpoint that amount will change with every gig it stages, whereas if they know they’ve got a specific £Xs coming in each time it’s easier for them to budget their costs.

  10. @cobra_gordo yeah I’m at the Nottingham show next week. I don’t know why I’m complaining about it so much really, it’s not like I’ve any control over it or can influence it in any way, I just can’t believe there’s a possibility that the gig t-shirt may cost more than the gig

  11. 47 minutes ago, Panhead said:


    Either that or I'm a pessimistic cunt, that's talking out of my arse. 

    Not at all. I hadn’t factored in them better/more sustainable materials which is something they’ve done for a long time, but even then £40 is a hell of a jump from the £25 standard that you tend to get at arena shows. I didn’t even pay £40 for the ticket to the show.

    The venue will also be taking their cut, which with it being in Ireland and therefore the EU might affect things I don’t know, but either way my money will staying firmly in my pocket.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Healy52003 said:

    Travel question

    Would I be cutting it fine getting from Penny Mill Lane (Abba show be over around 4.45pm) too Barking then getting to the O2 


    Do you mean Pudding Mill Lane? That’s where the ABBA Voyage show is.

    Pudding Mill Lane to Barking is nearly 30 minutes and involves 2 changes (Stratford and West Ham) then Barking to North Greenwich is another 20ish minutes with 1 change. 
    Depends what time the show starts of course, but if it were me I’d go straight to the O2 from Pudding Mill Lane (Under 20 minutes and 1 change at Stratford)

  13. 3 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    I vaguely remember that happening but looking at that lineup I should have been all over that, that's basically my early 00's cd collection on a poster.

    Yeah cracking lineup there, and a ticket price that didn’t involve remortgaging your house

  14. 2 Days on from being named Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, “30p Lee” Anderson was having a totally normal one on BBC Radio Nottingham. Another one for the “Nah, it’ll be fine, it’s only local radio” folder

    For reference, this the video referenced to in the interview
    And of course he supports the return of the Death Penalty


  15. 1 hour ago, Tommy! said:

    Wasn't Basil always a bit of a cunt though, as a point people generally forget. He wasn't written as a likable character, he was snobby, elitist, jealous, occasionally lecherous and stupid and that generally led into the comedy set up of the episode. 

    You’re absolutely right, but what I’m saying is given what we know now about Cleese being an out of touch, irrelevant relic feeling like he’s being hard done by by the libs for how some of his material has aged, I bet any number of us could submit a script of “anti woke” drivel that probably won’t be too far away from the finished product.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong about that due to Rob Reiner’s involvement, as he’s quite liberal. He’s apparently on as an Executive Producer, but if he’s involved in the writing too then he can put the kibosh on any of Cleese’s “bloody wokies!” nonsense. If anything this is as relevant to the “Comedy & Offense” thread as it is to this one.

  16. The full clip gives it a bit more. The whole thing is a homage to The Rockers break up on The Barber Shop, and it’s looks like Gigi was meant to go completely through the door, which doesn’t co-operate. 
    Jacy, in a moment of thinking “how am I going to save this?”, decided to try and put Gigi through it forcefully by putting her face into the sixth row. The crowd are actually in stunned silence


  17. 3 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

    Suprised by them going with Brock/Lashley at Elimination Chamber, seems like Wrestlemania was the perfect to place to end there beef.

    Screwy finish at the Chamber, Last Man Standing Match (hopefully featuring the return of Brock’s tractor) at Wrestlemania

  18. Just a heads up that Episode 5 of The Last of Us will be available on demand on Sky & Now TV from 2am Saturday. It’s been moved forward from its normal night in the US so that it doesn’t clash with the Super Bowl

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