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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Wasn’t 94 the first to make major moolah? That really changed shit up. Is the Netflix doc a one off or is it spread over ten unnecessary episodes like they usually do?

    4 episodes just under an hour each

  2. 4 hours ago, theringmaster said:

    That match screams WCW booking! And how is a 90 second recovery time a 'penalty?' In wrestling logic they are going to come out the gate full of energy.

    I get in 2022 it's hard to create a new match type but surely the golden rule is something that is easy to understand?


    Decent episode this week


      Reveal hidden contents

    I really thought it was going to be the end of Mandy's reign so thought the end was a nice surprise 


    Best I can think of is that it depends who goes in after a fall and who puts them there.

    Say there’s 3 people in the match before the first fall. Wrestler A pins Wrestler B to put them in the box for 90 seconds, then just as Wrestler B is about to re-enter the match, Wrestler A pins Wrestler C. That puts Wrestler B at a disadvantage in that they (and everyone else) needs to win 2 falls just to draw level with Wrestler A

  3. I can’t see anything other than MJF title win. Mox has done great steadying the ship this year with all the palaver surrounding Punk getting injured back in May then throwing a wobbly, give MJF the belt to freshen things up in the main event and let Mox have some time off as a thank you

  4. Asylum would be probably be the better choice out of the two.

    Most of the shows that got moved from Tower moved to either Welly or Polar Bear, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ended up cancelling that date entirely or found a venue in either Sheffield or Leeds, especially if they’re on the road down from Glasgow already

  5. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    The fatal four way also feels like a Dynamite main event. 

    Or at least have that to try and sell the ROH PPV 3 weeks later.

    The last minute additions are my biggest bugbear with AEW PPV. Not every PPV has to have 10+ matches and go 4hrs. Why not just save some of the matches for the followings weeks Dynamite, rather than have to throw together something else at the last minute.

  6. 2 hours ago, Tamura said:


    The rescheduled (Doom were supposed to be supporting on the postoned 2022 version) Campaign For Musical Destruction tour, I'm guessing it's a 30th anniversary thing since I was at the Queens Hall, Bradford in 1992 for the original version of the tour with Dismember and Obituary. Dropdead instead of Doom makes it much better for me, as much as I love the latter Dropdead don't come over as often these days, although I've seen every UK show they've done 2016, plus one in Stockholm. Haven't seen Napalm Death since 1994 in Manchester, so back to Manchester it is.

    Still no idea what’s going on with that Hull show because that venue has closed down and no one from from ND has commented or responded to any questions about it

  7. Bohemian Rhapsody did big box office because it was about an icon that people care about. Although a much better film, Rocketman didn’t perform anywhere near as well ($200million worldwide) and I think Elvis ($286million worldwide) performed worse than projected.

    It might end up being a decent quality film, but this has got box office flop written all over it

  8. So is this basically to offset the cost of having to put out as many physical discs to shops?

    The game itself might be fine once released and any bugs have been patched, but even then I have visions of this going straight to the bargain bin like TNA’s first game did?

  9. 7 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    the "leaked" Download poster turned out to be the real thing then.



    And all yours for a mere £345 😳.

    To be that’s probably cheaper than seeing Metallica on their own these days 

  10. 7 hours ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Lords of Chaos

    Rory Culkin was a lot better than I expected him to be. I’ve never seen him in anything before so I don’t know why I had such low expectations of him. The movie was surprisingly graphic with its depictions of violence which threw me a bit. I didn’t mind it overall considering I'm not a big fan of biopics. Although the lad who played Varg was not convincing as a intimidating murderer. I couldn’t take him seriously at all as he just seemed like a wet nana’s kid the whole time, even when he was trying to be menacing. 

    Played him to perfection

  11. Looks like they’re all set to leave Amazon Prime again the end of the month.

    They’ll probably be back again in a few months but just a heads up if you’re near the end of them all or the end of a particular Bonds run

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