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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. I know my opinion probably counts for very little, but just wanted to give a heads up to two recent releases that Iā€™ve really enjoyed.

    The new KEN Mode album (NULL) is out today and I had a listen to it before I started work this morning.

    Iā€™m also really enjoying the debut by Miscreance (Convergence), which came out last week.

    Both albums clock in at under 40 minutes so you can blast through them easy enough.

  2. 9 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:


    However, I am that person whoā€™d happily put Rogue One in their top 3 Star Wars movies and cries when K-2SO dies, so this show is pretty much made for me.

    Rogue One is a great film, not just a great Star Wars film. Am I best rewatching it beforehand (not seen it for a few years) or can I just go straight into Andor

  3. 35 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    Plus Converge now playing Jane Doe in full and Pig Destroyer playing Prowler In The Yard. They've basically replaced a headliner and ended up with four bands playing absolute cornerstone albums. Well fucking played.

    I thought theyā€™d already announced them playing those records, but it mightā€™ve just been At The Gates, but yeah great move. Shame Decapitated are still there, but I think thatā€™s something weā€™re just going to have get used to.

    Some moaning about it, because of course there are, because Godflesh only played last year. Whether you think booking another act to headline is the right call Ā rather than moving those already playing around (which isnā€™t always possible) or not is up to you to decide, but if decide on booking someone this close to the show youā€™ve got to go with whose available

  4. 29 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    I spoke to soon with the Broken Records recommendation, they announced last night that the main podcast Riot Act has finished, which likely means sister-podcast Broken Records has ended as well. Gutted! my two favorite podcasts gone overnight šŸ˜Ŗ

    I followed them off the back of your recommendation of Broken Records (which I enjoyed the Morbid Angel episode), but Iā€™m not taking responsibility for that Egg.

    In other news, Damnation have announced Godflesh (performing Streetcleaner) as the replacement headliner after Ministry cancelled their European datesĀ 

  5. 32 minutes ago, Dai said:

    The main reason to bump this was the news today about Adnan Syed being released from prison. Im sure plenty here have listened to Serial. They are saying there are two other suspects which need looking at, but nothing else is being said. The whole stuff about the phone towers inaccuaracy and the lack of DNA seems to have finally worked in his favour. Wasnt the general feeling that if it wasnt Adnan, then it had to be Jay, as he knew where the car was? Guess his life has become interesting the last day or so.

    His conviction hasnā€™t been overturned though has it? Heā€™s going to have a retrial.

    Its been that long since I listened to series that I canā€™t recall all the ins & outs of it

  6. Just now, SuperBacon said:

    "So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a Pepsi glass, or Punk wouldn't go in the ring that night. So, Ace Steel pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweetshop on the edge of town"

    ā€œSo, we go. And, itā€™s closed. So thereā€™s me and Ace Steel and Larry The Dog breaking into this little sweet shop right. Well, instead of a guard dog, thereā€™s this bloody group called The Elite. Well, I managed to take out Kenny Omega with a bite to the arm, but The Young Bucks, thatā€™s a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business really, but sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Punk went to the ring and put on a great matchā€

  7. 1 hour ago, FUM said:

    I donā€™t know if youā€™ve seen Triple Hā€™s interview with Ariel Helwani but he pretty much says in a round about way that Bray is creative but some of his ideas are ridiculously bad. He actually hinted at not signing him because of it. At least thatā€™s the impression I got.

    And isnā€™t that the exact sort thing youā€™d expect someone to say if you didnā€™t want word of his (or anyone elseā€™s) return getting out?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    I was tempted to put this in the "Things you know will be shit" thread but I'm holding on to a slither of hope..

    Apparently the directors previous films were not too shabby.

    Of Brucknerā€™s previous work Iā€™ve only seen The Ritual which wasnā€™t bad but wasnā€™t particularly great either, thereā€™s a whole bunch of films that are similar to it and it just kind of got lost in the shuffle.

    I watched OG Hellraiser last week as I havenā€™t seen it in donkeyā€™s years, and aside from Sean Chapmanā€™s voice being completely dubbed over I still enjoyed it. Never see any of the sequels though

  9. 27 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    If it's not somehow related to Killer Kross, they shouldn't be using an hourglass.


    I completely agree, all Iā€™m saying is I can understand why heā€™s being speculated about. As you say, Vince wouldnā€™t have allowed such a thing - ā€œthe hourglass is Krossā€™ gimmick dammit, why have you put it in (possibly) Wyattā€™s promo? Youā€™re fired!ā€

    Krossā€™ theme did disappear shortly after he came back, leading to talk of him getting either a new theme or a completely new entrance altogether. That old theme has since returned, so either theyā€™ve changed their mind about any changes or they were never changing it in the first place.

  10. They certainly have created some intrigue with it, even if that has lead to some hilarious guesswork. Iā€™ve seen everything from Adam Rose returning to Hangman Adam Page debuting šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø.

    It most likely will be Bray Wyatt though, and if it is Iā€™m interested to see what they go with for him. Back to Swapy Cult Leader? Full blown Discount Pennywise? or a mixture of the two. A mad ā€œHell and damnation and fire and Armageddon and torture and Hellā€ Preacher character might be interesting for a couple of weeks.

    I wasnā€™t aware that Kross was in Lucha Underground with the White Rabbit moniker, I donā€™t think I made it that far with the show (although I really should try it again). The hourglass image as well as the ā€œbeep, boopā€¦ā€ sound on the Ā 9:23 substituting for a ā€œtick, tockā€ could as easily be for him as anything to do with Bray.

    Guess weā€™ll find out on Friday

  11. 25 minutes ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

    On the subject of bands doing something radically different, this made me think of My Dying Bride's 34.788% complete. Utterly bizarre given the rest of their uncatalogued but I remember that one being pretty interesting. Haven't listened to it in years though, might have to see if it's as surprising as I remember. Also shout out to Amorphis for being the rare example of a band completely changing its style and remaining incredible.Ā 

    Obligatory Ulver comment

  12. 11 minutes ago, Louch said:

    Given my experiance with a 3rd party investigating a charity I did work with for a while, they usually go away after gathering all evidence and scrutinise it to make sure they pick up any inconsistency. Iā€™d not expect anything for at least a monthĀ 

    Thatā€™s assuming that the investigation isnā€™t being carried out by Lionel Hutz. An actual investigative team may take their time, but we could just as easily have an answer tomorrow if Tony has brought in some tinpot lawyers

  13. 9 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Can someone summarise for me - is CM Punk actually gone from the company or is he expected to pop back up again for another title run/injury?


    I donā€™t believe thereā€™s been nothing officially stated from AEW as to him having being let go yet. Supposedly it all Ā hangs on what findings come out of this so called ā€œthird party investigationā€ thatā€™s apparently being conducted. If that is indeed occurring, nothing will happen until itā€™s concluded, and even then it depends on who is ruled to have been in the wrong.

    As @Daaaaaad!Ā mentioned, itā€™s all just speculation at this point and Meltzer will keep the story alive by saying ā€œthe update is that we have no updateā€ for weeks/months on end.


  14. 53 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    Highly recommend the episode of the Broken Records podcast that covers that record. Goes into the backstory, the reaction and attempts to re-assess it.

    They also cover Risk, Supercharger & Virtual XL from that list.Ā 

    Cheers for the heads up on that

  15. Iā€™m off to see Wallowing tomorrow night at Dive HU5, a coffee shop come what I believe the cool kids call a Dive Bar (hence the name).

    50 person capacity and so against the grain of what I would normally go to, but at Ā£4 I couldnā€™t resist

  16. 1 minute ago, Daddymagic said:

    I honestly have no clue who the factions are in AEW, and neither does TS by the looks of it.Ā 

    Is America Top Team now over? Where is Scorpio and Dan Lambert?Ā 
    What's the Andrade Family office doing and who is even in it anymore?Ā 
    Same with Truthbusters whose two week push is already over.Ā 

    Scorpio is off injured, think heā€™s going to be gone for the remainder of the year at least, and Lambert outstayed his welcome long ago.

    Andrade Family Office - who cares, bunch of losers

    Trustbusters - see above

  17. 18 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Define stealing a living. His role is backstage not in ring, other than the handful of matches he has had over the last 3 years.

    Whatā€™s his role backstage? A quick Google seems to suggest itā€™s writing subtitles for the showā€™s showings on NJPW World, a job that some at New Japan could do themselves if they wanted, and ā€œhelping the Japanese talentā€, something which theyā€™ve already got plenty of other people for. AEWā€™s running doesnā€™t change one bit if heā€™s not there, theyā€™re literally paying someone who they donā€™t need. I doubt heā€™s being paid much, but itā€™s money that could be used elsewhere


    11 minutes ago, Nick James said:

    I was thinking earlier that Tony has become a bit more muted on Twitter than normal (To be expected given whats going on), but it makes you wonder at what point would he decide he doesn't need all of this shit and walks away? Surely at some point the love of it all must be outweighed by the amount of shit hes dealing with, especially with the Jags, Fulham and the other businesses he has on the go.Ā 

    I'm not saying this will happen or is due any time soon, but the man must have a breaking point with everything currently being on his shoulders.Ā 

    Theyā€™re not his businesses though, heā€™s part of a much larger team that operate them and thereā€™s always someone else there who can pick up the slack. He doesnā€™t have that privilege with AEW

  18. 55 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    So what do we make of Omega telling the rest of the locker room that he wouldn't have hired 80% of them in a talent meeting? I wonder if there's some context missing there of if he just wanted to torpedo morale for a laugh.Ā 

    Iā€™d be worried about who he wouldā€™ve hired instead, seen as Michael Nakazawa has been stealing a living for the last 3 years purely by virtue of being Kennyā€™s mate.

  19. 8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Reading the article they make it clear that they arenā€™t the worst in terms of talent, production budget or even song quality, but more from bands who should know better. Weā€™ve all heard shitloads of metal albums worse that anything on that list.Ā 

    I can understand why they omitted certain albums as theyā€™re cliche to mention, but Ā interesting to see them single out Morbid Angelā€™s Illud Divinum Insanus.

    I listened to that a few nights ago as I havenā€™t listened to it in years and wanted to see if it was as poor as itā€™s made out to be. At the time I wasnā€™t exactly on board with it, but I respected them for putting out the album they wanted to make rather than just phoning it in to please the fan base.
    I love Morbid Angel, always have done, and David Vincent coming back was a big thing for a lot of people. The longer it took for that album to come out got people thinking ā€œthey must really be putting something special togetherā€ and not releasing it until it was absolutely right.Ā 
    What happened though was that we essentially got two EPā€™s released together from two acts going in very different directions, one being traditional Morbid Angel, the other being the stuff that David Vincent wanted to do having had a run with his (then) wife in Genitortuers.Ā 
    Iā€™m all forĀ bands trying new things, but from the very beginning of that album itā€™s clear that a lot of compromises had been made. If David Vincent wants try his hand at being some sort of DJ (or Outlaw Country singer as he tried a few years later) then go for it, but keep Morbid Angelā€™s name off of it.Ā 
    The straight up Death Metal songs are actually alright, and Tim Yeung (ex-Hate Eternal and replacing Pete Sandoval) plays really well throughout the whole thing, but they mustā€™ve known that the backlash was going to come with those ā€œindustrialā€ parts. Take those out and youā€™ve got a fairly decent 35-40minute Morbid Angel album

  20. Seeing Megadeth in the picture there, you just knew it was going to be Risk. And rightfully so because itā€™s fucking awful.

    Virtual XI opens with ā€˜Futurealā€™ which a great track, but it quickly falls off a cliff. ā€˜When Two Worlds Collideā€™ is probably the best of a bad bunch in terms of the other tracks, but ā€˜Angel and The Gamblerā€™ and ā€˜Donā€™t Look To The Eyes of a Strangerā€™ both feel as though they never end. Blaze Bayley gets blamed for the poor performance of those albums and just for generally not being Bruce Dickinson, but Steve Harris for some reason gets a free pass despite being the main writer on both albums.Ā 
    The label had lost interest in them ever since the launch party for The X Factor, and basically told them ā€œget Bruce back otherwise youā€™re droppedā€

    @SuperBaconĀ re Virtual XI Footie, that was basically the idea behind it, as it was a World Cup year. The Publicity tour was the band playing a bunch of 5-a-Side matches

    Obviously lists like that are entirely subjective, case & point putting The Glorious Burden at #1 on it. Itā€™s not a good album by any stretch and obviously fuck Jon Schaffer for being a flag shagging, 9/11 exploiting, US Capitol storming gobshite, but itā€™s not even the worst album on that list, nevermind ever

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