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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. On 8/11/2022 at 10:01 PM, WeeAl said:


    A question about FITE for this week's Dynamite (don't want to go into the thread). Anyone else that's watched it, does it just open up randomly in the middle of the coffin match? I usually watch  on a Saturday from the ITV version these days, because FITE is a bit of a nightmare for me at times, this week again much the same. I was hoping to watch this week's early, but I guess this is showing why I cancelled the sub for next month. 

    My mate said it did that for him when he watched on Thursday, but it had been sorted by the time I watched around lunchtime yesterday. They only seem to have left in a couple of the ad breaks during the second hour as well, which is always a bonus. I’ve never understood why they leave 3 to 4 minutes of the logo in if watching OnDemand. Live obviously speaks for itself, but get that shit trimmed down immediately afterwards

  2. First bands announced for Bloodstock 2023


    Zeal & Ardor are also confirmed as one of the Sophie Stage headliners.

    Promotors still booking Decapitated is very disappointing 

  3. So, the “secret band” at Bloodstock today turned out to be Machine Head, a surprise which may have got over had the merch stand not been selling their t-shirts since the start of the day 🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. 54 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    A slight tangent and I know I've said it before, but RJ City is tremendous on these. The Eddie Kingston episode is especially superb. 

    I must be in the minority, because I found RJ City to be as funny as a flesh eating virus

  5. 57 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:


    It reminds me of some backstage stuff I'd seen with Tamina and how everyone was so happy for her when she won the tag titles with Natalya, and yet she's basically one of the most useless people they've ever had on the roster. Talk about someone who hasn't improved..

    But even she got the “you deserve it” chants, clearly she was being held down beforehand. I mean, she wasn’t because she’s fucking useless and must have some proper dirt on someone in the company.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:


    So yeah, she's not the best 'wrestler' but look at some of the ones that people consider to be great "wrestlers" like Ruby Soho - is she really that great? I think she's sloppy and boring most of the time.

    Prime example of this is in the TBS Final (skip to 4:02)

    Whether Jade should be doing avalanche versions of moves with her limited experience is another talking point, but she’s been in the ring less than a year and she sits out perfectly on the bump. 
    Ruby Soho, 11 years experience, takes it all on her knees and forearms and looks a rank amateur. Also notice the big “I’m ready now” nod she gives beforehand

  7. 3 hours ago, air_raid said:

    If you've got a non-regular legend appearing, tell people. Make the show as big as possible. "Surprises" are fine for TV but you're trying to fill a stadium, if you're throwing everything at it, people should know. Getting to see Bret on our soil for the first time since - how long? - for WWE is not going to be the ONLY reason people buy a ticket, but it could be a part of it. More reasons to go, more likely people are to go.

    One Night Only in 97?

  8. 1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

    Yep, fucked his leg about a month ago and has been performing sat down mostly. 

    I completely understand the reasons, just selfishly gutted as I was going to Reading with a mate who shares my love for Rage, and they were pretty much the first band we bonded over when we were teens. 

    We were both immensely looking forward to it, having both had a rough time recently.

    Ah well, nevermind. Hopefully they'll make it up next year.

    Just to be clear, I wasn’t aiming what I said at you or anyone else here.

    But you know there will be some thinking it’s complete bullshit and he should be performing regardless of medical advice

  9. Yeah it sucks if you’ve bought tickets, but any halfway decent person would want him to be healthy and thus put on the best show possible whenever they do return.

    The Napalm Death gig (in addition to many others) that was meant to occur at Hull’s Tower Ballroom next year has disappeared from their listings. They are currently only selling tickets for 4 shows, when a few weeks ago they had about 15 planned which have since withered been scrapped entirely or moved to other venues (Cancer Bats now playing The Welly, Mastiff moved to nearby Polar Bear and so on).

    The sheer number of gigs that have been removed from their listings make me believe that some serious shit must’ve gone down and the venue is dead, which considering it only reopened at the end of March is very sad.

  10. Have they said how many episodes it’s going to be? If it’s just a short run (no more than 6 ideally) to give a “here they are now” it won’t damage (for lack of a better term) the original series at all.

    We’re just finishing a rewatch (got just under 20 episodes to go) and got to thinking it’ll be mad to see Niles & Daphne with a 20 year old son.

    The wife was asking what they’ll do for Martin. I reckon it’ll be a photograph somewhere, like how Martin used to have a photograph of Hester in his bedroom

  11. Rock v Roman at Mania has become one of those ‘say it each year and you’ll be right eventually’ type deals. When they announced Wrestlemania for SoFi Stadium the first time (WM37 as it should’ve been), people were already saying it would be Rock v Roman there even though it was over a year away and WWE were struggling to book things an hour in advance at that time.

    I don’t doubt that it wasn’t pencilled in to happen, but it’ll only happen if Rock books in the holiday time from his real job

  12. 17 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    Logged on for the first time in months just to say, for old listeners to the show, that Kyle Ross of TopRopeNation and I have started a series looking at 1992 in the WWF, following on from the 90 and 91 series we did previously. First episode covers January and February, looking at all the major stories, on screen and off, including the media war pitting Superstar Billy Graham and Dave Schultz against Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon, steroids continuing to dominate the headlines as testing begins and bodies start to shrink (or vanish), Ric Flair and the 1992 Royal Rumble, the heel turn of Sid Justice, hot potato with the Intercontinental Title and what it means for Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels throws Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window, the tag team division finally plummets all the way into the toilet and what could have been done to save it, as well as all the side stories, debuts, hirings and firings and loads more. 


    Awesome, although selfishly I wish the episodes would come around a bit more often. I’ll always have time for early 90s talk as that’s when I became a fan

    Just finished your Pillman book too, really enjoy it.

  13. They were supposedly coming over here in 2020 around July time but then obviously COVID happened.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to se them here soon enough though, especially with them having announced dates in Canada for October. The O2 is probably still a bit beyond them, but I reckon they could pull a decent number for Wembley Arena

  14. That’s the theme I was thinking of, the second would’ve been the Pearl Jam knockoff.

    Regarding that first theme, I think he said it was similar to a Journey song, but I can’t remember which that would be off the top of head and I haven’t read the book since it was released. Still better than ‘Judas’

  15. 2 hours ago, mim731 said:

    Ah I see, I just assumed because it was a Pearl Jam rip off it was a Jimmy Hart track, like DDPs and that's why it's replaced on the network. Good to know! 

    It’s been a while since I read his first book, but he definitely said that he found out that his first theme was something from the Turner Sound Library after he heard it on some Basketball highlights while he was also using on Nitro.

    ”What music should we use for Jericho?”
    “Give him ‘Basketball Highlights #2”


  16. 4 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Mrs raid likes watching the property brothers programs with those Scott twins. That could just be the whole post to be honest, but what annoys me is when they take the selling parties shopping for the “reno” (ugh) for the house they’re selling in between looking for a new house, and they get overly precious about the tiles/fabrics etc. Why do you give a shit about how the house is getting tarted up for sale??? YOU ARENT GOING TO BE LIVING THERE, why do you care???

    You got to make sure you sell to the right family, otherwise next thing you know they’re putting in a Cow Mailbox

  17. It’s quite the turnaround for him. Since being let go he’s done nothing of note anywhere he’s gone, been associated with MAGA idiots and as pointed out, they’ve been getting by on Scarlett’s OnlyFans money. Yet here he is with an offer to go right back to the top of the card, you can’t blame the guy for grabbing that opportunity with both hands.

    What is worrying for him though is that his theme, which personally I think is awesome but fully appreciate that most will hate it, seemed to get no reaction whatsoever. He hasn’t even been gone a year and he’s already been forgotten about. Once they showed his face he got a bit of a reaction but nothing Earth-shattering, and I can’t see Reigns wanting to work with him long term.

  18. The Ventura interview was fascinating in a way, because Jericho just seemed to be completely out of his depth the whole time.

    Obviously things are a little different from when Ventura was Governor, but even after he went and lived off grid for a while, he seems to be more tuned in to what’s going on politically than Jericho does, who sounds like he gets his news off the bag of a fag packet. There are multiple points, not just the Jan 6th clip that made the rounds, were Ventura would make a point and Jericho just had nothing in a way of response. I can just picture his face looking like a dog that’s been shown a card trick

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