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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Nah I think you certainly need them for a Liam Gallagher gig because how else are you going to get an Uber to get you away as quick as possible. 

    You City boys and your Uber. It’s all about the Drive app round here

  2. 39 minutes ago, David said:

    Not sure if this has been discussed before, but has anyone experienced this "mobile-free concert" thing? The details are as follows:

    This concert is a "PHONE FREE SHOW", this means that phones are not allowed in the hall during the concert.

    How it works?
    Once you arrive at the venue, Yondr (the phone pouch company engaged on this concert) will have its dedicated staff available to help you put your phone in a locked and secure pouch, which you will keep with you throughout the evening.

    What should I do if I have an emergency and need to access my phone?
    You can unlock your phone pocket at any time by going to a dedicated and signposted area, intended for phone use. Do not hesitate to ask a Yondr staff member to help you.

    Why are we doing this and is it mandatory?
    Having created this phone-free experience on recent tours, we believe it creates better times for everyone in attendance. Our eyes open a little more and our senses are slightly sharper when we lose the technological crutch we've grown accustomed to. And yes, it's a non-negotiable deal (although medical exemptions are made for those who rely on their phone for treatment).


    I'll be honest, I like it. There's nothing more annoying that thousands of folk standing at a gig holding their fucking phones in the air to get some shaky footage with sound that's terrible.

    You looking at the Bob Dylan shows in October? The venue he’s playing in Hull announced the show yesterday and it’s the first time in a long time I’ve heard of a ‘Phone Free Show’ happening

    That third paragraph is the biggest load of tosh going. I imagine it’s more so that people don’t post vids online showing 81 year old Bob struggling to even mumble his way through his set

  3. 13 minutes ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

    I wasn't saying people shouldn't like them or whatever, I was genuinely asking if it's a thing there's still a demand for. I can't think of anyone I know that still listens to them and you don't even really hear them in rock bars around here nowadays. Their fanbase seems to have moved onto FFDP and the likes now.

    I'd go see them if they were playing Power Metal in full.

    A band who are not only fucking terrible but also have also portrayed some questionable political stances in recent years

  4. What in the blue fuck was that? Some of the recent Star Wars series have taken a pasting for looking cheap in comparison to the films, but that just looked like people fucking about and, as someone mentioned, filming it on their phone. Even Tommy Wiseau’s joke trailer for Big Shark looked like it could’ve been a film

  5. 7 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

    I'm the same and usually just want to get a couple of snaps to share on Facebook or whatever. I took more pics and videos at that particular gig because there were so many moments that were worth capturing but still spent the majority of the time with my phone in my pocket taking it all in. Someone filming the whole show is something I've never experienced though. Must be a market for it as there's plenty of punter-filmed full gigs on Youtube.

    Plenty show up on YouTube soon afterwards. As someone mentioned Rammstein, there’s a few of their shows that have been given proper editing treatment mixing the arena/stadium footage as well as fancam footage. They’ve kept the professional audio and just edited in some of the fan footage they can find. I want to say that Beastie Boys released a Live DVD along the same lines

  6. 11 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

    Can we assume that Team Taz is done at this point? 

    Taz seems to be on commentary permanently, HOOK is busy being HOOK and Hobbs & Starks are just bouncing around in the tag division.

    A mate of mine asked him about this recently, and this was Taz’s response 


    So apparently it’s our fault for not evolving as fans

  7. Nice to see Mick Fleetwood and Sam Fox still getting along. Dorres’ desperately throwing her support behind anybody to keep her job is hilarious. No-one before Johnson would’ve trusted her to carry a packet of mints

  8. 32 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    There was some cunt doing the same thing at Rammstein the other week, just stuck a selfie stick in the air and filmed a two and a half hour show from roughly the halfway line in the stadium. Spent more time looking up and making sure his shitty bootleg video was framed correctly than watching the show.

    I’m always very conscious about being “that guy”. I’ll sometimes film the opener and maybe one song later on, it all depends on who I’m seeing, but after that the phones away.

  9. If your first sentence is you admitting that people are going to get mad about what you’re going to say, it isn’t worth the hassle of putting it out there in the first place.

    I can’t remember what she said word for word, but why even set yourself up for that knowing what an absolute cesspool Twitter is.

    I finally got through listening to the Crime In Sports episode I linked a few posts ago. They try and keeps as light as it allows usually and they manage to do up until the murder talk, it all gets very grim from that point on. There’s a few things in there that I hadn’t heard reported before, but it baffles me how anyone can think he is innocent. Unless they’re just trolling for attention of course.

  10. No doubt they’ll show this in some way next episode, but they’ve tried something different at least by having Brody King attack Darby at an autograph session he was taking part in over the weekend.


  11. 1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:


    Deeb and Martinez one upmanship was decent. While i'm sure it will be a good match, with no traditional babyface I worry the fans will have no interest when it happens.


    Of course there won’t be, Mercedes Martinez is involved.

    I must be in the minority that prefers the change to ‘Jane’ from ‘Where Is My Mind?’, probably because I’ve heard it that many times that I’m fucking sick of it

  12. Saw VLTIMAS at Corporation in Sheffield last night.

    I head down there to get there for about 15 minutes before the doors opened, thinking a queue will have formed but it’s not a huge place so it won’t be a massive queue. 
    I get there, no-one is outside the venue. Has it been moved? Cancelled entirely? A quick on the band’s socials show nothing of the sort so I figure I’ll just have a sit down opposite and see what happens. 
    Some do turn up as the doors open on time to let in all 9 of us. As we show our tickets we’re informed that the show “will be happening in the smaller room tonight”. Now granted I haven’t been to Corporation for nearly 11 years, but I didn’t even know it had a smaller room as what is apparently the main isn’t exactly massive.

    Two local support acts. Terminal Sun, who aren’t bad but nothing spectacular either, but the other was a band named Ba’al. They were fucking phenomenal. Being a local band and me from out of town I had no idea what they were going to be, but to look at them I never expected them to come out with what they did, which is apparently classed as ‘Post Blackened Metal’. I’m not usually one for buzzwords or just plain making up entire sub genes, but whatever you want to classify them as, go check them out. If anyone has heard Hidden Mothers, it’s a similar sound to that.

    Then it was VLTIMAS. By the time they come on, there can’t be anymore than 50 in attendance, a shockingly low turnout considering it’s David Vincent doing death metal. He isn’t doing Morbid Angel material (he does that when touring I Am Morbid), but it’s David fucking Vincent, and the VLTIMAS album is really fucking good, how are there only this many people here.

    The crowd that did turn up were really weird all night as well. I’d gone on my own and don’t tend to make noise anyway, I just like to listen and applaud what I like, but this crowd were giving nothing when David was doing bits between songs. Absolute silence at times. Even when the band did the ‘leave before coming back for the encore’ bit, nothing. The band eventually come back after what felt like a lengthy gap, and played one last song. They’ve been playing a two song song encore for the rest of the tour (throwing in an Alice Cooper cover before the last song), but that got dropped as David left almost instantly when it finished, he’d clearly had enough and just wanted to get out of there.

    Having said all of that (and sorry if I’ve rambled) the band sounded great and played really well, but the few people that had turned up gave them absolutely nothing. Such a strange night in hindsight 

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