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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. 11 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

    You should (shouldn't) check out his interview with The True Geordie.

    Every story is either Jericho being a visionary/creative genius or, needless to say, he had the last laugh! 

    Otherwise known as “doing a Paul Stanley”

  2. It’s the boastfulness about it. “Undoing” the monies available to “deprived urban areas”, not setting aside additional monies to somewhere, actively saying that he’s taking it away from elsewhere.

    And you know who really needs that sort of money? £500K Average House Price Tunbridge Wells, that’s who


  3. 16 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    We all agree Fozzy is painfully mediocre though, yeah?

    On its best day it would struggle to pass as painfully mediocre. They were at best mildly amusing when doing the novelty covers act it started out as, then in typical Jericho fashion he thought it was better/bigger than it was, and they got exposed when Chris decided they should a serious band. Rich Ward (the bands guitarist whose popped up playing Britt Baker’s theme at a couple of PPVs) has been playing Jericho like a fiddle for years as a result for the payday 

  4. 1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

    It's one of the best angles they ever did. They spent ages selling it and in a realistic way they hadn't done before and haven't really done since. Half the roster came out, heels and faces together, to check and watch over Funk and Foley, looking very concerned. The Outlaws stand off to the side with a "oh shit we went too far this time" look on their faces. Some of the wrestlers were so mad they tried to attack them. Triple H and HBK come out and tell the Outlaws that they did the right thing to push up the ratings. It's a marvellous bit of wrestling telly.

    And that’s the thing, it was the most heinous act act imaginable at the time. Here, minutes later it was like it never happened. I mean, Funk & Foley weren’t in the shape The Ass Boys are in but no-one, not even their Dad who did the dam thing originally, came out to check on them. It was just a throwaway “remember this from the good old days?” spot and then immediately onto the next thing.

    Is Jay Lethal’s theme a carryover from his ROH run? It’s fucking awful. I know most of the AEW original themes are quite poor, but that one in particular is horrific 

  5. 12 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    EDIT: when the fed did that spot - at the height of crash TV - they dwelled on it for an uncomfortably long time. If memory serves, they went to an ad break, and came back with Foley and Funk still stuck in the dumpster. In AEW, it falls victim to their pacing and lack of emphasis on key moments, so it's a needlessly reckless stunt, then not giving it a moment to breathe before moving on to the next segment. Is it really worth it?

    If memory serves, it took up most of the first hour.

  6. 35 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    The dumpster spot  looked terrible and nearly injured the Gunn Club. Horrendously prepared stunt.

    My heart skipped a beat when it flipped over as I was sure that one of the Gunns came out and it and looked as though they were going to be crushed. Turns out it was just some of the boxes used inside.

    Stupid spot done purely to make people “oooh, I remember that from the Attitude Era”

  7. 2 hours ago, air_raid said:

    The look on Belairs face marking out for the surprise pisses me off so much. WE should mark out, YOU should be confused, wary or angry.


    Still better than Becky’s moody face, or her “what do I have to do to win?” tremble 

  8. 2 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I haven’t kept up with WWE or NXT or any of the product in ages but caught bits and pieces of Rick Steiner’s lad. With Vince gone, is there any chance they finally drop the shite Bronn Breakker name and let him use Steiner? Or are they too far along now? I’m guessing the name is staying. Just seems pointless to me when everything about him screams ‘Steiner’ and he looks, acts and sounds like an exact mix of Rick and Scott. 

    Fabian Aichner has just be renamed and he’s been there 6 years. Similar James Drake and Zack Gibson. And don’t forget Walter becoming Gunther, Pete Dunne becoming Butch (although was more of a complete gimmick overhaul going from NXT to MainRoster).

    Most of those happened while Vince was still around, but even this weekend Io Shirai got changed to Iyo Skye, again having been there a number of years, so it’s possible that Bronn Breaker could get renamed at some point, it’ll depend on whether they decide to really lean into him being a Steiner or not. 

  9. 53 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:


    Although Theory (Fucking THEORY!!!!) shouldn't be anywhere near an episode of Superstars, let alone Brock and Roman and the main event picture. Pure go away heat that lad.


    I agree in principle, but he’s got into that position through holding the MITB briefcase which he only got through favouritism, he hasn’t earned it per se which is how you should feel about a heel

  10. The main event was absurd, silly, stupid & whatever else you can think to describe it. But, I have never punched the air as hard as I did when Brock managed to get that tractor under the ring and flip it, that was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen in 30 years of watching this.

    The rest of the show was pretty good to be fair. Logan Paul continues to impress, even Pat v Corbin was above average.

    The only low point I felt was Ronda v Liv. Ronda failing to get her shoulder up makes her look an idiot while babyface Liv holds onto her title due to a dodgy call from the ref, what’s that supposed to do for her?

    That Main Event though, 10 stars

  11. 6 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    Only 8 matches on one of their biggest shows of the year Jesus.

    Biggest doesn’t mean you just filling it with any ol shite to make it last longer, that’s why Wrestlemania has been an absolute slog to get through for years.

    Its the way it should be and will hopefully motivate people to earn a place on the show

  12. 31 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

    I'm guessing I missed something but how did Rush wind up getting a title shot with his 1-0 record? I haven't been watching Rampage and I fell behind on Dynamite as I was traveling. So, I guess there was an eliminator or something?

    7 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Didn't they try to explain that Rush had been undefeated for a stupidly long time outside of AEW or something?


    They mentioned on the ROH PPV that Rush getting a shot because he’d won his last 10 matches in ROH & Mexico.

    Its a strange way of justifying it, as if we’re counting wins in other companies then by that logic Roman Reigns should be due a shot having only lost once in nearly 3 years

  13. 3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    He occupies a special place in our family's cultural consciousness, because he's in my dad's single favourite comedy episode of all time, "The Hotel Inspectors" from Fawlty Towers. 

    A cultural mainstay with a hell of a back catalogue, and a lot of respect. RIP.

    Hopefully the BBC have reserved the BBC 2 channel for a televisual feast tonight in his honour

  14. 2 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    Fuck the rankings, Mox vs Samoa Joe. I want to see it.

    Considering Joe took his best front facing bump I’ve seen him take for years at the weekend I’m hoping he’s got a bit of motivation back

  15. Wrestlemania 40 heading to Philadelphia. 2 nights once again.

    Seating capacity of just under 70,000, which will obviously see one side shut off for the staging, but with fans on the pitch they’ll be looking for around 75,000 in attendance each night 

  16. Judging by what was said at San Diego Comic Con, Punk said his foot is healing but it’s not currently healed, and is apparently having to relearn how to walk as his foot was “shattered”. 
    How much of that is just him playing things up for effect we don’t know, but it’s unlikely that he’ll be back in the next 6 weeks.

    With him still being mentioned on TV as facing the interim champ at some point, I would imagine that they were hoping he would be back for All Out, especially with it being another Chicago-area show.

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