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Posts posted by WyattSheepMask

  1. As some of you are aware, Vue have been showing the Aardman films throughout the school holidays. This week it’s Early Man, which I’d say is one of their weaker efforts.

    On the flip side of that though, they’re also showing Paddington all week, which everyone should be watching regularly any way but this is a great excuse to see on the big screen again

  2. 4 hours ago, JimmyAnderson said:


    Page's response to Punk comment is to cost him the title but he inadvertently costs Mox the match by hitting him with the Buckshot after Punk ducks it.

    This leads to the Chicago shows where Mox calls out Hangman and they have a belting feud eventually leading to a Blood & Guts match between the Elite and BCC some months down the line. 

    Punk on the other hand is bragging to his hometown how he doesn't have an opponent for All Out. Until Tony Sniff comes out and says that Punk will defend his title at All Out against an unnamed opponent.

    Main event of All Out and Punk is in the ring when Khan appears and says the only way this man would sign a new contract is if he was promised a title match against Punk...MJF's music hits and he wins the title (thanks to TK's help) to the biggest set of boos heard for some time.

    Then the following night on Dynamite, MJF is bragging how he's the best in the world blah blah blah only for Wardlow to come down and say that now there's one real champion again, he's ready to challenge for the belt after refusing to enter the interim tournament because he didn't want that title. 

    And then we get MJF v Wardlow II. While Punk can carry on his Bret Hart tribute with The Chicago Screwjob.

    Have you been at Tony Sniff’s stash?

  3. 2 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    R.I.P NXT UK 


    You had a good run now everyone go crawling back to the uk scene.

    They fucking killed the absolute incredible scene we had thinking it would be the best thing ever. Killed everything dead then booted everyone back to a now shit landscape 


    Did it have a good run though? The fact that it’s barely been talked about for the last two or three years would suggest that it didn’t at all. If they just stopped making it, would anyone have noticed.

    That’s not to say it didn’t have some good standout moments, but saying it “had a good run” is overstating it

  4. 1 hour ago, s279 said:

    It'll give the UK scene a much needed boost, and a few will work further afield. Can't see anyone there who'll walk into AEW or NJPW but they should all be at least back to where they were pre-NXT UK I'd have thought.

    I’d imagine the majority of them will be back in Progress as soon as their No Compete allows

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Here's something I genuinely want to see, even if I think it's unlikely.

    Whenever Hangman vs Punk happens, MJF makes his comeback and interferes, costing Punk the title, with Hangman unaware. The following week, Hangman vacates - he doesn't want to win the title without earning it. The title is vacant, pending a rematch... which Punk wins by cheating.

    You know how people have been saying for years that WWE don’t know how to book a babyface? How is this going to do anything for Hangman other than make him look a complete pillock

  6. 8 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I'm not really one to look at the ratings every week and obsess over them. It does pose an interesting question though.

    How do they grow beyond where they are?


    I’m not usually, but it popped up on my Twitter timeline.

    It was down ever so slightly (less than 2%) from last week. Since then they’ve been hyping a mystery partner, which aside from a few mutants online the majority knew it was going to be Omega. He’s one of the top guys that the company was founded to showcase, yet there was no bump in viewership. Likewise CM Punk, one of the biggest names to the audience that AEW play to more often than not and the current World Champion, came back last week yet no bump in viewership.

    Obviously the Title Unification Match isn’t a kneejerk reaction as it was announced before this weeks number came in, but if they don’t break 1million next week with that main event then some serious words need to be had.

    Or maybe they’re as big as they’re going to be, and 100k either side of 1million viewers is their ceiling

  7. Not wanting to get too bogged down in the minutiae of ratings, but 957,000 when you’ve got a returning Kenny Omega and coming off a CM Punk return appearance the previous week has got to be considered a disappointment 

  8. We've just finished watching Hannibal.

    We did try watching it a few years ago when it was still on SKY but gave up towards the end as my wife was loosing interest. Figured we'd give it another shot after finding out that it was on Amazon Prime. 

    It's one of those shows that gets lauded as being something amazing, when in reality it has a good central performance while everything else about it is a bit naff and very silly. Mads Mikkelson is great as Hannibal Lector, while Lawrence Fishburne adds a touch of star power to proceedings and is as dependable as he usually is.

    Everyone else is a bit hit and miss. Eddie Izzard has a recurring role throughout but mainly appears in S1 & 2 hamming things up, Gillian Anderson pads out the runtime of episodes by speaking like she's working The Coach's Hotline in 'Lisa The Greek', Raul Esparza plays a very silly Dr Chilton, while Katherine Isabelle stinks up every scene she's involved in when she turns up in S2, she's an awful actress. Michael Pitt plays a delightfully eccentric Mason Verger, but is replaced in S3 as he couldn't return to filming (he might have been off making the Ghost In The Shell movie at the time) and is replaced by Joe Anderson, who's much closer to Gary Oldman's portrayal of Mason Verger in the Hannibal film from 2001.

    S1 & 2 are good to very good for the most part with some mad kills and gore, but it falls off a cliff in S3 when the whole thing disappears up it's own arse stylistically No wonder viewers left in droves and it ended up getting cancelled. They also introduce a new protagonist six episodes from the end, basically making a protracted remake of Manhunter/Red Dragon, and resolve it that timeframe. Where the hell they were going to go if they were hoping to bring it back for S4 I've no idea, as they didn't have the rights to use anything from Silence of The Lambs.

    We also ended up making our own theme song for the show as the show's actual theme just sounds like a sad Formula 1 Car going by, and also invented the Hannibal Drinking Game, where you have to take a shot everytime someone says "Chesapeake Ripper"

    There's far worse things out there, but I found myself just wanting to get it out of the way by the time I got into the second half of the final series

  9. 14 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

    The only way it would work is if the podcast hosts interviews some nutter after their fourth pint. 

    No one could stomach four pints of that shite

  10. 4 minutes ago, FUM said:

    Anyone know anything about rights here? We had decided not to go and sold our previous seats in L28 but then done a u-turn and ended up buying new seats in L21 Row 5. I’ve just had an email from Ticketmaster saying they have to move us as “The event organisers have let us know that there have been a few changes to the production for this event, which will affect your view – this can be anything from the layout of the stage to the setup of the speakers or lighting rigs.”

    There are literally still 3 seats together available right now in L21 and they’ve moved us to U19 claiming it’s the same view. Surely they can’t move you up two tiers and claim this?

    I would imagine that there will be something buried in the T&C’s about being allowed to move you for purposes of the production of the show, they wouldn’t leave themselves open to something like that.

    Is the area your ring moved to one that had cheaper tickets? If not then I imagine there’s little you can do. Looking at the seating plan, and as you mentioned, you’re further back but now more central.

  11. Help me out as well with Punk’s “third best Eddie” comment: Guerrero - 🤷🏻‍♂️- Kingston. Great promo between Punk & Mox though and had they just done the first pull apart brawl, which was just enough that it didn’t resemble one of the many that WWE have done over the last few years, it would’ve been fine. They didn’t need to go to a well a second time. But, it did save us from a Tony Nese match, so every cloud and all that. Insane that they’re giving it away on TV 10 days before the PPV though, there must be some shenanigans afoot.

    Took me a second to click that JR said that Jericho “has 8 stitches in his head” and “has extensions in his hair”. He wouldn’t have been wrong saying either in all fairness.

    You’ve got Ricky Steamboat at ringside. Bryan gets DDTed on the concrete floor. Any link to be made there, lads on commentary? Close to a century of experience in the business between 3 of them and another whose a fucking nerd, and not one of them said anything. 
    Great match between Bryan and Garcia though.

    Didn’t expect to see Cobra make his long awaited return on the Dark Results ticker, I wonder if Sgt Craig Pitman is #AllElite too?

    Despite some absolute nutters getting it into their heads that The Bucks partner was going to be Marty Scurll, it just had to be Kenny. I could do without Don Callis chewing the scenery though, although I understand I’m in the minority.

    Probably the best top to bottom Dynamite that they’ve done in months, even Toni Storm’s match wasn’t a complete stinker

  12. 1 hour ago, Egg Shen said:

    is there a decent detailed report anywhere on the Decapitated case? i can only find brief news website posts.


    The most detailed seem to be from these:

    The Independent (2 weeks after the alleged incident) - Decapitated: Polish metal band accused of gang rape after being arrested on kidnapping charges | The Independent | The Independent - It seems to be behind a paywall on mobile but Desktop brings it up, and I've stuck it behind spoiler tags for length


    Polish metal band Decapitated have been accused of gang rape after they were arrested on charges of first-degree kidnapping.

    The incident allegedly took place after the band's 31 August show at The Pin venue in Spokane, Washington state. The four band members, Michael Lysejko, Waclaw Kieltyka, Rafal Piotrowski and Hubert Wiecek, were arrested in Los Angeles following the accusation of kidnapping.

    A woman claimed that she was held against her will by the band, which prompted Spokane Police Department to work with the LA County Sheriff's office to place them in custody.
    She walked and called several family members before calling 911, according to court documents, and an officer found her around two miles from the venue.

    Officials observed that when the woman who accuses the band members of rape was picked up she had "significant bruising to her upper arms consistent with being restrained" as well as "small abrasions to her knuckles that were scabbed over". She said during the rape she was "digging her fist into the wall to try and distract herself from what was happening".


    The officer also visited the venue and checked the area for the tour bus but "the band had already left Spokane for their next venue".

    The members of Decapitated reportedly gave varying accounts as to what happened on the night of 31 August.

    When shown photos of the women, Lysejko refused to speak without a translator and "made no comment other than he did not know who the girls were".

    He told authorities that "both Piotrowski and Wiecek engaged in sex acts with the woman. Piotrowski and Wiecek said the woman had been on the bus but were not sure as to what exactly had happened. They also refused to speak without a translator.

    Kieltyka, the lead guitarist, told detectives he saw Piotrowski and Wiecek engage in sex acts with the woman in the bathroom. He agreed to have a DNA swab collected as evidence.

    Piotrowski and Wiecek declined to give a DNA sample.

    Steve Graham, the defence lawyer who is representing the band, commented: "Decapitated plan to fully fight the allegations that are brought against them, and we are fully confident that the other side of this story will be heard."

    The band's official Facebook page appears to have been temporarily deactivated.

    The Independent has reached out to the band's label for comment.

    Seattle Times (from when the charges were dropped)- Spokane County drops rape charges against all members of Polish death metal band Decapitated | The Seattle Times - likewise, spiler tagged for length


    Prosecutors have dropped rape and kidnapping charges against all four members of the death metal band Decapitated, ensuring their eventual return to their home country of Poland after months of detainment in the United States.

    Waclaw Kieltyka, 35, Michal Lysejko, 27, Rafal Piotrowski, 31, and Hubert Wiecek, 30, were scheduled to begin trial later this month in Spokane County Superior Court for the alleged gang rape of a local woman after their show in downtown Spokane on Aug. 31.


    But on Friday, Spokane County prosecutor Kelly Fitzgerald filed a motion dropping all rape and kidnapping charges without prejudice, meaning the four men could be prosecuted in the future. The motion cites “the well being of the victim” and “in the interest of justice” as a reason for dismissal.


    “This has been traumatizing to her,” Fitzgerald said of the accuser. “It’s obviously something that is a multiple-defender case, and it would be a lengthy trial.”

    Fitzgerald said while the state has a responsibility to the community in prosecuting crimes, in special assault cases they also have to be cognizant of victims, in this case a young woman.

    “We’ve discussed with her and her advocates and feel at this time it’s best for her to heal,” she said.

    The band’s attorneys said news of the dismissal was surreal, but expected. Steve Graham, representing Kieltyka, said that, while he can only speak for his client, “everyone is relieved and they’re looking to get back home.”

    Jeffry Finer, attorney for Piotrowsk, said the accuser was heavily involved in the decision to drop charges. He said attorneys were confident prosecution would drop charges once they had all of the evidence from defense witnesses, which included scores of concert goers.

    “A close review of the evidence is all it took,” he said. “We are not criticizing the county for moving slow. It just took a long time to get all of the evidence, all of the witnesses, and there were so many witnesses.”

    Two weeks ago, Graham said “new evidence” came to light that “seriously cast doubt” over the state’s case, which consisted largely of testimony from two women who told police they were kidnapped and held against their will on the band’s tour bus after the show. One of the women was able to escape while her friend was forced to stay on the bus.


    The woman told officers she was brutally raped by each member of the band in the bathroom of the bus. She said they all took turns forcing her to perform sexual acts. When they were done, they kicked her off the bus.

    Later at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, police noted “significant bruising to her upper arms consistent with being restrained” and “small abrasions to her knuckles that were scabbed over.”

    The victim’s friend was pulled over later that night and cited with a DUI. While in the back of the patrol car, she told the officer her friend was being assaulted, but without a specific location, the officer was unable to help.

    Attorneys for the four accused have consistently argued their client’s innocence. While he wouldn’t divulge the state’s reasoning for dropping the charges, Graham said Spokane police officers may have been misinformed on what happens at metal shows that could explain the woman’s bruising.


    “We subpoenaed the list of concert attendees and found numerous people who say that she was in the front row of the mosh pit and was climbing up on stage, and getting jostled about as much as anyone else there,” he said. “There’s no question from our perspective that the case against these four guys was falling apart.”

    A representative from the Spokane County Prosecutor’s Office was not immediately available.

    Had it gone to trial, defense attorneys had also planned to cast doubt over the accuser, who they deemed untrustworthy based on a previous encounter with law enforcement. In 2014, she admitted to lying to police about injuries she sustained during an assault, when her boyfriend was accused of stabbing three people. She instead was injured by her boyfriend during a previous argument.

    The band members have been out of jail since late last year, when bail was dropped and they were released on their own recognizance. They were ordered to stay within the state but were allowed to leave the county until ordered to return.

    Graham said Judge Julie McKay’s decision to release the four was spurred by a letter of support from Polish politician Dominik Tarczynski, who contacted the court on the band’s behalf saying he urged the judge to “consider release of these men on bail until their charges can be resolved.”

    During their release hearings, attorneys introduced written testimony from Andy Marsh, a member of Thy Art is Murder, which was playing the same show as Decapitated that night. Marsh said he saw the woman in the front of the stage, in an area commonly referred to as a “mosh pit,” where she was violently dancing, which could have explained some of the bruising.

    Finer and Graham said the four are awaiting official word from Immigration and Customs Enforcement as to when they
    can return to Poland. They’ve been in the United States since June, when their tour began.

    And while the band’s extended stay in the state’s was unfortunate due to the criminal trial, Finer said, they were still grateful to the Spokane community for treating them fairly.

    “All of them were saying they will always remember the kindness of the people here,” he said. “We made it as reasonable a two months as we could while the county took its time and did its due diligence, and determined correctly that the case needed to be dismissed.”

    The Independent also ran this article about the vitriol aiming at the accuser - The Decapitated allegations and misogyny in the metal scene | The Independent | The Independent


    Last week, reports surfaced that the Polish metal band Decapitated had been arrested on kidnapping charges after a fan visited their tour bus after a gig in Spokane, Washington State.

    It emerged that the fan alleged the band had taken it in turns to rape her in the bus’s bathroom. At the time of writing, Decapitated were being held in an LA jail, awaiting extradition to Spokane to face the charges. The allegations are grim – and, it should be said, currently unproven as the investigation continues (the band deny all allegations against them) – but what’s even more sickening is the level of vitriol directed at the alleged victim.


    Online discussions about the case range from people dismissing the accusations as “complete BS” and saying the fact that tour bus bathrooms are very small disproves them, to terms like “crazy groupie” being bandied around, and the inevitable “false rape claims ruin lives”. One of the most disappointing was a comment made by a woman, speculating that the alleged victim must have willingly slept with the band members and made up the allegations to cover her tracks when her boyfriend found out.

    Dismissing the allegations as a lie seems to be the knee-jerk reaction of a certain set of people living with the baffling – and incorrect – belief that we live in a society where men are constantly at risk from a false rape claim epidemic. That simply is not true. While it’s hard to accurately quantify how many rape claims actually are false due to the fact that hardly any assaults are reported to the authorities (15 per cent in England and Wales), a 2013 CPS report compares the number of prosecutions for rape between January 2011 and May 2012 with the number of prosecutions for making a false claim.

    False claim charges were fewer than 1 per cent of the number of rape prosecutions. They are not the widespread societal ill some people seem to believe – especially, for some reason, fans of Decapitated.

    There are multiple issues at play here. There’s the assumption that women are incapable of respecting or enjoying the artistic output of men without sexually desiring them, or that every woman wants to f*** a rock star; the assumption that metal, especially death metal, is too manly a noise for a woman to like, therefore her motives for being at a show or wanting to meet a band must be something else.

    Female metal musicians are outnumbered by men and still face the boring “woman in a band” question in interviews, which shows even they’re still, sadly, regarded by some as a novelty, which doesn’t help normalise the presence of female fans.


    The fact that even other women are casting aspersions on the allegations not only demonstrates quite horrifying levels of internalised misogyny, but also upholds the notion of women as a novelty in the rock scene. I’d hazard a guess that the woman who wrote those comments probably sees herself as “one of the boys” because that’s preferable to being “like other girls”; a mythical, homogenous female tribe who only go to gigs to try and bed band members or because their boyfriend likes the music.

    But being a female metal fan isn’t a choice between being a ladette or a groupie. There’s no set criteria a woman must fit before she can enjoy metal purely for its sonic merits. Sure, some women might fantasise about sleeping with their favourite band members, just as men do about female celebrities. But a fantasy does not imply consent or detract from the fact that a woman can be a sexual being and, in a separate part of her personality, enjoy music. The distrust and derision of female metal fans seems like an easier option to some than the cognitive dissonance that comes with accepting someone you respect as an artist might also be capable of a crime.

    Not all metal fans think like this. In fact, attitudes are changing, thanks to artists like Architects, Venom Prison and Stray From The Path, to name a few, who vocally champion equality. But the amount of online comments that state with such vitriolic certainty that Decapitated’s accuser is lying shows there’s still a problem.

    The metal scene can be an incredibly supportive community when it wants to be, but those who view female fans as interlopers to be regarded with suspicion are actively keeping it in the dark ages.

    Nobody knows what happened on that tour bus except for the band and the alleged victim, and until the truth becomes known, she should be able to count on the support of her fellow fans, rather than having her character assassinated by those who subscribe to the misogynist and dangerous attitudes that stop 85 per cent of the 85,000 women who are raped every year in England alone from coming forward.


  13. 13 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    The court case was a shit show that seemed to put the victim on trial, but that sadly doesn't seem uncommon.

    I was talking with a mate of mine about it the other shortly after the announcement was made. I’d say I’m a proponent of innocent until proven guilty, but that whole situation stunk from minute one, and I find it hard to believe that if someone was just looking for an easy pay day that they’d go after a Polish Death Metal band.

    We’ve spoken before about Bloodstock’s questionable bookings and they don’t seem to want to learn, like how Behemoth headlined this year despite Darski’s recollection in his book to witnessing a rape on a bus as being rock n’ roll bants, and that’s before you get to the claims against him from previous partners

  14. 9 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    why's that?

    The kidnap & rape allegations from the other year. Two members have left the band since (Wacław Kiełtyka is now in Machine Head, but was absent at the weekend) but two still remain 


  15. Always had a soft spot for Grim Reaper after first seeing them on an episode of Beavis & Butt-Head. They’re right out of that period of Metal that Chris Jericho loves so much, and if Fozzy were anything like Grim Reaper I might actually like them, but they’re not so I don’t. ‘See You In Hell’ and ‘Fear No Evil’ are great old school metal albums

    Gifted Weezer the video to ‘Fear No Evil’ to use for their single ‘We Are All On Drugs’ for international markets and took no payment apparently.

  16. Something must’ve fallen through with another venue and they’ve got a new one on a “2 nights for the price of 1” offer.

    A double header and you’re only announcing it 6 weeks ahead of time? That’s insane. With everything the way it is right now I can’t see this doing well

  17. If you’re ever feeling low, feel safe in the knowledge that you could put on anything and outdraw Right Said Fred, seen here headlining the outside of a Post Office in Durham


  18. 14 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Started FROM last night. Think I'll get through it pretty quickly. I'm a complete sucker for mystery shit like that.

    I’ve got this to watch at some point too. Harold Perrineau has been getting all kinds of praise for his role. He’ll always be Augustus Hill to me, but he’s always worth watching no matter what he’s in

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