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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. Without a doubt, going to the police, testifying going through court etc retraumatises the victim. There is a shit ton of research that shows as much. That isn't the only reason people don't come forward though, the reasons are multiple and complex from not being believed to not processing the trauma, there are so many reasons victims don't come forward for a long time. Use your imagination and try and put yourself in their shoes just for 30 seconds and you can come up with lots of reasons.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I think the saddest thing is why the  victims felt they couldn’t speak up, even when they had hard evidence. Because they thought he was that untouchable that the police either wouldn’t take them seriously or his lawyers would make sure they didn’t. Seen a lot of “why are they only speaking up now” and that’s due to the pathetic statistics of rape cases that lead to conviction. 

    Why does that last line seem to come up over and over and over again? I feel like it's been explained a million times over the last few years and people still bring it up (I know they are people just looking for an excuse to not believe victims) but at this point a simple Google can give you the answer to that question, you hardly need a psychology degree to understand why people come forward at a later date.

  3. I dont work Mondays and I am essentially given the hours back for the bank holidays and can use the hours when I want though my manager requests that I use it within a couple of weeks.

    My husband doesn't work Friday's and his work give him the hours back too. I know friends who don't work Mondays who are automatically given the day off on the Tuesday after the bank holiday.

  4. Absolutley, it actually would have been better if they had said nothing. Though there is talk there was coercion from Scientology for them to write the statements as they have dirt on them. If you read all the character references, they all have the same lines repeatedly. Either way, very ill advised of them and they have destroyed their own careers.

  5. I think the statement that Christina Ricci put out for Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis sums up knowing an abuser personally quite well.

    'So sometimes people we have loved and admired to horrible things. They might not do these things to us and we only know who they were to us but that doesn’t mean they didn’t do the horrible things and to discredit the abused is a crime.

    People we know as “awesome guys” can be predators and abusers. It’s tough to accept but we have to. If we say we support victims—women, children, men, boys—then we must be able to take this stance.

    Unfortunately I’ve known lots of “awesome guys” who were lovely to me who have been proven to be abusers privately.

    I’ve also had personal experience with this.

    Believe victims. It’s not easy to come forward. It’s not easy to get a conviction.'

  6. Keep an eye out on the website, something similar happened to me once and I thought it was bull. Three months later the manager called me and said they were advertising the new roles he had told me about and would like to offer one to me.


    If the charity was NSPCC, they very rarely bullshit and the manager will likely have meant it.

  7. 3 hours ago, Vamp said:

    I'm fairly sure Punk was asked about her coming to AEW with him and him saying he wouldn't want that because he liked her "chunky." Which was probably innocuous. 


    Bizarre. If you look at her Instagram, chunky is not how I'd describe her. She's still pretty much in the same shape she was when wrestling if not slimmer.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Speaking of AJ, she's pretty much been radio silent throughout this entire ordeal, hasn't she? I don't blame her. I'm tempted to pick up her book too as I've heard great things about it.

    Yeah I haven't read it but have heard very good things. She has actually carved out a great career for herself outside of wrestling, one I think Punk is probably secretly jealous of. 

    I guess she is keeping quiet because there isn't really a lot she can say and still come off dignified. Sometimes it's better to say nothing and I guess this is one of those situations.

  9. I hated 2 Broke Girls with a passion, I honestly thought it was total dross. Enjoy Modern Family @Keith Houchenit's a great show, declines in quality towards the end like most sitcoms but I still enjoyed it quite a lot.

  10. Mentioning German drinks, I do like a Fritz Kola. They do some great fruity flavour drinks too, the orange one is really nice, the lemon one is a bit too bitter. They do a rhubarb flavour which I really want to try but any time we did an order for Fritz, it was always out of stock

  11. Diet coke is barely a drink, its vile. I switched from original Coke to Coke Zero and whilst original is obviously better, Zero is a decent substitute. At home we've switched from Coca Cola to Karma Cola which is actually really great. Its more herbally tasting along the lines of Curiosity Cola but better in my opinion.


    I hate all Pepsi other than the Raspberry Pepsi Max, the rest can go straight in the bin. 

  12. Hmm it basically seems both of you are saying that everything I'm worried about is likely to happen. Maybe it's a little ambitious and Vancouver should wait a couple of years. I think maybe start small with a European trip next year.


    Thank you @simonwordenand @Chest Rockwellyou've given me lots to think about but I think I'm swaying towards not going.

  13. On 8/11/2023 at 11:22 AM, simonworden said:

    I did atwo 8 hour flights back to back to get home with a just 1 year old in December. It was hard work. We couldn't rest as we had to flip between trying to get him to sleep and keeping him entertained for the whole time. We decided against another trip back for this year until next when he can have his own seat. Best advice I can give is do it if you really want to go but be prepared. Lots.of snacks, cartoons they like downloaded etc and you might be fine. Go on a good airline who will be supportive. 

    One thing to consider with the birthday over there is making sure you book properly as they'll have to be in their own seat once they turn two. No idea how you would book that unless you book each journey separately. 

    So you did 16 hours?! That does sound like a nightmare. I did wonder about the seat thing for my youngest. He is a big boy, despite the two year age gap, he shares t-shirts with his older brother. I was wondering if we would be able to get him a seat from the offset as he will be days away from turning two. I think may have to contact some airlines.

  14. Haha, no she's the best! She is my only female cousin on my mums side of the family so we've always got on very well, and they all made it over here for my wedding. Its more the logistics of travelling with two kids. My parents and brother and sister are going to the wedding, and I might be able to talk one of them in to flying with us but I'm not the most patient person and not the biggest fan of long haul flights anyway.


    Edit: also I do love Vancouver, I've been trying to convince my husband to move out there but he's never been so this will help that argument I think.... but 9 hours with 2 kids 

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