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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. It's rare to be honest. My husband knows I'm not a morning person (and I tend to be the one getting up with the baby in the night) so on a Sunday he will take both boys for an hour or so for me to get a little more sleep. Our boys both go to bed by 7.30ish (when things go to plan) but most of the evening is taken up with housework/cooking/preparing for tomorrow etc and a bit of TV because my brain has stopped working. 

    It feels quite sad to say this but my 'me' time is when I'm at work or the few times a week I wash my hair in the shower rather than a quick 2 minute shower. I think there will be more time as the kids get older but 11 month olds are quite demanding and my two year old is doing everything he can to impersonate a teenager at the moment so he's very full on too.

  2. 8 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    I hope Tupacs family feel some sort of justice at last.

    Also related, Dear Mama comes to Disney + on October 1st. Well worth a watch.

    It's a shame his mum is no longer with us to see it. 

    There was an interview with Allen Hughes the director in the Guardian the other week, the documentary sounds really good. I'll definitely be watching it.

  3. I got given a big box of Cadbury's Roses. They have REALLY gone down hill, they are 70% caramel or caramel adjacent and I don't really like caramel - also, they are basically the same but in different shapes - which is also true for most of the others apart from the Orange and Strawberry cremes. Whilst it wouldn't ever be my first choice, but Quality Street are far, far superior.

  4. 44 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    That's correct. First two series were on Channel 4, then Netfiix bought it. Think Drake did actually.


    Drake bought it and approached Netflix to make the series' for him. He's executive producer on all last 3 seasons I think.

  5. I loved series 1, didn't think series 2 was as good but still liked it and have only recently started watching series 3, I've got about 2 episodes left and have really enjoyed it. There are some new characted which I think were a good addition and helped freshen things up a bit.

  6. Regarding Fox, I think he belongs here, surely those comments he made about Ava Evan's can be considered as sexual harassment?

    If he had made those comments off air to his mate, it would just be a distasteful conversation but to say it in public where he knew she would hear it, I think is harassment.

  7. Advice please gents, we bought our house last year, it has a beautiful garden and a nice sized vegetable patch and greenhouse. Last year we managed to do some decent maintenance and keep it all in decent shape, this year however, with a baby and a toddler we have only just managed to maintain the house and other than cutting the grass and the odd bit of hedge/bush trimming the garden has been very neglected. 

    My kids are both at nursery now and I'm back at work so I now have some time in theory. I popped in to the garden today to take a look at the vegetable patch and it is overrun with weeds and raspberries. I could book the day off work and dedicate some time to clearing it. My question is, am I best to do that now or wait till the spring time? My instincts are to do it now because it looks awful and I think it's going to get worse over the winter or will everything just die? What's the best thing for me to do?

  8. Use a dishwasher. I can stack a dishwasher and currently own one but have bo idea how to actually switch it on. I asked my sister to show me last time she came to stay and she forgot and I'm too embarrassed to ask anyone else so will have to wait till her next visit.

    I'm quite good at DIY but wish I knew more, however I can t fo anything with a car other than put windscreen wiper fluid in and I desperately wish I knew more but I can't even change a tyre.

    I can not iron a shirt or dress trousers (the type with a crease down the front) for love nor money. I am absolutley useless and have about as much and co-ordination as a two year old.

    I'm not in my best physical state at the moment and haven't excercised properly in nearly 2 years, however even when I was in very good shape, I can not do a squat to save my life. My knees seem to have life of their own and just go off in all different directions. 

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