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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. On 4/1/2023 at 11:41 AM, Keith Houchen said:

    Marinaded some tofu in soy, chilli, garlic and ginger last night and did it in the air fryer. Iā€™ve got this old cookbook and did the ā€œFirecracker sauceā€ recipe, essentially a hot and sweet chilli sauce, and added the tofu. Was well lush!

    I've never thought of trying tofu in the airfryer! I'm a bit funny about tofu, I tend to prefer it when it's a tougher texture, is that how it goes in the airfryer?

    I tried small marinades cubes of halloumi in the airfryer- that didn't go well, it all melted. I don't know if I need to try bigger chunks of Halloumi or it just doesn't go well in the airfryer.

  2. I loved Lily Savage, many a morning before school was spent watching her on Big Breakfast - apparently Paul didnt really enjoy dressing up as Lily which is a real shame. I loved him as himself too, he had a real universal likability which is so rare. He will be really missed.


    As a slight aside, one of my close friends from high school was on the first series of Ru Paul's Drag Race.

  3. Yeah, I've been watching that unfold on Instagram today, it's very reminiscent of 1984. International governments have too much to gain from being on good terms with Modi so it's unlikely anything will happen. Look at the shitstorm that hit Rihanna when she asked why no one was talking about the Farmers Protests, western politicians are actively looking the other way.

  4. The Punjabi farmers protests from 2020 are probably a good place to start in regards to what is happening in Punjab. The BBC recently did a documentary about Modi, I didn't actually watch it as I find it all quite depressing but I think that will give an idea of his antics, it was called 'The Modi Question'. It was banned in India.Ā 

  5. That's pretty much it @Keith Houchen. Sadly, the current Prime Minister not only condones the Hinduvata activity, he actively encourages it (see the Gujrat riots when Muslims were massacred under his watch as chief minister there).Ā 

    India is sadly unsafe for any Indian that is not Hindu at the moment - and high caste Hindu at that if I'm honest, low caste Hindu's are having a very tough time too and think things are only going to get worse. Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is apparently a very popular book with them, I remember reading an article a year or so ago where they said it was one of the most downloaded books in India. Seeing quotes from university students as to why it appealed so.much to them was just baffling.

    The government are currently gunning for Punjab and Sikhs with venom at the moment (that's me and my family). I wouldn't be surprised if there is a repeat of the 1984 genocide in the next couple of years. The government are slowly killing off or arresting anyone that speaks out for Punjab (see the death of Punjabi Sikh rapper Sidhu Moosewale last year, the day after his state funded security was pulled). My parents keep going on about going back to Punjab as my mums sister has recently had a near fatal aneurysm and my dads oldest brother is 90 and is his kidneys are shutting down but it just isn't safe for them.

    Sorry if I went on a bit of a rant there! The situation in India really saddens me, it's hard watching history repeat itself.

  6. Hindu extremism is a real problem in India at the moment, if they served beef, it's likely that employees would be dragged out of the resteraunts and given a public beating unfortunately.

  7. The masala scrambled eggs is a regular breakfast in any non-vegetarian Northern Indian home. Obviously, the have Coca Cola in India and it's very very popular, Thumbs Up is just an Indian brand and is so sugary it makes Coke look bitter!

  8. I was going to add that actually, that my experience of India is mainly of the North and bits of the East. The other parts of India are like different countries with their own languages and culture/customs so may be completely different!

  9. Looks like they've got rid of the Aloo Tikki burger, that was my favourite!

    No, no beef from what I remember, and the menu was 50/50 between veggie and meat offerings - the meat was mainly chicken.

    On tap soft drinks are not really a thing in India, fizzy drinks tend to come in glass bottles. I'm guessing it wasn't worth McDonald's stocking them as they are sold everywhere in shops and by street vendors. Street vendors will literally park up outside Maccies so they would have always been undercut.

  10. Bet it's like drinking a big jug of toothpaste.

    Also McDonalds in India is delightful. The veggie offerings here are piss poor and I'd rather not eat than have Maccies in England.

  11. I'm on maternity leave and have nothing better to do with my time than watch copious amounts of daytime TV. I was watching Steph's Packed Lunch this week, I can't remember what they were calling it but it was essentially poo week this week - they are doing some kind of national poo survey and that naturally made me think of this place.Ā  There was one woman on there that only went once a week - can you imagine!?Ā  She didn't even realise it was abnormal until she was well in to adulthood. I wonder if she posts here??

  12. 15 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    Cancel culture update:

    Tonight on Channel 4 the founder of "anti-woke" GBeebies was hosting his own self-titled show while on BBC1 Stephen Fry was chatting amiably with the world's most famously outspoken transphobe.

    When will this oppressive censorship end?

    I must have missed something because the only thing on BBC1 in my area was news and football.

  13. I'd love to be able to shop in TK Maxx as I know some people who have got lovely stuff from there at bargain prices but it just seems like a jumble sale to me. I think I just get sensory overload and I literally can't find a single thing worth buying in there

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