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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. 4 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    He looks like he was grown in a Hollywood laboratory to be the most generic but attractive looking actor.

    I thought the same of Chris Evans and was actually pleasantly surprised by him.  That said, I have zero enthusiasm for the new Superman and this casting has taken me in to minus enthusiasm.

  2. Everytime I see a random new post in this thread, I always think it's going to be a post saying Bam has passed away. I'm glad it's not but sad that this is the state of him.


    On the other hand, great to see Steve-o beat his demons and doing so well. He really looks great and seems to have himself together. 

  3. I've worked 4 days a weeks since Feb 2022 and I love it. I did it to save on childcare costs but I think I'll keep doing it once my boys have free childcare. I work from home too so don't have to figure in commuting, I work 8 till 5.30pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 till 5pm Thursday and Friday. Three day weekends gives me such a better work life balance.

  4. Well it is amazing but it takes a similar physical toll on the body to climbing Mount Everest.... but I guess some nutters enjoy that too!

    Even if she enjoys it, I still think she is selfless. Contractions are no joke even if you get the most amazing euphoric rush you can ever feel afterwards.

    Edit: I'm not calling her a nutter

  5. That is an absolutley amazing thing that she is doing @SuperBacon. She is having a profound impact on and changing peoples lives for the better. 

    As someone who found pregnancy physically challenging, both during and afterwards (honestly, I have the back of an 80 year old now, if I roll on to my back in my sleep, I can't physically get out of bed in the morning, I feel like I'm paralyzed) she is being so incredibly selfless in doing this. God (or whatever deity you believe in) bless her.

  6. @WretchWe struggled to concieve and I can relate to everything you're saying, I stopped pregnancy testing as I found it soul crushing. I always knew we would be likely to struggle as I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in my teens. PCOS makes getting pregnant very difficult and staying pregnant even harder.  Lots of women have it and dont know as there is not always obvious symptoms - I had periods from hell so my GP tested me.

    I was told to try for a year and then if nothing happeneds to see my GP and get a specialist referral so thats what I did. We were both tested again as thats that they do. I was 35 by this point. Fell pregnant after the testing as one of the tests can temporarily increase fertility but miscarried at 12 weeks. Then fell pregnant and miscarried again 5 months later but lost it very early this time. We were put on tablets to make me ovulate, that failed and then we were eventually referred for IVF and were incredibly lucky that it worked first time and I had my little boy at 37. IVF is not available on the NHS in all areas and its success rates aren't fantastic so I know I was very lucky.  I fell pregnant with my second son by accident (I obviously ignored the dont use your infertility as contraception message) and had him at 39.  I include my age because age is the enemy of fertility but it can happen at an older age so it's not a reason to give up.

    Medical advice is that if the female is under 35 and you haven't conceived after 2 years of regular sex (twice a week) see your GP for further investigation (1 year of trying for over 35's). It may be something simple like a hormone imbalance that is easily corrected and identified by a blood test so it's worth going to see your GP as a couple as the first port of call. Fertility referrals take forever though so I would recommend starting the ball rolling sooner rather than later. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them here or feel free to drop me a DM if you would prefer. 

  7. On 5/8/2023 at 11:00 PM, Lorne Malvo said:

    He's a massive prick obviously but a very funny prick. 

    Is he though? The show would arguably be completely unaffected if he were not in it at all. He is just such a meh character. Not enough of a prick to really make you laugh out loud but completely unlikable none the less. Dennis from Sunny is a prick but he's a prick that brings a lot to the table, the show would be so much poorer without him. The same can not be said for Ryan.

  8. Ryan?! Fucking Ryan?!

    I also don't mind Robert Kalifornia and think Nellie was the worst addition to the show. I can't stand Kelly either, a pointless character. Dwight will always be my favourite.


    I enjoyed the bulk of Pam and Jim apart from in the last season, Pam became very annoying. 

  9. 7 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    The footage I saw of Glenn and Kaitlin singing "Tiny Boy, Baby Boy" and Rob having a catch with CHASE UTLEY made me so jealous.

    Rob giving everyone an ocular pardon as well. I can't believe I missed it.


    Honestly, it was really great! If they come back (which I think they will) I highly recommend going, though getting tickets was hard, they sold out incredibly fast. 

  10. I went to watch the Always Sunny podcast recording on Sunday, they did a little best of with lots of clips. The one where Dee and Denise go on welfare was one of the clips, I think that one is from the first season and is a great episode

  11. Tumeric is excellent for your skin, particularly if its inflamed or you have acne. You can make an exfoliating face mask by mixing it with yogurt and sticking it on your face, may leave you guys a little yellow though..... brown skin doesn't have that issue so much.

  12. 3 hours ago, CavemanLynn said:

    Can corroborate. During lockdown (when the whole economy was going to collapse and we were going to be reduced to a feudal bartering system, obvz),  I took the opportunity to get a big veggie patch going. Mostly a minor success, but my spinach and courgettes took over the whole world. The courgettes were like marrows in a couple of weeks.

    I concur. My mum planted 2 plants in my greenhouse for me last year and we had courgettes all summer, they end up huge if you just leave them too, bloody enormous. 

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