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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. @Nick Jamesyou have to do what you can to do your own sanity when it comes to bedtime, I do think you bedding a bit more relaxed will help. Good luck for night two.

    We've managed to get my 2 year old to a point where we can leave him to go to sleep himself but he is up for a very long time before he falls asleep.  Yesterday we tried dropping his nap for the first time - he fights nap time a lot now so we gave up our 1.5 hour daily sanity window. He fell asleep within 10 mins yesterday which was amazing. Tonight we tried the same - though he fell asleep for 18 minutes in the car when out with my husband.  We put him down at 7.15 post bath, I read him a story and left at 7.45, he fell asleep at 9.25. Not sure it was worth giving up the sanity window. 

  2. I also bought in to the Tupac conspiracy @gmoney. I dont fully remember the details but it all centred around Machavelli and the number 7. There was even a date that people thought he would come back on - I think it was 7 September 2007. I quickly realised it was all bullshit but there must have been some seriously upset people on hip hop message boards come 8th September.

  3. Thank you, it always makes you feel better knowing others have made it through. My eldest was a pretty good sleeper as a baby (difficult when he got older) so this has been a real shock to the system. Sleep deprivation is a bitch. 

  4. Sunny takes a couple of seasons to really get it's flow, I'd say it gets better once Danny DeVito joined, which is the second or third season if I remember correctly.

  5. 3 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    If it helps it sounds like you might have entered  the 4 month sleep regression ability early, because that going back to newborn habits is very much what we went through. So hopefully it'll all settle down in a week or two. In the meantime just be kind to yourself and try and get some rest where you can. 

    My husband and I were discussing that this morning, I think you're right. We managed to get him down for a couple of hours in our bed last night so think I will try for the same tonight..... and drink lots of coffee. My 2 year old doesn't go to nursery on Friday's so think I'll be highly caffeinated tomorrow!

  6. I need to vent as my youngest sleep is driving me insane, I am sleep deprived and my brain is working at about 8%. He has regressed completely to wanting to be held all night again. He was doing ok, we spent Christmas at my parents house and he did a 4 hour stretch in his travel cot, but we have gotten home and are back to what it was like when he was a newborn but none of the little tricks we were doing work anymore. He still wakes every 3 hours for milk. He turned 3 months today and is too big to contact sleep - he is in 6 - 9 month clothing already. My eldest in contrast was sleeping through the night at 10 weeks and was/is on the 5th centile for height so really easy to manage.

    What I wouldnt give for 6 hours uninterrupted sleep. I've heard about those night nannies but think they only exist in London. I would seriously pay one of them £20 an hour to give me a night off. But I probably wouldn't sleep because I'd be too worried about a stranger looking after my child. I am dreading the 4 month sleep regression, I'm not sure how this can get worse but I'm sure he will find a way.

  7. My first celebrity crush was Eric Cantona, closely followed by Jake from California Dreams. When I look back, I think my obsession with Bret Hart when I was in Year 6 of Primary School was probably a crush too, I just didn't recognise it as that - though I was very much aware of my feelings for Eric Cantona which probably slightly preceded Bret Hart.

  8. Have to agree with @SuperBacon, make sure you are doing it with some medical guidance @ReturnOfTheMack


    My 'resolutions' are not really resolutions as such and do make me a feel a bit pathetic but it is what it is. I have two main ones. Both are interrelated I guess. Firstly, I have struggled to make any meaningful friendships since moving to West Brom 6 years ago, we've since moved again to Worcestershire and I know even less people here. My friends in West Brom are only 20 minutes away but since I've had kids, I've found that they have become more and more distant as they are at very different stages in life. This is probably the case for many of my friendships and I need to make a bit more effort to meet people. Particularly because I work from home now too, I'm going to end up really isolated. I'm not sure where to start but I need to do something.

    The second one relates to the first and should hopefully help with it, but other than reading, I don't feel I've got any hobbies or interests anymore. I spend all my time looking after my kids or working (though I'm on maternity leave at the moment) and have no actual me time so I want to try and find an interest for myself. My youngest is only 3 months old at the moment so I'll be limited in what I can take part in but if I find an interest it's something I can build on over the years when my kids are easier to leave with others.

    Oh I also need to lose some weight as my best friend is getting married in July and none of my clothes fit me. Indian wedding attire is ridiculously expensive so I have to get in to ny old stuff and cant really buy anything new.

  9. I'm really gutted about Vivienne Westwood. A true original amongst a sea of very samey designers. You can always spot one of her creations from a mile away. She will be missed 

  10. I was quite late in watching The Elf but had heard lots of people say how brilliant it was.  I was throughly disappointed after watching it and thought 'is that it?' I didn't and dont get the fuss at all. Awful film.

  11. Generally I prefer a very hot shower. From time to time I like a bath, usually when I'm a bit achy or its particularly cold out. I've been trying to make time to have a bath for a few weeks now but with two very young children, it's pretty much impossible. Annoyingly, the thermostat in the shower at our new house it s a bit crap and only does one temperature - which is no where near hot enough for me. We need to get the bathroom redone so we can get a shower with an adjustable temperature setting again. Budget is quite tight with me being on maternity leave and we need to find someone to do it. I'd hoped to have it done over the summer but it didnt happen.i miss hot showers.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Carbomb said:


    Thanks for these, guys, really appreciated! 

    @deathrey What kind of flour? Wheat or gram?

    Gram flour is rarely used for chappati's (prantha dough is essentially the same). The only time Punjabi's use gram flour is to make chappati's that go with saag and they are very different beast to regular chappati's. They are made with boiling water instead of cold and the dough has to be used immediately and is very fragile. 

    Wheat flour is used for chappatis/pranthas but you can use white, brown or a mix of the two. The video there looked like pure white flour to me but my mum is the prantha expert so I'll ask her what makes the crispiest prantha's next time I speak to her and will report back.

    Edit: as @stumobirmentioned, what you use to make a prantha/chappati is important and I would pop to your nearest Asian supermarket and grab a thava, they cost about £15 - 20 but I would say are essential.

  13. It's likely to be butter @Carbomb. Keep the layers really thin and add butter whilst on the heat, add butter each time you flip it. Your heart will love it!


    Edit: and the type of flour you use will usually make a difference too

  14. @Nick Jameshow old was your eldest when you used the sleep consultant if you don't mind me asking?


    Congratulations @stumobir, I have 2 boys. My eldest is 2 and is full of energy from the minute he gets up till the minute he goes to sleep, but he is adorable and hilarious. You have lots to look forward to but will need lots of stamina! 

    I would generally agree with what @SuperBaconsaid. Having spent most of the past 20 years working either in high schools or social services with teenagers, as much as I would really have loved  a daughter, I'm very glad to be dealing with teenage boys in the future rather than teenage girls!

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