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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. I know we only see a snippet of your life here @SuperBaconbut from what you share and the way you talk about your ex I think you guys are what young people refer to as 'goals' for a seperated couple. Its wonderful that you can still be friends and care for each other even though you are not together and the biggest winners in it all are your children. I hope today hasn't been too sad for you and it's just the beginning of your next chapter.

  2. They have a Chocolate Brownie version of that Tony's bar and I really want to try it. My usual supermarket is selling it for £3.30 at the moment so waiting for it to go on offer. Tony's pretzel one is really nice.

  3. I mean if she insists on eating that crap then I'd argue that is a necessity. Wind her up as much as possible until she relents and picks a better best chocolate

  4. I mean the kiddo is definitely wrong, its absolutley not Kit Kat. It's the shittest. I will put it down to lack of life experience and not yet having enough opportunity to try all the chocolate bars and also they will never have had those now deceased 90's chocolate bars. RIP Secret Bar

  5. 16 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    I never fancy any of those wafer based Polski bars. Wafer based snacks just me remind me of my impoverished childhood.


    The only chocolates my mum would buy us as kids was Penguin Bars and Kit Kats, I still can't stand bloody Kit Kats.

    I do remember Riva bars @Carbomb, they were a feature in my late Junior school lunch box when my mum started branching out a bit more, they were great.

  6. 5 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    It comes down to whether or not you like white chocolate or not, really. I have a ridiculous sweet tooth - chocolate, marzipan, baklava, barfi, ras malai, all these are like crack to me - so I like them, but, in fairness, it feels like the crispy bits also tone down the sweetness a little, so it does feel a bit more balanced. Your mileage may vary.

    Edit: I'm not too sure what's happened here, I seem to have double posted but the quite was in my original post and is now gone

  7. I do have a pretty sweet tooth but I struggle a bit with white chocolate. I only really like Green & Blacks white chocolate, all the others are a little too sweet for me. I love stuff like baklava but can only have it in small amounts or large amounts with a cup of tea. Barfi I draw the line at, it's far too sweet but ras malai is fine because its tempered by the milk.

  8. Mr Deathrey bought a multi pack of Lion Bars when he was in the shops the other day. I haven't had one in well over 20 years I think but God damn they are great aren't they?! They have a perfect mix of everything, chocolate, crunchiness, chewiness. The caramel isn't overpowering and sickly sweet as it is in many other chocolate bars. I have eaten them all now and asked him to pick up another multi pack when he's out.

  9. On that note, I like pretty much every cover of a Depeche Mode song that I've ever heard but dont like any of the originals. I have found the same thing with most of The Smith's songs too, but that's ok because fuck Morrissey 

  10. 4 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    He looks like he was grown in a Hollywood laboratory to be the most generic but attractive looking actor.

    I thought the same of Chris Evans and was actually pleasantly surprised by him.  That said, I have zero enthusiasm for the new Superman and this casting has taken me in to minus enthusiasm.

  11. Everytime I see a random new post in this thread, I always think it's going to be a post saying Bam has passed away. I'm glad it's not but sad that this is the state of him.


    On the other hand, great to see Steve-o beat his demons and doing so well. He really looks great and seems to have himself together. 

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