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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. 1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    All my Indian spices go in one of these, as is tradition, and I would have to hang my head in shame if it were to be labeled at all:



    Same, though mine has only half of the spices listed there.

    The spice drawer has every weird and wonderful spice in it. Some mis-labelled and only I know what is really in there.

  2. 9 minutes ago, TheScarlettChad said:

    I never bought Monica and Chandler, at all. 

    What did she see in him? 

    Chandler is adorable! Of the three he was the 'catch'. Joey was good looking but thick, Ross was far too whiney (and Monica's brother) but Chandler is genuinely a sweet guy

  3. 1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

    Hate is such an ugly emotion, and as I get older I try not to let it burden me, but I absolutely despise him. 

    There is probably quite a few reasons why

    Like bragging about donating money to IDF....

  4. 20 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    That’s why she has no connection like the others do and is so different from them. 

    That's the thing about Phoebe, I actually don't mind her as a character (Ursula is crap though) but whilst I like the dynamic of having her in the group - I just don't see how she would be friends with the rest of the gang. She has next to nothing in common with any of them. They never truly explain how she ends up in the group with any kind of satisfactory answer. Yes, she lived with Monica but that doesn't explain why they continued to be friends when they have nothing in common and polar opposite personalities. Everyone else in the gang, you understand how they could become friends.

    Rachel's dad is great character, so wrong on that one Bacon.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

    Adam Johnson of the Nottingham Panthers ice hockey team died overnight following an incident at the game v Sheffield Steelers. A Steelers player was going to make a check but slipped and and accidentally caught Johnson in the neck with his skate blade and his injuries were so severe he died in hospital 

    That is just horrific. What an awful thing to happen, and I can't imagine what kind of impact it must be having on the Steelers player.

  6. 56 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I find most garden centres have decent cafes. The one in Chessington is absolutely fantastic, and we would go there regularly just to eat.

    We live in a semi rural area which is littered with Garden Centres so they all try to out-do each other. A lot of them have soft plays and one has a 2 & 1/2 acre (free) outdoor gardens complete with play equipment and even a hobbit house. Most of them grow their own food too so have amazing cafes, the cakes are amazing..... We spend a lot of weekends at garden centres, something I never thought I would say.

  7. I didn't think much of the first episode but enjoyed the second a lot more. I get the first was scene setting to some extent.

    I found the university staff all a little annoying so will reserve judgement on Nicholas Lyndhurst just yet. David seemed like someone doing a Niles impression, but it was a good impression so I can run with it. I will be tuning in next week and hope it carries on getting better.

  8. I don't know if I should post this here or in the telly thread but has anyone watched 'Dear Mama' yet? I'm half way through episode 2 and finding it compelling viewing. Some great interviews in there and lots of old interview footage of Tupac's that I haven't seen before. All I've watched so far has been narrated by Afeni Shakur which is a little unnerving given that she passed away in 2016, so I don't know if they began filming before her death or if its old footage they have used and spliced in but it doesn't sound that way, I guess it may just be excellently done.


    Or she is in Cuba with Tupac and just did the voiceover for them as a favour.

  9. I actually hope he does go to WWE and act his batshit, joyless, self. I missed this thread and all the nonsense Punk was getting up to, it's like its own little self contained soap opera.

  10. 4 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    So flu and COVID boosters complete. Flu in the left, COVID in the right, not at the exact same time. No chain fast food place near where I had them but there is a bakery. Lincolnshire sausage roll, an iced bun and a can of Lilt. I know they don't call it Lilt any more but it's STILL LILT TO ME DAMMIT!

    Predictive text nearly changed this into a very different story. Luckily I re-read it. 

    Sorry to be a slight derailer but it does not taste the bloody same, they said they weren't going to change the recipe, it was just a rebrand to Fanta but it tastes different. Bring back Lilt!!

  11. I'm also a right-hander that does lots of stuff with my lefthand. Years ago I was helping my cousin's set out tables for a wedding and I'd been given about 20 tables to do and I set them all out with the glasses and cutlery all the wrong way round - I was oblivious at that point that I ate with the 'wrong' hand. Only once I'd finished was it noticed that I'd done it all wrong.

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