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Posts posted by deathrey

  1. I loved the dance scene too @SuperBaconI want to dance like Wednesday! Jenna Ortega really has made the character her own. I still haven't finished the series as we have to work it around the kids, it is the highlight of my evenings. I really hope they make another series, I think it's been my favourite series this year.

  2. As a pretty much middle aged woman I think it is actually mandatory that I stick up for Marks & Spencers. They have developed a lot over the years and whilst hardly cutting edge, their clothes are really good quality at a good price and everything isn't made of fucking polyester.

  3. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    He wasn’t. In the comics he was never handsome and was like how Luis Guzman is portraying him. It’s something that Tim Burton was keen to return to. He’s only been debonair on screen. 

    Ahh fair enough,  I've never read the comics

  4. 20 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Elizabeth Debicki is quite extraordinary as Diana, even if it feels like she veers into parody sometimes (I suppose it's hard not to when playing someone who had such distinctive mannerisms and looks) and Johnny Lee Miller as Major is WAY too sexy for the role.

    Gillian Anderson as Thatcher and now him as Major. Very, very tough wanks.

    I'm only up to the Al-Fayed episode but yes, it doesn't work and isn't as good as previous series'. 

    They have tried to ugly up Jonny Lee Miller and failed, watching him made me wonder if I had a crush on John Major but then I remembered he looks nothing like him.

    Did Diana look down like that all the time? I don't remember her doing that, it's almost like there is something wrong with the actresses neck, it's most annoying.

  5. Whilst I'm sure no one here is the target audience, has anyone here been watching Wednesday on Netflix? I'm up to episode 3 and really enjoying it so far. There are some nods to the old Addams Family films/tv shows and Christina Ricci is in it wearing a dodgy red wig. My only criticism so far is the guy they have cast to play Gomez, he was always handsome but kooky, this guy is more of an Uncle Fester in appearance. 

  6. @Chest Rockwell that does fill me with some hope. We are really in trenches at the moment. My 2 year old is becoming more and more of a handful, he's testing all the boundaries. I'm glad he is still at nursery 3 days a week. He does really seem to love his little brother so I'm hopeful for when they get older.


    @LaGoosh  is there any chance he has silent reflux? The midwife told us it tends to get much worse at night as my youngest wouldn't go down at night either but slept in the moses basket at day. We spent weeks with him sleeping on our chests, it was exhausting. I kept falling sleep with him on me and I know that's a huge SIDs risk but what are you meant to do?  We tried lots of things - mine definitely has reflux along with the usual velcro newborness.  We were going to buy a nest/pod but the health visitor suggested a method to try first hat I didn't think would work but actually has worked really well. Put the baby to sleep however you normally do, place them on your chest for 5 -7 minutes, then move them on to your laps, hold them away from your body but with yours hands still under then for 5-7 mins and then transfer to cot. Put them down with the bum touching the cot first, place them down, slowly remove hands and put your hand on the baby's chest for a couple of minutes. It has worked really well for us, we went from him having never slept in the cot to him doing 4 hours in one go. He does still get grissly after his 4am feed and will still want to sleep on us after that feed but the few hours of sleep we get before that make it so much easier.

  7. 1 hour ago, hallicks said:

    Yorkshire decaf is the only thing that gets close to the real thing. I dunno what they have at work but I have to put 3 in to get any sort of taste out them. 

    Totally agree, I was drinking decaf whilst I was pregnant, most of it tastes like I imagine piss tastes. I discovered Yorkshire Decaf quite late in to my pregnancy and it was a treat. I still have quite a lot left and will happily drink it. I was using PG Tips decaf before that and they were so awful, I don't think I ever made it through a full cup - I ended up using them for cooking (for the Punjabi dish Channa/sholay you soak the chickpeas in water with teabags in it prior to cooking).

  8. Kind of inspired by the brew thread but I'm very picky about my tea and I struggle with cheap teas. My preferred brand is Yorkshire Tea and I'd rather drink less tea but have good quality tea than buy cheap bags and have lots of it.

  9. Another Yorkshire Tea fan here. I am quite the fan of tea in general, at my old house I had a cupboard dedicated just to different types of tea but our kitchen is smaller in our new house and I've had to slim down to a shelf.

    I do enjoyed a spiced/masala tea. Chocolate tea's are also generally delicious too. Tesco used to do their own Finest Chocolate Tea that was really good but they discontinued it. David's Tea (a Canadian tea shop) do some amazing blends so I always stock up when I'm in Canada. Bird & Blend are quite good for specialist blends in the UK, their matchas are also quite good. The new sticky tea they have bought out is a bit shit though, I wouldn't recommend it.

  10. Thanks @LokiI've always wondered but wasn't really sure where to do unbiased research. That's a nice little summary. My dad arrived in England in the late 70's and my mum in the early 80's so whilst I know their immigration journeys quite well, neither could shed any light on the politics either at the time or before they arrived.

  11. I fully appreciate that none of you may be able to answer this question, but historically, how pro immigration were Labour? During the 60's/70's when there was a big influx of people coming in from the former British Empire, were Labour generally pro or anti this?

  12. Does the B in B-list stand for Beautiful in this instance? I completely disagree, Cavill is like a Ken doll, very attractive but nothing about him particularly stands out. Plus he dated the right wing nut Gina Carano - hopefully he dumped her because she is a right wing nut job. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    It’s nothing more than The Legend of Hercules with the added bonus of tits and Henry Cavill elevating it a bit with his supreme sexiness. Hemsworth is the second tier Hemsworth becoming the second tier Geralt. He can be great in it but it won’t do much to make the show better because it’ll lack the novelty of seeing Superman in a Netflix genre show.

    I'm sorry but Liam Hemsworth is much sexier than Henry Cavill. 

  14. Also currently suffering from plantar fasciitis so I feel for you @Mr_Danger. It must be difficult to shake it off in your line of work, staying off your feet is virtually impossible I would imagine

  15. She said on QT last night that she wants a Lib Dem/Green coalition government

    27 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    She isn’t. Her last affiliation was as a CUK and she has been part of a Tory think tank for over a decade. 

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