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Anarchy Pro Wrestling owner revealed


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That I, personally, have worked with? Anna Friel, Kelly Brook, Dame Judi Dench (And I'm begging you to tell me Evangeline Lilly is a better actress than Judi Dench) and Keira Knightley. And that's just from the top of my head. I've worked with a few others that you've probably never heard of but are still famous on a national level. So I make that two Academy nominated actresses and one witha shiny gold Oscar on her mantlepiece. Oh, and a BAFTA winner


Well I've legitimately, genuinely, not just in my head, fucked an Emmy winner (female). What do I win?

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I'd go back through the thread if I was you. I've proved contact with the SkyDome, my backer, Alex Shane and Len Davies.

You've proved contact with the Skydome, but you haven't proved that there was a booking, the backer I know little about, you've proved contact with Alex and Len, but you've also proved that you decieved them and that they (or at least Len) want nothing to do with you. Therefore you have proved nothing.

The closest I've read was that she slept with Dave Rayne. Which would've been impressive, because they've never been alone in a room together.

I don't believe anyone suggested they had been alone in a room together.Since it's been brought up, where did the pimping story come from?
I admitted to deceiving Alex and Len. The question was about contact. I also only showed you about a fifth of that last e-mail from Len. It goes on to say that if things go well with APW, we can discuss working together in the future. I don't post whole e-mails as a professional courtesy and never have.I'd love to hear this pimping story as well though. I'm espescially interested to know where I was at the time.
Hang on - you posted an email saying he wanted nothing to do with you that went on to say he may work with you in the future if you're sucessful but you stopped at the part where he wanted nothing to do with you out of professional courtesy thus making you look bad? You do realise how utterly, utterly stupid that sounds for someone who is trying to look less incompitent?
The question was raised as to whether I'd spoken to him. The content of the e-mail was never under question. As I've said, I don't make the content of private e-mails public, no matter how desperate people are to see them.

Thoughts:1. LOL2. Sprules has a kid. Fucking hell.3. :laugh:4. Why are wrestling fans so intent on working in the wrestling business?5. If Sprules was to get this show lined up with the right names most here would go, and thats the most troubling thing here.6. Anyone else getting this image of Sprules sat at his PC wildly googling for new names to cover up his lies?

Yes, I have a child. I have a second due in February. Shocking, yes, but I am human.In response to 4. - Why are internet fans so intent on knowing the business of people in the business?Why shouldn't they go if the circumstances are right? The purpose of a show it to entertain people. People who want to be entertained. If you're hungry, you don't care where the food comes from. Therefore if you want to be entertained, you go to see the entertainment.Why wildly google when I already have the proof. I notice I'm still the only one to provide any.
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1. Why announce the show as taking place when the venue hadn't been confirmed/actually booked? Yes, there was contact, but there was no booking, so why announce the show?


2. Of course Len Davies and Alex Shane were going to deny having contact with you. They didn't realise that they had been in contact with you.


3. How long were you actually expecting the "Andrew Bailey" deception to actually last for, and what did you think would happen when people found out the truth? It's hardly a firm basis for good business relationships, is it?


4. Why announce wrestlers as appearing on the show (e.g. Brent Albright), when the only contact had been introductory expressions of possible interest?


5. Was there not any point when you thought that you should try running a "normal" show and venue successfully first, before taking on something as ambitious as the Coventry SkyDome?


6. Without the support of the internet fans, who would be the ones willing to travel to the show and pay premium ticket prices for choice seats, how did you think you were going to come out of a SkyDome show successfully?


7. You might well have the best of intentions, and on some level even think you are going about things the right way, but can you not see that with these continual farces again and again you are building up a reputation which will leave everyone less willing to forge working relationships with you in future?


8. Do you not think it is about time to step away?


9. I give up.

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Oh just go away! You're a fucking liar, who books people when they haven't confirmed, announce shows that dont exist, say you're running venues when you have no intention of ever doing so. You make up backers, pretend you're someone else, announce that you run a Ltd company, which is fraud by the way - even if you've sent off the application - don't pay talent, pretend you're clever by use of a pretenious idiotic turn of phrase, oh, and you offer you're pregnant girlfriend's body to workers for payment. Just go away and don't come back because no one is interested.

Harsh but fair i'm afraid.
And, typically, we'll forget totally untrue. Why ruin a good story?
I believe you. There's no way it can be true. Having seen pictures of your missus, I'd sooner swim through pirana infested waters with rotten meat stapled to my testicles than put my manhood anywhere near her.I liked this one too:-"I'm also writing a spec pilot of a drama series"Surely one writes a script rather than a pilot? I'd love to have a read through your non-existent work.You have to be the most incredible bullshitting man I've ever heard and for that I salute you. Obviously your real life is pretty meaningless and you have to invent these incredible fabrications in order to give youself some kind of justification for your life. I recommend killing yourself.
Wow, how very mature of you. First you insult someone you've never met, then you tell the father of her children to kill himself.Traditionally when trying to sell a series, you write both the pilot AND a mid-season episode to demonstrate character development. I'm in the middle of the pilot, therefore, it's a spec pilot. It's quite a simple concept to get your head around.
There's more than one?
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Wow, how very mature of you. First you insult someone you've never met, then you tell the father of her children to kill himself.Traditionally when trying to sell a series, you write both the pilot AND a mid-season episode to demonstrate character development. I'm in the middle of the pilot, therefore, it's a spec pilot. It's quite a simple concept to get your head around.

I would have thought most scriptwriters "traditionally" start out building up a portfolio of work e.g. short pieces, writing episodes for existing TV programmes, etc. rather than going in at the deep end writing whole series. I suppose it's a bit like a wrestling "promoter" starting out with a supershow rather than building up to it. Sorry, I'll try to act in a mature manner in the future. How would you recommend I go about doing this? I'm thinking one of the following:-(a) Invent a fictitious supershow to impress my "friends"(b) Invent an exciting career for myself so that I have a world to step into when the call centre work gets too much - at least I'm assuming you work in a call-centre. Maybe that's giving you too much credit. After all, most of the mentally infirm are looked after by the State. Edited by VirtuosoRusty
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Guest the_uk_fan

Oh just go away! You're a fucking liar, who books people when they haven't confirmed, announce shows that dont exist, say you're running venues when you have no intention of ever doing so. You make up backers, pretend you're someone else, announce that you run a Ltd company, which is fraud by the way - even if you've sent off the application - don't pay talent, pretend you're clever by use of a pretenious idiotic turn of phrase, oh, and you offer you're pregnant girlfriend's body to workers for payment. Just go away and don't come back because no one is interested.

Harsh but fair i'm afraid.
And, typically, we'll forget totally untrue. Why ruin a good story?
I believe you. There's no way it can be true. Having seen pictures of your missus, I'd sooner swim through pirana infested waters with rotten meat stapled to my testicles than put my manhood anywhere near her.I liked this one too:-"I'm also writing a spec pilot of a drama series"Surely one writes a script rather than a pilot? I'd love to have a read through your non-existent work.You have to be the most incredible bullshitting man I've ever heard and for that I salute you. Obviously your real life is pretty meaningless and you have to invent these incredible fabrications in order to give youself some kind of justification for your life. I recommend killing yourself.
Wow, how very mature of you. First you insult someone you've never met, then you tell the father of her children to kill himself.Traditionally when trying to sell a series, you write both the pilot AND a mid-season episode to demonstrate character development. I'm in the middle of the pilot, therefore, it's a spec pilot. It's quite a simple concept to get your head around.
There's more than one?
Sorry. I was just making sure it wasn't a typo. Not meaning to judge, but aren't you only around 23 years of age?
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I admitted to deceiving Alex and Len. The question was about contact. I also only showed you about a fifth of that last e-mail from Len. It goes on to say that if things go well with APW, we can discuss working together in the future.

The question was about contact?? So, in theory, if I were to use a fake name and e-mailed say Alex Shane, Ricky Knight, Bagga, and spoke to them about the possibility of working together, and asked a few questions about promoting a big venue, that would be enough for me to claim a project is going ahead??This is what you wrote..... (see page 1 og this thread)..."So judge me if you like, but I still plan to go ahead with Anarchy Pro Wrestling, as ambitious as it is, because I believe it can work and I've worked too damn hard not to and I will continue to do so until June 16th. So judge me now, or judge me June 17th when the smoke has cleared.All I want is a fresh start and to escape my (horrible) past. If that offends people I apologize. But I had to do it for my own sanity.'Anarchy Pro Wrestling debuts on June 16, 2007 at the Coventry SkyDome and has PPW Super Heavyweight champion Joe E. Legend, ROH wrestler Brent Albright and "The Irish Curse" Sheamus O'Shaunessey booked amongst others."You've announced a date, time, venue and wrestlers. None of which are confirmed in any way.Bullshit!!If you had really wanted to prove you are not a twat, and that you are worth giving another chance to, then you should have stayed well away from the internet and phoned up Alex, Len etc... explaining honestly your past, and how you plan to come back from that and prove people wrong. Then you could have presented them with a solid business plan, proved your funding was legit, and worked on getting a Date set.Instead you have a couple of e-mail chats with people (using a fake name, thus conning them), then claim to be putting on a Supershow, despite not booking anything, or really having a fucking clue what to do next! Now here you are claiming that it was "just an idea I looked into" and "never plan A" blah blah blah...
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1. Why announce the show as taking place when the venue hadn't been confirmed/actually booked? Yes, there was contact, but there was no booking, so why announce the show?2. Of course Len Davies and Alex Shane were going to deny having contact with you. They didn't realise that they had been in contact with you.3. How long were you actually expecting the "Andrew Bailey" deception to actually last for, and what did you think would happen when people found out the truth? It's hardly a firm basis for good business relationships, is it?4. Why announce wrestlers as appearing on the show (e.g. Brent Albright), when the only contact had been introductory expressions of possible interest?5. Was there not any point when you thought that you should try running a "normal" show and venue successfully first, before taking on something as ambitious as the Coventry SkyDome?6. Without the support of the internet fans, who would be the ones willing to travel to the show and pay premium ticket prices for choice seats, how did you think you were going to come out of a SkyDome show successfully?7. You might well have the best of intentions, and on some level even think you are going about things the right way, but can you not see that with these continual farces again and again you are building up a reputation which will leave everyone less willing to forge working relationships with you in future?8. Do you not think it is about time to step away?9. I give up.

1. I was given the blessing of the venue and John Neville to announce it.2. They denied having contact with Andrew Bailey, and Kriss Sprules. That was the impression the article gives at least.3. Until the day after the show. By that time - in theory - the success of the show would have spoken for itself.4. I have e-mails where they all agreed to appear. Including Brent Albright.5. That was the initial proposal. I was asked to write another for a bigger venue and that was the one that was suggested the most viability in the eyes of my backer.6. Depends what you call a premium price. We could have made a profit selling 2000 tickets at
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Oh just go away! You're a fucking liar, who books people when they haven't confirmed, announce shows that dont exist, say you're running venues when you have no intention of ever doing so. You make up backers, pretend you're someone else, announce that you run a Ltd company, which is fraud by the way - even if you've sent off the application - don't pay talent, pretend you're clever by use of a pretenious idiotic turn of phrase, oh, and you offer you're pregnant girlfriend's body to workers for payment. Just go away and don't come back because no one is interested.

Harsh but fair i'm afraid.
And, typically, we'll forget totally untrue. Why ruin a good story?
I believe you. There's no way it can be true. Having seen pictures of your missus, I'd sooner swim through pirana infested waters with rotten meat stapled to my testicles than put my manhood anywhere near her.I liked this one too:-"I'm also writing a spec pilot of a drama series"Surely one writes a script rather than a pilot? I'd love to have a read through your non-existent work.You have to be the most incredible bullshitting man I've ever heard and for that I salute you. Obviously your real life is pretty meaningless and you have to invent these incredible fabrications in order to give youself some kind of justification for your life. I recommend killing yourself.
Wow, how very mature of you. First you insult someone you've never met, then you tell the father of her children to kill himself.Traditionally when trying to sell a series, you write both the pilot AND a mid-season episode to demonstrate character development. I'm in the middle of the pilot, therefore, it's a spec pilot. It's quite a simple concept to get your head around.
There's more than one?
Sorry. I was just making sure it wasn't a typo. Not meaning to judge, but aren't you only around 23 years of age?
21, actually.

I admitted to deceiving Alex and Len. The question was about contact. I also only showed you about a fifth of that last e-mail from Len. It goes on to say that if things go well with APW, we can discuss working together in the future.

The question was about contact?? So, in theory, if I were to use a fake name and e-mailed say Alex Shane, Ricky Knight, Bagga, and spoke to them about the possibility of working together, and asked a few questions about promoting a big venue, that would be enough for me to claim a project is going ahead??This is what you wrote..... (see page 1 og this thread)..."So judge me if you like, but I still plan to go ahead with Anarchy Pro Wrestling, as ambitious as it is, because I believe it can work and I've worked too damn hard not to and I will continue to do so until June 16th. So judge me now, or judge me June 17th when the smoke has cleared.All I want is a fresh start and to escape my (horrible) past. If that offends people I apologize. But I had to do it for my own sanity.'Anarchy Pro Wrestling debuts on June 16, 2007 at the Coventry SkyDome and has PPW Super Heavyweight champion Joe E. Legend, ROH wrestler Brent Albright and "The Irish Curse" Sheamus O'Shaunessey booked amongst others."You've announced a date, time, venue and wrestlers. None of which are confirmed in any way.Bullshit!!If you had really wanted to prove you are not a twat, and that you are worth giving another chance to, then you should have stayed well away from the internet and phoned up Alex, Len etc... explaining honestly your past, and how you plan to come back from that and prove people wrong. Then you could have presented them with a solid business plan, proved your funding was legit, and worked on getting a Date set.Instead you have a couple of e-mail chats with people (using a fake name, thus conning them), then claim to be putting on a Supershow, despite not booking anything, or really having a fucking clue what to do next! Now here you are claiming that it was "just an idea I looked into" and "never plan A" blah blah blah...
I'm not claiming it was 'just an idea I looked into' - I originally wanted to run small shows. My backer felt there was viability in trying a big show, so I ran with it.I'm not even going to dinify the rest with an answeer. I'm sure I've already gone over it. Repeatedly.
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So how about this working with Keira Knightly stuff?

I was trying to win an argument. And I really don't like Evangeline Lilly's acting. Was it a lie? Yeah. I admit that. I fail to see the relevance though. I can admit when I'm lying and when I'm not.It defies belief that people are this interested in things that aren't relevant to the discussion at hand. Edited by Kandiman
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Guest Dirk Gently

Correct, they do make up a small percentage, but in your case I though the internet made up at least 20-30% of one of your shows.

That's only 2-3 people though :laugh:
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Correct, they do make up a small percentage, but in your case I though the internet made up at least 20-30% of one of your shows.

That's only 2-3 people though :laugh:
That depends which show. Either way, I don't keep data on whether the crowd are internet fans. As a general rule, they make up less than 5%, as far as I've heard.
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I was talking to the producers of the above films about working on them. It fell through and that's nobody's fault. They were low budget films - a lot of things don't make it into IMDB, espescially extremely low budget pictures. I'm not even sure if they were ever finished. Once I'm no longer involved I don't pay a lot of attention.The screenplay I was going to submit to Mindseye has been on the shelf for a while, my partner Rotimi has been nagging me to pick it up again, but I struggle for time. I know they're still interested in seeing it, however. I have one finished project to my name, though nothing special or Earth-shattering. A ten minute mockumentary I made in college titled 'Corners.' I'm also writing a spec pilot of a drama series right now, but it's still in the early stages of development and certainly nowhere near finished. Writing/directing/producing is a hobby for me, at least until I get to make a career out of it.

Jesus Christ. >bangs head on table<
I wouldn't do that, You'll give yourself a headache.
Youve given me enough of those for a lifetime.

I'd love to hear this pimping story as well though. I'm espescially interested to know where I was at the time.

You were probably in the backroom writing a future Emmy award winning sitcom.Youre bullshit facinates me. You annouce a promotion/site and supershow with wrestlers, when all you have done was emailed a venue and a couple of promoters for advice. I could have done this in an afternoon. Hell your baby could have done the same stuff and still be taken more seriously than you. You fucking cretin.

That I, personally, have worked with? Anna Friel, Kelly Brook, Dame Judi Dench (And I'm begging you to tell me Evangeline Lilly is a better actress than Judi Dench) and Keira Knightley. And that's just from the top of my head. I've worked with a few others that you've probably never heard of but are still famous on a national level. So I make that two Academy nominated actresses and one witha shiny gold Oscar on her mantlepiece. Oh, and a BAFTA winner

It was frustrating yet amusing before, now you frighten me.

Yes, I have a child. I have a second due in February. Shocking,


21, actually.

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