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Anarchy Pro Wrestling owner revealed


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Guest the_uk_fan

As much as I enjoy a good witch hunt, it's time for me to burst your bubble. With evidence that my accusers seem reluctant to provide. I look forward to seeing it, by the way.First, I said I'd pay the workers who were owed, and as this photo proves, I'm making good on that promise:chequemarkbrownhill8107qx8.th.jpgThis is a banker's draft payable to Mark "Ronin" Brownhill. Which he has received and, presumably, banked.Len Davies & Alex Shane have no knowledge? Amnesia?alexshaneemailhl0.th.jpglendavieswp4.th.jpglendavies2ct3.th.jpgApparently. You'll note that last e-mail from Len was received 4 DAYS AGO.It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.Apparently, I imagined Charles Buchan. Sure does send a lot of e-mails for a figment of my imagination, doesn't he?charlesbuchantj5.th.jpgThat's just one page of three. You'll note that I recommended he read a book that I'd read as research to make sure I did things properly - "So, you want to be a wrestling promoter?" by Ric "The Equalizer" Drasin - which you can find on Amazon, HERENow, as for being too cowardly to go on the radio show... I was at home last night. My phone was next to me, very definitely switched on. I never received a call from Woody or anybody else connected with TME. Not at 7, or at any time that day.Now, I've provided evidence of all my business dealings AND disproved all of the false accusations made by Gary Graham, Moj, Alex Shane and Len Davies I'd appreciate the allegations posted under the pretense of being news or fact at BritWres and Wrestle-zone being removed. You'll appreciate that as a professional courtesy, I've not posted the e-mails in full.With reference to the people who said that Iceman and Darren Burridge had pulled out of any future dates with APW, I've heard nothing from either man and until I do, will consider them very much willing to be involved with any future shows, as they were willing to do when I last contacted them.Any questions can be e-mailed to me at anarchypromoter@googlemail.com

It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.

Nearly missed this, this in no way evidences a response from the Skydome, it proves nothing, other than the fact that you have at least tried to get in touch with them. Even if everything you have said here is the truth, it does not change the fact that you should not be even attepting to run this show. You never did answer my question as to how many successful shows you'd ran.
My point exactly. They showed no interest. If they did, why have they denied all knowledge of you?
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Apparently, I imagined Charles Buchan. Sure does send a lot of e-mails for a figment of my imagination, doesn't he?charlesbuchantj5.th.jpgThat's just one page of three. You'll note that I recommended he read a book that I'd read as research to make sure I did things properly - "So, you want to be a wrestling promoter?" by Ric "The Equalizer" Drasin - which you can find on Amazon, HERE

Every single one of those emails is from you. They all start "Hi Charles..."You haven't proven anything...(Unless you're talking about this Charles Buchan, in which case maybe someone should update the page to add a paragraph about him becoming a venture capitalist?)Anyway, good luck with your show. Edited by Jackson K Pollock
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As for Len and Alex saying they had no dealings wih me, that's like saying Eminem never had dealings with Reg Dwight, but he did with Elton John. It's splitting hairs.

It's totally different because people know who Reg Dwight is. Just because you proved you had spoken to them, does not mean they had knowledge of it. Yes, your reasons make sense, but deception is still deception, especially when it done because you left people out of pocket in the past.When a rogue trader changes names because everyone found out he ripped people off, does it make it right because he only did it since he knew no one would give him a chance if they knew?
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On a serious note, I just want to know two things.Do you feel that you were defrauding the public? Were you happy to do? (i.e. Never reveal your identity)

I wasn't defrauding the public. I never signed any legal documents in any name other than my own. Using an alias is common practice in the entertainment business. I can give you quite a substantial list of people who have done it.
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I still cant get on the site :angry:

I was quite amused by the roster page though. It says "All content is copyright of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd. 2007 and this website must not be produced, in full or in part, without the owner's permission. "Anarchy Pro Wrestling" and all logos associated with it are trademarks of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd"
I just checked with Companies House and there is no such company registered with them....http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/WebCHeck/findinfopage/JE
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It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.

Nearly missed this, this in no way evidences a response from the Skydome, it proves nothing, other than the fact that you have at least tried to get in touch with them. Even if everything you have said here is the truth, it does not change the fact that you should not be even attepting to run this show. You never did answer my question as to how many successful shows you'd ran.
I've acknowledged trying to run the dome was a mistake. I even acknowledged I'd taken the advice about not running it and was going to reschedule.
Yes, but your still trying to do it. You know it's the wrong thing to do, but your trying to do it anyway. How does that make it ok?

Success of a show is defined by what you hoped to gain from them. All I asked with the first three shows was that they happened. As far as I'm concerned, that was an achievement in itself, and a great learning experience.

You're deluded. If it was a learning experience you'd have learned not to do it again. You didn't pay, people, you didn't make money, you didn't draw fans. That is failure on every level. The show actually taking place in no way signifies success.
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As much as I enjoy a good witch hunt, it's time for me to burst your bubble. With evidence that my accusers seem reluctant to provide. I look forward to seeing it, by the way.First, I said I'd pay the workers who were owed, and as this photo proves, I'm making good on that promise:chequemarkbrownhill8107qx8.th.jpgThis is a banker's draft payable to Mark "Ronin" Brownhill. Which he has received and, presumably, banked.Len Davies & Alex Shane have no knowledge? Amnesia?alexshaneemailhl0.th.jpglendavieswp4.th.jpglendavies2ct3.th.jpgApparently. You'll note that last e-mail from Len was received 4 DAYS AGO.It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.Apparently, I imagined Charles Buchan. Sure does send a lot of e-mails for a figment of my imagination, doesn't he?charlesbuchantj5.th.jpgThat's just one page of three. You'll note that I recommended he read a book that I'd read as research to make sure I did things properly - "So, you want to be a wrestling promoter?" by Ric "The Equalizer" Drasin - which you can find on Amazon, HERENow, as for being too cowardly to go on the radio show... I was at home last night. My phone was next to me, very definitely switched on. I never received a call from Woody or anybody else connected with TME. Not at 7, or at any time that day.Now, I've provided evidence of all my business dealings AND disproved all of the false accusations made by Gary Graham, Moj, Alex Shane and Len Davies I'd appreciate the allegations posted under the pretense of being news or fact at BritWres and Wrestle-zone being removed. You'll appreciate that as a professional courtesy, I've not posted the e-mails in full.With reference to the people who said that Iceman and Darren Burridge had pulled out of any future dates with APW, I've heard nothing from either man and until I do, will consider them very much willing to be involved with any future shows, as they were willing to do when I last contacted them.Any questions can be e-mailed to me at anarchypromoter@googlemail.com

It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.

Nearly missed this, this in no way evidences a response from the Skydome, it proves nothing, other than the fact that you have at least tried to get in touch with them. Even if everything you have said here is the truth, it does not change the fact that you should not be even attepting to run this show. You never did answer my question as to how many successful shows you'd ran.
My point exactly. They showed no interest. If they did, why have they denied all knowledge of you?
Phone one of the WWE's venues on the next tour. Ask them who booked it. They won't tell you. I can assure you it's common practice for venues not to do so, certainly in my experience.

Apparently, I imagined Charles Buchan. Sure does send a lot of e-mails for a figment of my imagination, doesn't he?charlesbuchantj5.th.jpgThat's just one page of three. You'll note that I recommended he read a book that I'd read as research to make sure I did things properly - "So, you want to be a wrestling promoter?" by Ric "The Equalizer" Drasin - which you can find on Amazon, HERE

Every single one of those emails is from you. They all start "Hi Charles..."You haven't proven anything...(Unless you're talking about this Charles Buchan, in which case maybe someone should update the page to add a paragraph about him becoming a venture capitalist?)Anyway, good luck with your show.
That's the nature of googlemail. When you search for old e-mails, they always show the first in that 'conversation' - so If I sent the first e-mail, that's what it shows. I invite you to set up a googlemail account and try it for yourself.

As for Len and Alex saying they had no dealings wih me, that's like saying Eminem never had dealings with Reg Dwight, but he did with Elton John. It's splitting hairs.

It's totally different because people know who Reg Dwight is. Just because you proved you had spoken to them, does not mean they had knowledge of it. Yes, your reasons make sense, but deception is still deception, especially when it done because you left people out of pocket in the past.When a rogue trader changes names because everyone found out he ripped people off, does it make it right because he only did it since he knew no one would give him a chance if they knew?
I didn't do it because I'd left people out of pocket in the past. I genuinely wasn't aware people were still waiting on money. I did it because of the image of me that the internet fans have created for me, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
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Guest the_uk_fan

On a serious note, I just want to know two things.Do you feel that you were defrauding the public? Were you happy to do? (i.e. Never reveal your identity)

I wasn't defrauding the public. I never signed any legal documents in any name other than my own. Using an alias is common practice in the entertainment business. I can give you quite a substantial list of people who have done it.
Were you not intending to run a professional wrestling show, under a name not of your own, in the hope that people would feel it was a new person on the scene? Please don't excuse your mistakes by referring to people in the "entertainment business". You are not part of the "entertainment business". You are simply trying to be part of the "entertainment business". The best way to do that is to become part of it. You. Not 'Andrew Bailey'. Not 'Charles Buchan'. You.
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On a serious note, I just want to know two things.Do you feel that you were defrauding the public? Were you happy to do? (i.e. Never reveal your identity)

I wasn't defrauding the public. I never signed any legal documents in any name other than my own. Using an alias is common practice in the entertainment business. I can give you quite a substantial list of people who have done it.
In the entertainment business it's common for people to use a stage name. It's not common for them to use that to conduct business with the full knowledge that they are only doing it to avoid people knowing who they are.
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I still cant get on the site :angry:

I was quite amused by the roster page though. It says "All content is copyright of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd. 2007 and this website must not be produced, in full or in part, without the owner's permission. "Anarchy Pro Wrestling" and all logos associated with it are trademarks of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd"
I just checked with Companies House and there is no such company registered with them....http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/WebCHeck/findinfopage/JE
No, and that's my mistake. I built the site around October, the company should have been registered by now.

It's also been alleged I never contacted the SkyDome.johnnevillerj2.th.jpgYou'll note the first e-mail, dated 2/10, was requesting hiring information. You'll also note the most recent conversation, started on 11/12, references the held 16/6 date.

Nearly missed this, this in no way evidences a response from the Skydome, it proves nothing, other than the fact that you have at least tried to get in touch with them. Even if everything you have said here is the truth, it does not change the fact that you should not be even attepting to run this show. You never did answer my question as to how many successful shows you'd ran.
I've acknowledged trying to run the dome was a mistake. I even acknowledged I'd taken the advice about not running it and was going to reschedule.
Yes, but your still trying to do it. You know it's the wrong thing to do, but your trying to do it anyway. How does that make it ok?

Success of a show is defined by what you hoped to gain from them. All I asked with the first three shows was that they happened. As far as I'm concerned, that was an achievement in itself, and a great learning experience.

You're deluded. If it was a learning experience you'd have learned not to do it again. You didn't pay, people, you didn't make money, you didn't draw fans. That is failure on every level. The show actually taking place in no way signifies success.
I'm not still trying to do it. I said I was going to reschedule the show. Not for the same venue. Perhaps I made the wrong choice of lexis. I should have said 'relocate' - my bad.Why would I have learned not to run a show again? Everyone was paid on the night on the first and third shows. The second show I'm in the process of paying those who have come forward as not being paid not, which as far as I know at this time is ONE person.Te purpose of mistakes is to learn from them. Why learn to do something right, then not do it? Did you learn how to drive and never get behind the wheel of a car again? I mean, I assume that you didn't know how already on your first driving lesson.
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Guest That's Perfect

I still cant get on the site :angry:

I was quite amused by the roster page though. It says "All content is copyright of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd. 2007 and this website must not be produced, in full or in part, without the owner's permission. "Anarchy Pro Wrestling" and all logos associated with it are trademarks of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd"
I just checked with Companies House and there is no such company registered with them....http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/WebCHeck/findinfopage/JE
Haha! that is fantastic! If anyone has some spare cash floating about someone register Anarchy Pro Wrestling with Companies House and sue this dumb tool for illegal use of a named limited business.
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Look, whatever you say isn't going to stop him from attempting to run this show, so there is no point in trying to reason with him.

I repeat, for approximately the 400th time in this thread:I AM NOT STILL ATTEMPTING TO RUN THE SKYDOME. I AM RELOCATING THE SHOW.
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Phone one of the WWE's venues on the next tour. Ask them who booked it. They won't tell you. I can assure you it's common practice for venues not to do so, certainly in my experience.

Which of course is very vast. Agreed, they probably wouldn't tell you, but they would confirm if the venue was booked.


That's the nature of googlemail. When you search for old e-mails, they always show the first in that 'conversation' - so If I sent the first e-mail, that's what it shows. I invite you to set up a googlemail account and try it for yourself.

It doesn't matter whether it's the nature of google, it still doesn't actually show what you're tryig to show.


As for Len and Alex saying they had no dealings wih me, that's like saying Eminem never had dealings with Reg Dwight, but he did with Elton John. It's splitting hairs.

It's totally different because people know who Reg Dwight is. Just because you proved you had spoken to them, does not mean they had knowledge of it. Yes, your reasons make sense, but deception is still deception, especially when it done because you left people out of pocket in the past.


When a rogue trader changes names because everyone found out he ripped people off, does it make it right because he only did it since he knew no one would give him a chance if they knew?


I didn't do it because I'd left people out of pocket in the past. I genuinely wasn't aware people were still waiting on money. I did it because of the image of me that the internet fans have created for me, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

You did though. Your reputation not just on the internet, but in the lockeroom is a bad one, for reasons including not paying people, and not being able to run a show properly. Whether or not you knew until recently people were still waiting for payment, doesn't matter. The point is, they still left the venue that night without the money they should have, therefore your reputation was bad. You knew this and this is why you intentionally covered up your identity.

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I still cant get on the site :angry:

I was quite amused by the roster page though. It says "All content is copyright of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd. 2007 and this website must not be produced, in full or in part, without the owner's permission. "Anarchy Pro Wrestling" and all logos associated with it are trademarks of Anarchy Pro Wrestling Ltd"
I just checked with Companies House and there is no such company registered with them....http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/WebCHeck/findinfopage/JE
Haha! that is fantastic! If anyone has some spare cash floating about someone register Anarchy Pro Wrestling with Companies House and sue this dumb tool for illegal use of a named limited business.
And if they did, I'd change the name of the business, so what would they gain?
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