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Posted (edited)

Does 1PW have any assets to pay for it's debts?

I'd assume stock from 1-UP and whatever assets they have in terms of equipment used for the main shows. Other than that I am not too sure what they could or are allowed to take. Edited by Seismic
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This is very sad to hear that 1pw are no more. I've been to alot of there shows since the beginning and I cant fault any of them. Me and the Girls have enjoyed ourselves each and everytime we've made the trip up to Doncaster. Thank you Steven for all the memories you have given us like the awesome match between PAC and AJ Styles at the anniversary show and many more. Goodluck with what ever u decide to do in the future.

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[For every ounce of hatred you may have towards 1PW and Steve Gauntley, there also has to be an acknowledgement for how they have benefitted us as a UK fanbase.

No, there really doesn't have to be that acknowledgement. I'm not up on all the 1PW comings and goings, nor do I know much about Gauntley... But simply from having read the threads on here - a large amount of the resentment is bred precisely from the fact that people believe that the way he did business was in fact very bad for the UK fanbase.However, you seem to be just as biased as all the folk you're taking shots at, just with a pro- rather than an anti-1PW stance.
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First let me say I agree with Phil's sentiment that 1PW provided some matches that may otherwise not have been seen, that said...

1PW Fans I know that probably none of this makes sense to any of you right now.

The 1PW fanboys are probably the only ones who didn't see it coming, in fact they probably think all of this is Bagga's fault, however the rest of the world saw it coming a long time ago.

I want to assure everyone that one day in the future the entire and full story will be told, and I don


Its OK he will be back running under another company name in the next few weeks. I am not sure how true this is, but I was told Brian Dixon has went bankrupt a couple of times and bounced back.Unfortunatly in this case anyone who (none company) is fooked if 1PW owe them for tickets, DVD etc. You will never see your money again. Its a dirty way to write off debts, but seems like this was his plans from day 1. This is what he did with the origional ebay shop isn't it.?

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Posted (edited)

Shit the IRC works quick.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1PWThe question is...which promotion will be picked next as their focal point of hate?

You're entirely off the mark, the way Steven handled himself, he came off as unprofessional by dropped a few F bombs in his statements and told his "detractors" to go away (in a more profane manner), and one for pleasing the US Indy fans, maybe some think that why he formed 1PW, the guys he was booking to really be apart of the regular 1PW roster, i.e Corino, Abyss and so forth, had to have blown a huge hole in his wallet. And the one off appearances, i.e Bret Hart, Charlie Haas, Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage (Didnt hey pay Edited by Shockmaster

I work round the corner from the insolvers so nipped out for 5 min and managed to grab a minute with the man. He has advised that you email with the details of outstanding tickets and your details to the hotmail address.

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He is bound to be back under another name to serve his arse kissing fanboys.

and anyone who goes near him is a mug.
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My advice on getting your money back would be that if you bought your tickets with a credit card from 1up/1pw and you have insurance, get them to get your money back for you. It is what I have just done. HSBC don't fuck about.


My advice on getting your money back would be that if you bought your tickets with a credit card from 1up/1pw and you have insurance, get them to get your money back for you. It is what I have just done. HSBC don't fuck about.

I dunno if they use paypal, but if they do anyone purchased stuff via paypal and not recieved them get in touch with paypal...
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