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Guest Refuse Matt M

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Couldn't finish the third book in the Millenium series (The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest). I just found myself forcing myself to read them, and I don't know, I wish it didn't have the hype. I mean they were OK books, but they certainly didn't blow me away. Might have read them in the wrong frame of mind. My nan assures me I couldn't appreciate the heroine because I'm a man. Fair enough. I shall give it another shot soon.


Anyway, I was in the library and just saw I Am Legend poking out so decided to give it a quick read as it's only about 180 pages. Wonderful book I thought, really ahead of it's time with the whole post apocalyptic theme and it's involvement of science, but wonderfully aged with the garlic and vampiric theme. I read it in a day or two and really enjoyed the internal monologue as the scientist battled with himself more than the demons outside. The whole lone man and end of the world thing has always fascinated me so much more than the Zombies themselves.


Inspired me to watch The Last Man On Earth which was intersting if a rather drab adaptation. Full blown 70's garbage with Omega Man to be watched next!

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I've been meaning to watch the Omega Man for ages now. I've been listening to the soundtrack for a few years beacause it's great, and Gladstone tells me that the film is worth a watch. I've downloaded it and it's just been sat on my hard drive staring back at me for months.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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  • 1 month later...

Is anyone else reading the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson? It's one of those mighty, 1000-page per novel fantasy series.


Anyway, it's dead good but because I only read one of them a year, I've run into a problem. I can't remember who most of the hundreds of characters are, why they are where they are, and what they're ultimately hoping to achieve. The whole thing is waay to large, basically, with too many subplots and story arcs all rolled into one.


Anyone else reading this series, and suffering the same problem?

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I found that too, especially with that series.


I am a big believer in a character list at the front of a book. The first fantasy book I ever read (Raymond E Feist's, Shadow of a Dark Queen) had one and I maintain it made the introduction into that genre so much easier.

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Just finished the last book of the Hunger Games - it was pretty good. Fucking depressing, though.


I'm going to go dig into the submissions pile in the sci fi department, and see what I can grab.


I have read the first two, still haven't got around to the third! I'be been making my way through The Terror by Dan Simmons


Do you work in a Publishers Rosegarden? If you don't mind me asking what do you do exactly?

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Just finished the last book of the Hunger Games - it was pretty good. Fucking depressing, though.


I'm going to go dig into the submissions pile in the sci fi department, and see what I can grab.


I have read the first two, still haven't got around to the third! I'be been making my way through The Terror by Dan Simmons


Do you work in a Publishers Rosegarden? If you don't mind me asking what do you do exactly?


Feh, publishers. I used to work in REAL publishing, for Serpent's Tail, and then in distribution for Turnaround Distributors. However, I'm mainly in production, and when I emigrated I went with the first job I could get, for Dell Publishing. I work in the puzzles department, typesetting magazines and editing puzzles, but we have some extremely long running sci fi and crime titles (Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen, and Analog and Azimov), so we have a snow drift of almost unreadable fantasy, sci fi, and horror books - I tend to sift out the best horror mainly, and read that for my own personal edification. It is interesting, however, when I go through the crime section and find the US editions of books I typeset in my moonlighting job as a freelance typesetter for some UK companies.

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  • 1 month later...
Waiting for Zodiac by Robert Graysmith to arrive from Amazon. I LOVE the Fincher film and watched two docs on the case but fancied picking this up to go through to get back into reading. Not a big crime fan but this case really piques my interest.


Yup there was a brief period in my life where I became obsessed! After the film I devoured everything Zodiac, the books is class too, there isn't anything about Graysmiths obsessions/personal life in it or whatever but its just a straight up well written account of his investigation! Bet you'll read it in a few days too!

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  • 7 months later...
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It's not exactly highbrow literature but my brother gave me "Total Recall" -Arnold Schwarzennegger's autobiography for Christmas and I'm about a third of the way through, I grew up like lots of guys my age -with Arnie as a hero, and a handful of his films are still in my all time favourites.


It's been fascinating so far, he hasn't broken into movies yet but he's elevated the whole sport of bodybuilding and become the biggest star it's seen. He's turned down the chance to run lucrative bodybuilding businesses in order to continue raising his profile til he's a household name. He was pretty much an animal when he left Austria at 19 too, he didn't know how to use a knife and fork properly, he had no manners whatsoever and bizarrely he admits that until he got to the US he didn't know how to show emotion. This is the part of his life I'm least interested in but it's really interesting, I can't wait to get further in, there's a whole chapter called "The Terminator".

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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He's had so much plastic surgery now, Arnie, it's sad. He looks like a lorry just drove past.


I reckon he'd look fine, craggy and distinguished, if he hadn't gone this route. I can't imagine ever getting cosmetic surgery.

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I've heard nothing but good reviews of that book now.. I've had it sat around but still not got on to it yet due to other reading priorities. Excited to read it though.


It's definitely written by Arnie too, he may have narrated to someone editing it for him but it's in his voice no doubt, he's slightly un PC a couple of times in an unpolished way and uses some strange turns of phrase a ghost writer wouldn't have written. Thoroughly entertaining, get on it Chest.

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