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It's not really a first date kinda setting is it..


Haha no not really (It's someone i know and been pretty close with for a while)...just hate the awkwardness of being single at a wedding reception!


Ha. Well I guess it depends on if everyone there is going to be coupled up our not...? Even that shouldn't matter though if you've got enough good mates going.


Basically everyone i know going is coupled up. Just not a fan of being the odd one out...I get along with everyone so easily so that's not a problem at all. Just be nice to go, and be like everyone else if that makes sense?

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You still won't be in a couple though. And the person you're bringing along.. do they know everyone else? Because if not you'll just have to worry about them having a good time and you will have a worse time time than you would have on your own.


No they don't...you've made some great points and has helped make up my mind for me! God this place is good for advice...appreciate your help Chest!

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A guy I knew in Canada had a Nintendo Wii with every NES and SNES game on it's hard drive, it was amazing, I'd love to have access to all those old games but I'm not much of a gamer and I'm competely clueless about emulators and stuff, is anything similar possible on the X box 360 (which I have)? If not is the thing with the Wii common? I'd like one but don't know where or how to look. I can't do it on my Computer because I only have a macbook and I'd rather play it on my TV. Cheers if anyone can help.

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For anyone with a Chromecast, are you able to cast the Sky Go app from your phone/tablet? And are there any restrictions as to what you can and cannot cast?




Yes, there are.


It's a case of "nearly great" as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't actually do what you expect, i.e mirror what's on your browser. What it actually does it start a new connection to that webpage.


This means that if you're using a DNS service to access US content on your computer, it won't cast that to the Chromecast. So for example I can't cast US Netflix using Hulu, which was the main reason I bought it. And some movie players, particularly Silverlight, don't work at all or don't work properly, no audio etc. Some sites have plugins that fix this (like Netflix for example), so I think it's a case of it slowly becoming more universal.


Other disadvantages are that it does't draw power from the HDMI so you actually have to plug it into a USB port as well with a cable (they don't show that in the ads!) And there's no outputs, so you can't take audio out to an amp for e.g.


You get the feeling that it's a stopgap - the next gen of tellies will have casting built-in or standalone apps for every video service. For 30 quid it's worthwhile, but just be aware that it's not as simple as advertised - so check SkyGo does actually work before you buy.

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Glasgow question for Glasgow folks!


I'm going to be doing some work up in Glasgow over the coming weeks. I'm also in training for a climbing trip to France in July.


I am staying at the Swallow Hotel and intend to use The Climbing Academy facility as per this map.


What's this part of town like? Obviously I'll make a judgement when I get there but having never been and not being a local it seems sensible to ask. Will I be fine walking through that park late in the evening or should I walk around it?


Also looking for any other Glasgow tips!


The office I'll be going to is near Atlantic Quay. What's the public transport like in Glasgow? Or should I just get cabs? I won't have to pay for them, but it is a pain in the arse filling out expenses.

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Glasgow question for Glasgow folks!...


The Swallow hotel falls roughly mid-way between Ibrox and Cessnock Subway stations, so I would recommend them over all else - the tubes are great. Unfortunately they don't really help you for PQ so you're probably better off walking.


Paisley Road West, that the hotel is on, is well served by buses but again don't really help for PQ. To go into town, First Bus numbers 9, 9A and 10 will take you right into the city centre. McGills buses also run the 36 and 38 which go right past your door, but I'd probably avoid them as they have an air of Variety-Club-Sunshine-Coach-Full-Of-Dribblers about them.


The area is ok, quite a few pubs so you will get a bunch of drunks later on. What am I saying? It's Glasgow; you'll get a bunch of drunks regardless.


Depending on your free time; I'd recommend;


Kelvingrove Art Galleries (Kelvinhall Subway station)

The West End is generally pretty cool; Byres Road, Ashton Lane, and the botanic gardens (Hiillhead subway station for all)

Gallery of Modern Art/The Lighthouse (either Buchanan St or St Enochs subway stations, you're roughly halfway between the two)

The Arches (St Enochs subway station)

The Stand comedy club (Kelvinbridge subway station)

The Merchant City is quite cool (again, St Enochs is the closest with a walk down Argyle St)

The Art School is good but not sure what state it's in after the fire a few weeks ago (Cowcaddens subway is probably closest)

The 13th Note (St Enochs, again)

Nice "N" Sleazy on (Buchanan St or Cowcaddens subways are closest, but a bit of a walk along Sauchiehall St - probably better with a train to Charing Cross station)


Glasgow Comic-Con is on at the CCA on Sauchiehall St (Cowcaddens subway station) 5th and 6th July - ask for directions to Sausage Roll Street; that seems to be the way your meant to ask, to get the pronunciation right.


Hope that helps, I may be way off what you're looking for but feel free to message me and I'll do my best. That sounded a bit drug dealer-y.

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Glasgow question for Glasgow folks!


I used to live down that way a few years back. It's a very multicultural part of town. Glasgow is generally a safe place, but it just so happens you've been put up in Govan, which is fine, but just not at night. As Wideload mentioned, the Subway is the easiest to get around. The best thing to do would be to get the Subway from Cessnock to St Enoch's station, then walk for about 5 minutes, and you'll be at The Broomielaw, which is where your offices are. I would just suggest having a walk around the City Centre and the West End, which is served by the underground as well. You could also take the Subway from Cessnock to the climbing place as well, as Kinning Park station is right beside it. Enjoy your stay!

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Is the original dialogue in anime and Japanese computer games appallingly clunky, or is it just the translations? I've just started watching Attack On Titan and ninety seconds in, I'm struggling. I'm always struck by how everything from that part of the world seems written for the comprehension level of a five year old, no matter what the tentacles are doing. And I don't know whether that's because every single company that does the translating goes into business for themselves every single time, or whether the Japanese are just more forgiving of very bad writing and have more of a culture of shit expository dialogue.

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Watch out for that homeless facility on Paisley Road West, Chest. It's next to the Quay Shopping Plaza and across the road from that Harry Ramsdens. A shocking place to put it. Stay away from there. Hanging out the windows throwing stuff etc.


Whole of Kinning Park is grim looking, but I wouldn't say it was particularly dangerous. Just a rundown industrial estate next to a motorway.


Some of my videos show Atlantic Quay. It's just a bunch of offices next to the River Clyde at the Broomielaw. Filled with hookers (both male and female) after about 8pm though.


Bloody hate the Glasgow Subway. Most overrated thing about Glasgow. It's always dangerously packed and the small stations simply are not fit for purpose these days. Pretty hairy down there. I remember making the mistake of going on the Subway when Rangers were playing at home (stadium is next to Ibrox Subway) and thinking I'm going to die here. A few people have topped themselves at Cessnock Station this year.


Only place I've ever been worried for my personal safety in Glasgow was in Possil and that's miles away from where you want to go. You'll be safe.

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Cheers for all the responses guys! I'll not get a chance to take in any of the cultural recommendations this week but will try to over the coming months.


I am here now in the Swallow hotel.. It is incredibly old and not really up to scratch, but it is clean and the staff are very friendly!


Will wander down to the climbing place shortly and see if I can spot somewhere to have dinner at the same time.

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