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I've not played a pinball machine for years. How much would it cost to actually purchase one of your own? Curiosity of course. :D

Massively varies - I was on the cusp of getting a Star Wars (Data East 1992) table for my old office, sneaking it in as part of their recreation time initiative, but they realized it might be a bit loud. That one was going to cost
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I've not played a pinball machine for years. How much would it cost to actually purchase one of your own? Curiosity of course. :D

Prices vary massively depending on the age, condition and rarity of the machine (like most things really).Cheap your looking at a few hundred, quality your looking at a few grand. They also require high amounts of maintenance and spare parts (flippers, bumpers, spinners etc), as these all wear out over time. I know someone who used to own one and he spent as much time fixing it as he did playing it.Get yourself to Play Expo in Manchester later this year, last year they had over 100 tables all on free play :D
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Get yourself to Play Expo in Manchester later this year, last year they had over 100 tables all on free play :D

Lot more planned for this year by all accounts :pAlso Chilli, Lass o Gowrie/Brewdog In Mancs both have Pinball tables set up. Lass is Terminator 3 and Brewdog was Judge Dredd last time I was in there.You may also want to look at PinMame, which is as close as you are going to get on a computer to recreating the experience.
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My computer has never handled PinMame too well, because it's shit (my PC, that is - it's so broken that I can't even get my own pinball table aspirations off the ground), but I've had a lot of fun playing the old tables on Pinball Arcade on the xBox 360. There is some sort of issue blocking the slew of added tables on the 360, but they're available on most other platforms, and the emulation is superb. Theater of Magic is probably my favorite table available for the xBox, or possibly Monster Bash, but Bride of Pinbot is just as easy as it was in the arcade.

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Is there a simple way to collect fund raising for charity on-line?


The charity I'm looking to support with an activity isn't massive and I can't find them on just giving, and what I would really like to do is raise money to donate to the local branch of my charity to ring fence for my local community rather than it go into a pot for the whole west Midlands, which I know they can do if I walked in with the money and donated it.


Can any one help me out at all, as it's been a big black hole so far with my efforts.

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Yes aslong as you don't own a TMNT jacket or wallet or something that the public will see. Behind closed doors is fine.

Pretty sure I still have a TMNT wallet in a box somewhere... used to use it when I'd visit my mates for the summer as it was somewhere handy to throw the money solely for travel. Also meant a few months later when I found it again while cleaning out the room I'd always uncover a fiver or a tenner that I'd left in there and forgot about.
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