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There's no way you'd need 250GB unless you're going to pile loads of videos, mp3s, demos and downloaded content on there. If you're only going to use the memory to save games the same way you would a PS2 game, the 4GB model is fine. I'd recommend getting the 250GB model just to be on the safe side, but then my Xbox 360 hasn't been played since about a week after LA Noire came out and is full of shite I've downloaded and never touched, and I think mine's only the 20GB model.

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No chance you'll need 250GB unless you're storing music, videos and other downloaded things.


Yes. Pre-owned usually offer insurance from the bigger stores that sell them


Game.co.uk usually have very good deals with the console bundles, especially with the newer games. In store the deals are the same as online.

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1) Do I need 250GB?


Definitely not. I've had my Xbox since 2007 and I'm still getting by on my 20GB one, (although I've had to delete shit off a few times to make space). I'd class myself as a pretty big gamer as well, so it would probably be more than adequate for your needs.


2) Is any sort of 1 year warranty/breakdown cover generally included as standard with new consoles?


Yeah, every new Xbox sold comes with a one year warranty.


I don't know of any specific good deals for the console right now, but keep an eye out in the next few months, at this time of year there's usually a good few bundle deals where the console comes with the big games like Fifa/Call of Duty/or whatever.

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Does anyone know any websites that do canvas photo pictures for cheap?


Thinking of getting a photo of all of the grandkids and having it made into a canvass for my nannan as a present. Ive seached through Google and theyre all coming up at around

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I think the worth of joining a Union depends a lot on where you work. I work in a high school and have joined the Union, anyone that works in this setting and is not in a Union would be taking a huge risk as due to the nature of the job we are vulnerable to accusations. Do I feel like the Union do a lot? Not really but its still worth the

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Yeah my little sister works for our local council and she joined the union. To be fair they were great for her because she originally got the job through an agency (Pertemps or one of them) a couple of years ago and her employer was messing her about and taking the piss. They wouldn't give her a proper contract which meant they could a) fuck about with her hours and b) sack her anytime without notice. The union got her a proper contract sorted, better more consistent hours and a payrise.

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