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Egg Shen

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I actually like GAD. He's quite good when he's on Boxing Matters on Boxnation. I'm not up to speed on his MMA stuff though. Beautiful mane on it as well.



Only if you're going as 'Operation Yewtree' to a fancy dress party.

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Absolute war between Eubank & Blackwell tonight. Blackwell was doing well but Eubank started hitting those uppercuts and started edging the fight. Eubank caught Blackwell and his nose went. For about 6 rounds his corner were trying to stem the blood but it would go again 10 seconds into the next round. Blackwell had a massive goose-egg on his forehead which forced his eye shut. The doctor stopped the fight in the 10th round. Not sure what happened to Blackwell but they said he left on a stretcher with oxygen and he's still getting treatment. Eubank was acting the idiot mid fight when he had Blackwell on the ropes, he would walk away and start gesticulating at Billy Joe Saunders & Tyson Fury who were ringside. Saunders made a prat of himself as ringside pundit. He pretty much shat on every thing Eubank did and expected Blackwell to win. Then spent the rest of the time post fight moaning about how crap Eubank is as a boxer and he didn't get enough credit becoming a world champion. It doesn't look like the Hughie Fury fight is going to happen because of Blackwell getting hurt.


Brook/Bizier over already. Brook done him in two rounds. Bizier's body language pre-fight showed he would rather be anywhere else. Brook really needs to be tested against a top level welterweight..

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Loved Eubank vs Blackwell. Shame about the ending though, hopefully Blackwell's OK and the stretcher/oxygen was just a precaution like they suggested after. Great fight regardless. Blackwell was granite tough, I was wincing on his behalf at some of those uppercuts. And Eubank is so exciting to watch. Say what you want about his personality, showboating, cockiness etc but one thing he's never is boring. People will always compare him to his dad but Jr is way more exciting to watch, on a consistent basis, than his old man ever was. Eubank Sr is looked back at with the benefit of rose tints now but, aside from a few notable exceptions, he was far from an exciting fighter. For every Benn 1, Watson 2 or Calzaghe he'd have five dull as fuck stinkers where he'd do the absolute bare minimum and coast to decisions against much lesser opposition. Eubank Jr, for all his faults, always goes for the kill. He mightn't always get the big finish but it's never for lack of trying. In fact, sometimes I think he goes too far the other way and his maybe too desperate to finish some fights, and then when he fails to finish, that's where you see him slowing down towards the end of rounds because he's shot his load and has to regroup.


Eubank was acting the idiot mid fight when he had Blackwell on the ropes, he would walk away and start gesticulating at Billy Joe Saunders & Tyson Fury who were ringside

This is what I was getting at above. The stupid shit like that. I think Eubank does this stuff when he's tired because he's trying to buy himself some time to catch a breather after throwing a bunch of power punches and not managing to finish.


And yeah, Saunders is a cunt. Just a meatheaded fucking cretin. It's one thing him calling Eubank a prick or whatever, but when he keeps saying Eubank's a shit boxer and stuff, I scratch my head. Eubank is one of Saunders' biggest career wins to date. By calling him a shit fighter, when everyone knows he isn't, all you're doing is making yourself look a twat and diminishing your win over him in the process. I'm not saying he should be singing Eubank's praises but he could easily rip into him without acting like he's some jobber and minimising his own win over him. Especially when that shit fighter gave you a very competitive 12 rounds. If he's shit then Saunders should've surely walked through him. Saunders is a proper knob. I hope he gets fed to GGG one day, I really do. He truly deserves that utter thrashing.

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Robert Smith, general secretary of the British Boxing Board of Control, told The Telegraph last night that Blackwell “had immediately received a scan in hospital, where it was discovered that he had suffered a small bleed on his brain, and medical experts were taking full care of him and would make a decision on whether to operate”.




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Robert Smith, general secretary of the British Boxing Board of Control, told The Telegraph last night that Blackwell “had immediately received a scan in hospital, where it was discovered that he had suffered a small bleed on his brain, and medical experts were taking full care of him and would make a decision on whether to operate”.







PS: It's by GAD. Find an alternative article so he dont get no ad rev :p

Edited by seanz25
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It appears that GAD might have it slightly wrong. Or perhaps Robert Smith who he quoted. Reports are coming out that it's a small bleed on the skull, not the brain. 


My knowledge on brain injuries is non-existent. So I can only say that I hope for the best. Dreadful end to a cracking fight. 

Edited by jimufctna24
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Not having that pop at Chris Eubank on the previous page. He had several quality fights other than the ones mentioned. Him vs Henry Wharton is one of my favourite domestic tussles, for example. The Thompson fights were fun enough, there's a decent bout with Sugar Boy Malinga, I remember enjoying him vs Gary Stretch. And hat's just off the top of my head.

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A huge mess on Ch 5, didn't really have much info at all - Turns out the Hughie Fury fight took place during the broadcast, they just didn't show it. V weird.

I was kind of annoyed but Im guessing it was simply because they didnt want to be disrespevtful if Blackwell is in serious trouble. Its sad to think this may be his last fight.

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